The Official Debate Championship Shit Talking Thread!


on indefiniate mod break
we have one for werewolf we might as well have one for the debate contest that is going to last more than a month O_o :good4u:
I discovered that we can still thank posts even though we can't post. :cool:

I think if WM could have responded to that last post by Mott he could have made a real solid point about how brain function relates to the beginning of human life era.
I believe judges decisions are in on the first debate but I have to make sure everything adds up O_O
Debate topic 9 -
I think my current avatar is the best - Grind
I think the previous avatar was the best - Liberty
i have a whole stable O_O

I discovered that we can still thank posts even though we can't post. :cool:

I think if WM could have responded to that last post by Mott he could have made a real solid point about how brain function relates to the beginning of human life era.
Not really, His argument was about brain function at birth.

Watermark did a great job as he had a really tough position to defend. I think he made two big mistakes though.

#1. He identified the biggest weakness of his own argument, that his position was arbitrary, and left it right up there for me like a hanging curve ball to bash.

#2. He actually agreed with me on my question by stating that human life begins at conception "genetically" but he never really did answer my question. He actually gave me the point and then tried to change the argument. I bet if he could answer my question all over again he wouldn't have done that.

Having said that, I think he did well as that question would have turned some of the other contestents into mumbling idiots, that was a viciously tough question I asked. He was on the right track by trying to change the paradigm of the debate when he answered my question but he should have never agreed with me.
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I think WM did a good job debating a tough topic and presenting an argument.

Atta boy, WM.
You had the easy job 15ppMoot. His position was basically indefensible. Liberals kill their young, not that there's anything wrong with that. :)
You had the easy job 15ppMoot. His position was basically indefensible. Liberals kill their young, not that there's anything wrong with that. :)

Mott had an easier argument to make, that is true 357MagSM. But his argument won because he presented it well, asked a tough question, and rebutted WM's argument.
Mott had an easier argument to make, that is true 357MagSM. But his argument won because he presented it well, asked a tough question, and rebutted WM's argument.
It didn't feel easy to me.

WM did one hell of a job of trying to define this debate from a differant point of view then I and he came pretty damned close to doing that and taking the advantage away from me. If the judges feel he did a good enough of a job of doing that then I darned well could have lost. I think WM had an excellent strategy, the question is, did he execute it well enough to win?
The winner of Debate #1 (Human Life begins at conception/Human Life begins at birth) is:

Mott the hoople

Well done to both. :good4u:
