Sexy Beast!
Damn.... been a while since I had a REAL response. I concede to my elders.
Semper Fi!
Damn.... been a while since I had a REAL response. I concede to my elders.
Folks, can you believe that when the lefty Battleborne was caught with his hands in the brigade pants, he uses the "I know you are what am I" defense? It is easy to imagine him sitting there with a look of almost child like stupitity on his face, while he typed that? It as if these lefties are so pathetic, where it counts, upstairs, that it is almost animal cruelty for me to cyber skewere them with my mensa? Someone call Peta, because I cannot stop myself, it is my mean streak sorry?
Folks, can you believe that when the lefty Battleborne was caught with his hands in the brigade pants, he uses the "I know you are what am I" defense? It is easy to imagine him sitting there with a look of almost child like stupitity on his face, while he typed that? It as if these lefties are so pathetic, where it counts, upstairs, that it is almost animal cruelty for me to cyber skewere them with my mensa? Someone call Peta, because I cannot stop myself, it is my mean streak sorry?
I think that one deserves a +5 for creative funniness.
lol...bite me deedee...go play with your little peepee in the teepee with rjjj!
Folks, can you believe that when the lefty Battleborne was caught with his hands in the brigade pants, he uses the "I know you are what am I" defense? It is easy to imagine him sitting there with a look of almost child like stupitity on his face, while he typed that? It as if these lefties are so pathetic, where it counts, upstairs, that it is almost animal cruelty for me to cyber skewere them with my mensa? Someone call Peta, because I cannot stop myself, it is my mean streak sorry?
Did you just use the word 'peepee'? lol.... RJS gets another +5 for making BB say 'peepee' in a jealous cry to DD. That'll teach you to use such foul language. Now go wash your mouth out with soap so its clean when Billy sticks his 'peepee' in. Support our troops and suck a dick!
Okee Dokee then...I will leave this thread to the perverted pros...I can't match your so called mensa wit...........![]()
In response to this I turned to the only other great revolutionary pirate the world has to offer:
I dont work no motor pool. I'm a MP! Well ok not really I'm an augment. I'm an ammo tech back in the states.
Flight suits actually. Vehical convoys use them because of their "flame retardent" properties. Cover-alls are blue.
however flight suits are referred to as coveralls also..VN era Cav Army dude here...hey blue it is for you...fits the demo
Battleborne you lefty fool, since the diaper don has already been crowned the board historian, I will make you the board ass inspector, as you have too many questions for every poster, most of which revolve around their pants? Do you find yourself barbequing a lot of sausage? Hot dogs? This poor kid in Iraq is probably only a young guy and here you are trying to get into his flight suit and coveralls? Doesn't he have enough to worry about what with you lefties trying to surrender and the A-rabs trying to put a stick of dynamite in his ass? This disgusting behavior on your part is right up there with the diaper don bragging about running around school yards in his all together, butt naked in other words?
BB got fired from the motor pool for pouring chlorine in it.this from a lance corporal who works in the motor pool!![]()
You ever see the movie based on that joke? It is comedian, after comedian telling this one joke. One of the worst that I ever heard was Bob Sagit of "America's Funniest Home Videos" and "Full House" fame.umm that might be considered kiddie porn and illegal Damo....