The Offensive Thread...

Folks, can you believe that when the lefty Battleborne was caught with his hands in the brigade pants, he uses the "I know you are what am I" defense? It is easy to imagine him sitting there with a look of almost child like stupitity on his face, while he typed that? It as if these lefties are so pathetic, where it counts, upstairs, that it is almost animal cruelty for me to cyber skewere them with my mensa? Someone call Peta, because I cannot stop myself, it is my mean streak sorry?

I think that one deserves a +5 for creative funniness.

Folks, can you believe that when the lefty Battleborne was caught with his hands in the brigade pants, he uses the "I know you are what am I" defense? It is easy to imagine him sitting there with a look of almost child like stupitity on his face, while he typed that? It as if these lefties are so pathetic, where it counts, upstairs, that it is almost animal cruelty for me to cyber skewere them with my mensa? Someone call Peta, because I cannot stop myself, it is my mean streak sorry?

This from the 'mensa man'...who has imprints of doggies,superman and 'mensa' printed on his tighty whitees! He is so smart and cool that even Presidents fall to their knees...wonder when he will find his way outta the closet...after all he claims to have a really high IQ and all...he was even jealous when damo said welcome to wcgrouch...what a guy folks!
lol...bite me deedee...go play with your little peepee in the teepee with rjjj!

Did you just use the word 'peepee'? lol.... RJS gets another +5 for making BB say 'peepee' in a jealous cry to DD. That'll teach you to use such foul language. Now go wash your mouth out with soap so its clean when Billy sticks his 'peepee' in. Support our troops and suck a dick!
Folks, can you believe that when the lefty Battleborne was caught with his hands in the brigade pants, he uses the "I know you are what am I" defense? It is easy to imagine him sitting there with a look of almost child like stupitity on his face, while he typed that? It as if these lefties are so pathetic, where it counts, upstairs, that it is almost animal cruelty for me to cyber skewere them with my mensa? Someone call Peta, because I cannot stop myself, it is my mean streak sorry?

In response to this I turned to the only other great revolutionary pirate the world has to offer:


Did you just use the word 'peepee'? lol.... RJS gets another +5 for making BB say 'peepee' in a jealous cry to DD. That'll teach you to use such foul language. Now go wash your mouth out with soap so its clean when Billy sticks his 'peepee' in. Support our troops and suck a dick!

Okee Dokee then...I will leave this thread to the perverted pros...I can't match your so called mensa wit...........:rolleyes: :cof1:
I dont work no motor pool. I'm a MP! Well ok not really I'm an augment. I'm an ammo tech back in the states.
MP's wear..........

I dont work no motor pool. I'm a MP! Well ok not really I'm an augment. I'm an ammo tech back in the states.

coveralls? Humm times have changed grease monkey...unless the pics ya posted are fake!:cof1:

addendum: Never mind I just noticed you said 'augmented' like the dudes and dudetts at abu grabass!
Flight suits actually. Vehical convoys use them because of their "flame retardent" properties. Cover-alls are blue.
Hereby knighted as the board ass inspector

however flight suits are referred to as coveralls also..VN era Cav Army dude here...hey blue it is for you...fits the demo

Battleborne you lefty fool, since the diaper don has already been crowned the board historian, I will make you the board ass inspector, as you have too many questions for every poster, most of which revolve around their pants? Do you find yourself barbequing a lot of sausage? Hot dogs? This poor kid in Iraq is probably only a young guy and here you are trying to get into his flight suit and coveralls? Doesn't he have enough to worry about what with you lefties trying to surrender and the A-rabs trying to put a stick of dynamite in his ass? This disgusting behavior on your part is right up there with the diaper don bragging about running around school yards in his all together, butt naked in other words?

Battleborne you lefty fool, since the diaper don has already been crowned the board historian, I will make you the board ass inspector, as you have too many questions for every poster, most of which revolve around their pants? Do you find yourself barbequing a lot of sausage? Hot dogs? This poor kid in Iraq is probably only a young guy and here you are trying to get into his flight suit and coveralls? Doesn't he have enough to worry about what with you lefties trying to surrender and the A-rabs trying to put a stick of dynamite in his ass? This disgusting behavior on your part is right up there with the diaper don bragging about running around school yards in his all together, butt naked in other words?

Are you babbling about now...other than the ususal nonsense nolo-contender BS! This so called kid is not a kid...he says he is a Marine...way above your stupid level...he deals with my diatribes pretty well...the same cannot be said of you...Mr.No join the fight...akin to Lt.Kerry I see...all BS hype ya are!
DW, you asked for it. I'm bringing out the heavy artillary:

A family walks into a talent agency. It's a father, mother, son, daughter and dog. The father says to the talent agent, "We have a really amazing act. You should represent us."

The agent says, "Sorry, I don't represent family acts. They're a little too cute."

The mother says, "Sir, if you just see our act, we know you would want to represent us."

The agent says, "OK. OK. I'll take a look."

Then the family goes and gets dressed in evening wear, and sit down to a nice family dinner. The mother then looks at the father and say "I'm having sex with George". The father then smashes the table in. The mother stands up, showing her rather veluptous buttocks. Then the father screams "DAMN your ass is hot!" and starts humping her ass, right in front of the children, until he comes, all the while smiling at the talent agent.

Then the mother whispers to the children "Come on, you're turn". So the children take off their clothes, and the brother then starts making love to his sister in her ass, and fisting her up her vagina. This is of course an unconfortable time, and it just so happens that she has her first period at this time. So she drips menstrual blood all over the brother. At this time the brother has the bright idea to get down and lick it up, looking rather happy as he performs these three actions at once.

Of course, the father then wants to get back into the show, so he goes over to the daughter, unzips his penis, which is revealed to be lined with all sorts of disgusting, fibrous tumors. She laughs, and then his daughter begins blowing him.

Then son then goes over, brings out a knife, and he screams "You bastard! I love her!", and he castrates him as he's being blown. The father is slightly surprised by this, so he gets out a needle and injects heroine into his son to calm his nerves. The son apologizes, then takes his fathers castrated balls and sticks them in his sisters mouth. She begins blowing her father again.

The mother, feeling left out, goes over and fucks the dog.

Then the father comes, once again (an amazing feat, being that he has just been castrated) and he goes backstage. He comes back with a cross. He nails his barely breathing daughter to the cross, and proceeds to eat her out. After a while she reaches orgasm, and he stops, and then demands that his son proceed with the act. He beats them with a whip while they do this horrendous, vile act, and laughs like a slave master, all the while staring at the audience like a showsman.

Then, as the daughter is dying, the mother stops fucking the dog and brings out the bible, the book of moromn, the quaran, the torah, and "the descent of man" by Darwin. As she is dying, she shits on this, with a horrible shit consisting of all kinds of irregularaly shaped objects. The father then turns around and smiles at the talent agent.

They get their daughter down, and she goes off in a corner and starts crying. This is somewhat understandable, since she's just be deflowerd, raped, cruciffied, and forced to insult a vast majority of the worlds population all in the last five minutes.

The father then goes over to his daughter, looks at her, and says "pussy". Then he brings out a hammer and smashes her head in. He proceeds to have sex with her dead body.

Then the brother propmtly puts his clothes back on, and brings out several black people. He says "these are our slaves"! And proceeds to beat them.

Then the mother starts acting out her impression of the victims of 9/11. "Ah~ We're dying!", smiling and laughing as she does this.

The father abrupty stops having sex with his daughters dead body, and promptly announces that he is disgusted with himself. Then he brings out the last official actor, who is his uncle, Hitler. He and Hitler proceed to line up Jews and shoot through them.

The mother and the brother then stop their actions. Aliens come down from mars, and shit on each of them a horrendous, disgusting green shit, and they proceed to have sex with the family, impregnate the mother, get a time machine out, go forward in time, get the baby from the mother in the future, go back in time, and then throat fuck the baby until it splits open, and then spread the remain over the family.

For the longest time, the agent just sits in silence. Finally, he manages, "That's a hell of an act. What do you call it?"

And the father says, "The Aristocrats!"

I'm fine if none of you ever want to talk to me again.
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umm that might be considered kiddie porn and illegal Damo....
You ever see the movie based on that joke? It is comedian, after comedian telling this one joke. One of the worst that I ever heard was Bob Sagit of "America's Funniest Home Videos" and "Full House" fame.