## The Official Breaking Bad Thread ##

Major plot twist this week, when Hank gets a promotion. I think this is the element which will now allow for Walt to blow us all away with Alpha dominance... Imagine Walt telling Hank.. "I'm Heisenberg." Hank and Marie have accepted money from Walt, they are now implicit in his crimes, and this would destroy Hank's career, if it came out. I can see Walt being that bold... Hey Hank, I'm HIM! What now?

Meanwhile... Skyler isn't going to make it. The last few episodes, she is literally on the verge... her and Lydia both, but especially Skyler. I wonder if we can say, whenever someone starts yelling SHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUP at someone else, we can refer to that as "Going Skyler" now? I think Skyler may be dead by the time of the season opener 'tease' scene, where Walt is celebrating his next birthday. I just get that feeling. Perhaps Jr. is dead too? I keep thinking Jr. is Walt's truest weak spot. Sooner or later, he is going to be attacked there. Walt's getting a machine gun, so something went down.

Lots of little mysteries I can't figure out... Jessie's gf's little boy was poisoned by Lily of the Valley, and the plant on Walt's patio was LoV, when he was spinning his gun, end of last season, contemplating his next move, it kept landing on him, as if he were to kill himself(?) Then it landed on the LoV plant... This season, we have Walt on the sofa in the living room, across from the boy... the look he had... Did Walt have something to do with poisoning him? Did he do that to set up Gus, and gain Jesse's support? That's the impression I get.

It's odd the way they are going to do this "last season" because it's really not, it's two mini-seasons. We'll have to wait until next year to see how it all ends. I have been a fan since the start, but at first.. well... at first, when I heard about it--

Bryan Cranston was talking about it, and I thought he was doing a motion picture...and I thought the idea was great for that. Then I found out it was a TV series, and I thought... it's a dumb idea for a series. I couldn't imagine how you could 'glorify' meth cooking for an entire season of television, it just didn't make sense that would work. I could see a movie, tell the story... he did this for his family, got caught up and paid the price, wrap it all up in 2 1/2 hrs. So I started out not thinking it would fly as a series. Still, I always liked Cranston, and was interested to see him in this 'dramatic' type roll, and I watched. I got hooked. I can honestly say, this is the best television series I have ever watched, in terms of production, writing, acting, etc.
i'll post stuff later. been lazy. good stuff dixie. i didn't read it cause i dont want to spoil myself, but good effort
Major plot twist this week, when Hank gets a promotion. I think this is the element which will now allow for Walt to blow us all away with Alpha dominance... Imagine Walt telling Hank.. "I'm Heisenberg." Hank and Marie have accepted money from Walt, they are now implicit in his crimes, and this would destroy Hank's career, if it came out. I can see Walt being that bold... Hey Hank, I'm HIM! What now?

Hmmm... that's not how I read that promotion at all. The promotion takes the guy with the best nose for investigation and the one zeroed in on the scent (Hank himself), and sticks him behind a desk! To me, that means much of the heat will now be OFF of Walt.

Meanwhile... Skyler isn't going to make it. The last few episodes, she is literally on the verge... her and Lydia both, but especially Skyler.

I'm surprised she made it through this last episode. She's either going to off herself - or try to snuff Walt, that's my guess.
Hmmm... that's not how I read that promotion at all. The promotion takes the guy with the best nose for investigation and the one zeroed in on the scent (Hank himself), and sticks him behind a desk! To me, that means much of the heat will now be OFF of Walt.

I'm surprised she made it through this last episode. She's either going to off herself - or try to snuff Walt, that's my guess.

Hank is still going to track this case with great interest, probably handing it off to Gomez, but staying very apprised of the investigation. There will be the pressure to 'wrap it up' and I think that's when Hank will finally piece it all together, and Walt may be one step ahead (as usual). I can just see Walt confronting Hank and telling him straight up... I'm your guy, I'm Heisenberg... and you can't say a damn thing to anyone, because you took drug money, checkmate. In order for Hank to bring down Walt, he destroys his career? Interesting scenario if that plays out.

I don't see Skyler trying to off Walt, but I could see Skyler 'accidentally' chain smoking a Ricin cigarette. Something is about to happen big time with Walt Jr., Holly, and Skyler, I think. I am wondering about the drug cartel who Gus was dealing with, surely they didn't just fold their hand. Now that the 'product' is back on the street, they will know that Heisenberg still exists, and Game On. They might take out the family, which is why Walt is alone in the diner, getting a machine gun from Mike. Just a guess, really, trying to piece it all together.
Hank is still going to track this case with great interest, probably handing it off to Gomez, but staying very apprised of the investigation. There will be the pressure to 'wrap it up' and I think that's when Hank will finally piece it all together, and Walt may be one step ahead (as usual). I can just see Walt confronting Hank and telling him straight up... I'm your guy, I'm Heisenberg... and you can't say a damn thing to anyone, because you took drug money, checkmate. In order for Hank to bring down Walt, he destroys his career? Interesting scenario if that plays out.

I don't see Skyler trying to off Walt, but I could see Skyler 'accidentally' chain smoking a Ricin cigarette. Something is about to happen big time with Walt Jr., Holly, and Skyler, I think. I am wondering about the drug cartel who Gus was dealing with, surely they didn't just fold their hand. Now that the 'product' is back on the street, they will know that Heisenberg still exists, and Game On. They might take out the family, which is why Walt is alone in the diner, getting a machine gun from Mike. Just a guess, really, trying to piece it all together.

You forgot that Gus wiped out the Cartel members he was dealing with.
Hmmm... that's not how I read that promotion at all. The promotion takes the guy with the best nose for investigation and the one zeroed in on the scent (Hank himself), and sticks him behind a desk! To me, that means much of the heat will now be OFF of Walt.

I'm surprised she made it through this last episode. She's either going to off herself - or try to snuff Walt, that's my guess.
That or she will accept the situation and walk over to the dark side. She had that choice. She easily could have walked away but she opened that door her self. She's culpable now and far less of a sympathetic character.
He wiped out some, but I got the impression there was still a cartel. There has to be someone there handling the drug trade, right?
Not really. That was the point. Gus had wiped out the head of the Cartel by narking them out to the National Police. Then he poisoned his heir and all the capos essentially cutting off the head of the beast (cartel). The intent was for Gush to fill that vacuum and become head of the cartel but Walter screwed that all up by killing Gus. Now there's a power vacuum. So who's going to fill that Vacuum? Mike? Walter? The Corporate Lady (can't remember her name)? Jesse?

No, not Jessie....at least not yet. Walter just warned him about not overstepping his bounds. I'm fairly sure the next few episodes will center around Mike and Walter filling the power vacuum created by Gus's death. Somehow that will involve both the cartel and the amoral multinational corporation that was funding Guss. Obviously Walt aint happy about the legacy donations that ate so heavily into his cut. We're going to see a power play, either Mike or Walt will come out on top but they won't continue with the current power sharing of Mike managing the business and Walt managing the cook.

It should be interesting. Can Mike with his street smarts, experience and cunning outwit Walts genius? Can Walt outwit Mike without taking a bullet? Enquiring minds would like to know!
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I believe that Gus had stopped dealing with Mexico and was just working in the US.

He did kill that Don guy, and his henchmen, but I keep feeling there is still someone there who steps in his place or assumes that role.. the cartels didn't just stop dealing drugs because a boss got killed. There is also the Madigral thing... what is their connection to this? A lot of powerful players are in this game, and Gus being out of the picture, is going to open some curious avenues of opportunity, I think... maybe I am over-thinking this, but I see much more 'story' we don't expect or see coming. There is going to be some 'international' element Walt has to deal with sooner or later.
We're going to see a power play, either Mike or Walt will come out on top

Season opening teaser: Mike is delivering Walt a machine gun, which he has downloaded instructions from the web for Walt.... they must resolve whatever tensions are between them before it's all said and done, don't you think?

Again.... you seem to be thinking that Gus and Don being out of the picture, leaves only Walt, Mike, Jesse, etc... but I think there are some powerful players who have not been revealed as of yet, who may have other ideas of who fills the power void. Just sayin'
The idea to cook meth in houses that were being exterminated was brilliant. I wonder if that is something that has actually been tried? Not that I am condoning such a thing, just that it makes you wonder, what could police do about something like that in the real world? Ya know?
Season opening teaser: Mike is delivering Walt a machine gun, which he has downloaded instructions from the web for Walt.... they must resolve whatever tensions are between them before it's all said and done, don't you think?

Again.... you seem to be thinking that Gus and Don being out of the picture, leaves only Walt, Mike, Jesse, etc... but I think there are some powerful players who have not been revealed as of yet, who may have other ideas of who fills the power void. Just sayin'
That wasn't Mike who sold him the assault rifle. That was the same gun runner who sold him the illegal .38 in season 4.
The idea to cook meth in houses that were being exterminated was brilliant. I wonder if that is something that has actually been tried? Not that I am condoning such a thing, just that it makes you wonder, what could police do about something like that in the real world? Ya know?
Well, the DEA are consultants for this show sooo......
Oh man! They just killed a kid. That's seriously fucked up. Obviously Jessie didn't take that to well but they didn't show Walt's reaction to killing him.
Head shots tend to leave a pesky hole in the head, which he didn't appear to have when he hit the ground.

I'm with USF, you are assuming he is dead. Hell, with this show, for all we know this was a nightmare Jesse was having the night before, and next week, he wakes startled in a cold sweat. I'm still trying to comprehend how they just happened to know every little detail of what they had to do to steal the stuff, down to impact wrenches with the appropriate size sockets. It looked like a really complicated procedure, and they had been doing it for years. Maybe I am reading too much into this, but it seemed a little far-fetched. Of course, the magnet seemed that way too.