The Offensive Thread...

Marine jokes? Thats the best you got chump change (your new name hence forth)? Listen up you swiss pole smoker, I don't know what kind of stupidity you're used to exhibiting, but that aint gonna cut it cock bag. Hell I'm debating the merits of even acknowledging your leaky-fucking-cunt like reply. Do better next time you god damned piss drinking cum bucket.

However, if you were successful, I would have to give you +15 points for it.

Okay I will try again...found a picture of Damo converting to Buddaism as a tike (the first attempt) he made it on his second attempt as a adult... he learned to eat his veggies!...he thought he took the wrong turn and started crying as he thought he entered the wrong temple and was getting a circumcision... Buddah.jpg
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Marine jokes? Thats the best you got chump change (your new name hence forth)? Listen up you swiss pole smoker, I don't know what kind of stupidity you're used to exhibiting, but that aint gonna cut it cock bag. Hell I'm debating the merits of even acknowledging your leaky-fucking-cunt like reply. Do better next time you god damned piss drinking cum bucket.

and here we all thoughtyou were one of the proud and few...ya talk like a sailor!
Marine jokes? Thats the best you got chump change (your new name hence forth)? Listen up you swiss pole smoker, I don't know what kind of stupidity you're used to exhibiting, but that aint gonna cut it cock bag. Hell I'm debating the merits of even acknowledging your leaky-fucking-cunt like reply. Do better next time you god damned piss drinking cum bucket.
Seriously? This is it? Wow. My Company Commander in Boot Camp would have put that to shame...

Just goes to show that there is a reason we join the Navy... Spending all that time guarding empty rooms on ships must take a bit away from your verbal acuity.
Okay I will try again...found a picture of Damo converting to Buddaism as a tike (the first attempt) he made it on his second attempt as a adult... he learned to eat his veggies!...he thought he took the wrong turn and started crying as he thought he entered the wrong temple and was getting a circumcision... Buddah.jpg
That is so awesome! If my kid was that chubby and happy I'd have taken the same picture!
Marine jokes? Thats the best you got chump change (your new name hence forth)? Listen up you swiss pole smoker, I don't know what kind of stupidity you're used to exhibiting, but that aint gonna cut it cock bag. Hell I'm debating the merits of even acknowledging your leaky-fucking-cunt like reply. Do better next time you god damned piss drinking cum bucket.

You cum-guzzling, cock-smoking, sperm-burping faggot! I thought they didn't allow gays in the military. We wouldn't want our countries finest to be sucking Iraqi dick. Maybe instead of getting your rocks off in Guantanamo Bay watching a bunch of camel jockeys have an orgy, you could have been sticking your needle-dick in the barrel of your gun, cause thats about the closest you'll ever get to pussy even if you were straight.

You cum-guzzling, cock-smoking, sperm-burping faggot! I thought they didn't allow gays in the military. We wouldn't want our countries finest to be sucking Iraqi dick. Maybe instead of getting your rocks off in Guantanamo Bay watching a bunch of camel jockeys have an orgy, you could have been sticking your needle-dick in the barrel of your gun, cause thats about the closest you'll ever get to pussy even if you were straight.

Y'all Navy/Marine dudes sure know how to address each other...or is that undress???:rolleyes:
Excuse me...........

I seem to have stumbled onto a gay porn chat thread, with the lefty Battleborne leading the homo brigade, why am I not surprised?

it was in jest...and you are the gay in the closet...fess up...we won't hate you!
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it was in jest...and you are the gay in the closet...fess up...we won't hate you!

Folks, can you believe that when the lefty Battleborne was caught with his hands in the brigade pants, he uses the "I know you are what am I" defense? It is easy to imagine him sitting there with a look of almost child like stupitity on his face, while he typed that? It as if these lefties are so pathetic, where it counts, upstairs, that it is almost animal cruelty for me to cyber skewere them with my mensa? Someone call Peta, because I cannot stop myself, it is my mean streak sorry?