## The Official Breaking Bad Thread ##

Can you believe the size of Walt's balls in bugging Hank's office?

Next week's teaser has Skyler telling Marie that "if you knew the things I've done, you'd never speak to me again."

They are grooming Walt Jr. (Flynn) for something big.. I think he somehow becomes involved in 'the biz' ..probably by fluke, but he is going to be a key to the whole thing, when it's all said and done. I think Skyler is not long for this world, she is at a dangerous place right now, and no redemption in sight. She either offs herself, or she has to be killed to keep from compromising the operation.

Hank is starting to become suspicious of Walt's material extravagances. He has had this 'look' several times, like he momentarily thinks of Walt, being a chemist, etc... and it's like he pulls himself back from going there, because he just can't believe Walt would be Hiesenberg. That's what I see, anyway... it's like he's thought about it, but he can't believe it, so he keeps telling himself it must be someone else. Finding the bugs might be where it all clicks? Or maybe Jr. gives him something? Anyway... as usual, can't wait until next week to see what develops.
Head shots tend to leave a pesky hole in the head, which he didn't appear to have when he hit the ground.

I'm with USF, you are assuming he is dead. Hell, with this show, for all we know this was a nightmare Jesse was having the night before, and next week, he wakes startled in a cold sweat. I'm still trying to comprehend how they just happened to know every little detail of what they had to do to steal the stuff, down to impact wrenches with the appropriate size sockets. It looked like a really complicated procedure, and they had been doing it for years. Maybe I am reading too much into this, but it seemed a little far-fetched. Of course, the magnet seemed that way too.
NOt really. Walt and then Jessie are both sticklers for details. Walt has sweated the details far beyond what is needed to make a USP grade product that's being sold to street people who don't really care. So the fact that they would implement a plan this precise does not surprise me. Mike's a pro too.

Shooting the kid did. You guys do have a point in that I don't know for sure the kid is dead but I think he is. What was surprising about the shooting was up until that point Todd had come off an niave, innocent and inexperienced but then waved and smiled and shot the kid with out a second thought in cold blood. Todd has just become a real scary dude in my book.
There is one thing about the train robbery that was bogus as hell (it's also what's bogus about Walt's process). I got to thinking about it when I saw there were no DOT placards on the rail car.
NOt really. Walt and then Jessie are both sticklers for details. Walt has sweated the details far beyond what is needed to make a USP grade product that's being sold to street people who don't really care. So the fact that they would implement a plan this precise does not surprise me. Mike's a pro too.

Shooting the kid did. You guys do have a point in that I don't know for sure the kid is dead but I think he is. What was surprising about the shooting was up until that point Todd had come off an niave, innocent and inexperienced but then waved and smiled and shot the kid with out a second thought in cold blood. Todd has just become a real scary dude in my book.

I think that Tod's not long for this world.
This season, we have Walt on the sofa in the living room, across from the boy... the look he had... Did Walt have something to do with poisoning him? Did he do that to set up Gus, and gain Jesse's support? That's the impression I get.

ummm.. dixie. of course. this is the most obvious thing ever and it's basically beaten over your head at the end of season 4.

Jesse: brock was poisoned by the lily of the valley
*camera zooms in on the same plant at walts house

not to mention walt knew the kid wasn't poisoned by the ricin, that's why he goes over jesse's house episode two and plants it in the vacuum cleaner... and then puts it behind his light socket.
ummm.. dixie. of course. this is the most obvious thing ever and it's basically beaten over your head at the end of season 4.

Jesse: brock was poisoned by the lily of the valley
*camera zooms in on the same plant at walts house

not to mention walt knew the kid wasn't poisoned by the ricin, that's why he goes over jesse's house episode two and plants it in the vacuum cleaner... and then puts it behind his light socket.

yeah, I missed an episode or two from last season, and didn't catch what all happened there, and I have since become up to date.
If Jesse had any brains at all he'd pack up his shit, grab whatever cash he has and head for parts unknown to start a new life. All he'd have to do is stay low profile until Walt dies of cancer. Mike is old and has to much to lose, Walt wants to make mark beforehe dies. Jesse is in way over his head.
If Jesse had any brains at all he'd pack up his shit, grab whatever cash he has and head for parts unknown to start a new life. All he'd have to do is stay low profile until Walt dies of cancer. Mike is old and has to much to lose, Walt wants to make mark beforehe dies. Jesse is in way over his head.

Killing the kid was it for Jesse. I thought the scene in the tented house was brilliant, where Jesse is about to leave because he is so distraught, and Walt is whistling away like it's just another day at work. I think Jesse is done with it, and just looking to make the money from the mm they stole, and retire. He can't comprehend why Walt isn't doing the same thing. Why Mike doesn't shoot Walt in the head and dissolve his body, I don't know... I guess Jesse is saving his bacon again?

The one thing I picked up, don't know if anyone else caught it... Todd now has the one item that can tie them to the murder of the boy, the spider in the jar. I think this is KEY. Somehow, this will implicate him, and it all starts to unravel. They took such great care to destroy every ounce of evidence, even the surrounding dirt... but Todd keeps the spider? Too much coincidence there for it not to play a part in this... the little things, you know?
Killing the kid was it for Jesse. I thought the scene in the tented house was brilliant, where Jesse is about to leave because he is so distraught, and Walt is whistling away like it's just another day at work. I think Jesse is done with it, and just looking to make the money from the mm they stole, and retire. He can't comprehend why Walt isn't doing the same thing. Why Mike doesn't shoot Walt in the head and dissolve his body, I don't know... I guess Jesse is saving his bacon again?

The one thing I picked up, don't know if anyone else caught it... Todd now has the one item that can tie them to the murder of the boy, the spider in the jar. I think this is KEY. Somehow, this will implicate him, and it all starts to unravel. They took such great care to destroy every ounce of evidence, even the surrounding dirt... but Todd keeps the spider? Too much coincidence there for it not to play a part in this... the little things, you know?
Want to know something about the methylamine that kinda makes the story so much Hollywood BS?
Killing the kid was it for Jesse. I thought the scene in the tented house was brilliant, where Jesse is about to leave because he is so distraught, and Walt is whistling away like it's just another day at work. I think Jesse is done with it, and just looking to make the money from the mm they stole, and retire. He can't comprehend why Walt isn't doing the same thing. Why Mike doesn't shoot Walt in the head and dissolve his body, I don't know... I guess Jesse is saving his bacon again?

The one thing I picked up, don't know if anyone else caught it... Todd now has the one item that can tie them to the murder of the boy, the spider in the jar. I think this is KEY. Somehow, this will implicate him, and it all starts to unravel. They took such great care to destroy every ounce of evidence, even the surrounding dirt... but Todd keeps the spider? Too much coincidence there for it not to play a part in this... the little things, you know?
I think you forget that Walt hid the methylamine and without it Mike and Jesse have nothing.
Want to know something about the methylamine that kinda makes the story so much Hollywood BS?

My first thought is that raw methylamine would be so strong, they would have been overcome by the fumes, etc. when stealing it. Or at the very least, experienced some skin burns and reaction to exposure... I am just speculating, but that was my thoughts as I watched it.

I think you forget that Walt hid the methylamine and without it Mike and Jesse have nothing.

Yeah, but Mike would probably figure there aren't too many places to hide 1,000 gallons of methylamine, and being he has the background that he does, could probably figure out where to look. I'd say, the Car Wash is the most likely place it would be, wouldn't you?

But we know that Mike doesn't kill Walt, because he is around for his next birthday. I am just curious what his "we all win" plan is?
My first thought is that raw methylamine would be so strong, they would have been overcome by the fumes, etc. when stealing it. Or at the very least, experienced some skin burns and reaction to exposure... I am just speculating, but that was my thoughts as I watched it.

Yeah, but Mike would probably figure there aren't too many places to hide 1,000 gallons of methylamine, and being he has the background that he does, could probably figure out where to look. I'd say, the Car Wash is the most likely place it would be, wouldn't you?

But we know that Mike doesn't kill Walt, because he is around for his next birthday. I am just curious what his "we all win" plan is?
Well you're close. It's certainly corrosive. No, it's not a blue liquid. It's a colorless gas. Generally speaking it's sold in compressed gas cylinders. Like acetylene. So the blue liquid part is Hollywood BS though it is no BS that it can be used as a precursor to methamphetamine.
OK; the last episode for 2012 is done and where do the followers of this show think will happen in 2013, to end the shows run?


Mike is dead
His 9 cohorts and his lawyer is dead
Walt has a fucking ton of money (literally)
Jesse has been paid
Walt has said he's out of the business


Will Tod (the child killer) and his thug uncle, along with his two partners, be a problem?
Will his overseas distribution "partner" cause a scene, when she has no more product to ship?
Will Hank finally put 2 and 2 together with the WW connection, from the book in the bathroom?
Will Jesse avenge Mike, like Gus avenged the killing of his friend?
Will Saul "drop a dime", after finding out that Walt had Mike's lawyer snuffed?

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Remember, Walt is the master manipulator. Hank has finally had the "Ah Ha" moment. This is one part of the series that's been hard for me to believe. Walt's a PhD level chemist who drug manufacturing processes as a grad student. Now he's sick and hard up for money and Hank buys the gambling line of bs? That's one of the few parts of the show that wasn't credible. Be that as it may, Walt paid for Hanks rehab. Walt can ruin Hanks career. Will Hank tip Walt off that he knows Walt is Heisenberg? If he does that would spell doom for Walt but Hank would go down with the ship. Does Hank have the moral courage to do this? Walt also has another problem. As we know from our friends on Wall Street, there is no limit to greed. You can't just start up an operation like his, make a shit ton of money and then tell the principles involved "Ok, I got my shit ton of money. I'm walking away from it all now." It just doesn't work that way. So now Walt will have to worry about his Madrigal and "Say my name" partners and the DEA coming after his ass.

Walter White had gone down a remarkably dark path. From a grossly underachieving high school teacher and family man to bumbling bathtub meth manufacturer, to in over his head master meth cook, to a sociopathic master manipulator/criminal, to where he is now, a ruthless psychopathic leader of a new drug cartel bent on creating an empire. Then surprisingly he decides to drop his new found empire in order to reconcile with his family? Something is rotten in the state of Denmark and the only bet I'm making for Season 6 is that this is a charade and Walter has no intentions of humbly walking away from it all to become a regular joe again.