The Official Debate Championship Shit Talking Thread!

there is still the debate among us judges if we should release how the vote went, our analysis, etc.

Part of me just likes the idea of of putting the winner out there and leaving it at that, but I can see why people may want to know how the votes went. I'm open to suggestions
there is still the debate among us judges if we should release how the vote went, our analysis, etc.

Part of me just likes the idea of of putting the winner out there and leaving it at that, but I can see why people may want to know how the votes went. I'm open to suggestions
I wouldn't mind knowing what the final score was. Other then that I think your deliberations should remain private.
i think at the end of the entire championship I will open up the judges forum for a few days so everyone can sift through what was being said about the various debates if they are interested.
On to the next one. I think Damo is going to have a far easier time of it then i did. WM almost pulled off a major upset. Damo, on the other hand, is going to crush Asshat.
Told you guys not to underestimate water. Where is the debate archived? The iPhone sucks for this sort of thing.
Told you guys not to underestimate water. Where is the debate archived? The iPhone sucks for this sort of thing.
I think his opening statement was better than mine. Mine was a dry list of bullet items that anyone could have pulled out of a biology text. I also think he formulated an excellent strategy. If it wasn't for a couple of mistakes he made WM could have beat me.

Though on the whole I think his opening statement was better then mine his comment "I believe that we should set birth as an arbitrary and conservative point for the beginning of human life." cost him dearly.
On to the next one. I think Damo is going to have a far easier time of it then i did. WM almost pulled off a major upset. Damo, on the other hand, is going to crush Asshat.

That would hardly have been a 'major' upset. Water can debate well when he chooses to. He simply prefers to be a spazzing emo.

Personally, I agree with you. He had the better opening overall, but the word arbitrary was a fatal mistake as it opened it up for your slippery slope rebuttal.

I think you did a good job answering his question and rebutting his argument. Which is why you likely won.
btw what's a hoople?
It's Bronx Slang for a streetwise character that's half bum and half con-artist. You've seen Hooples at college before. You know the guy who's a high school drop out with a line of shit a mile long who makes a living by exploiting overweight coeds or gets ahead in life with a complete lack of talent and motivation by marrying the bosses daughter. If you ever knew a guy who sold his GF's car to pay off his bookie, that's a Hoople. :)
I think his opening statement was better than mine. Mine was a dry list of bullet items that anyone could have pulled out of a biology text. I also think he formulated an excellent strategy. If it wasn't for a couple of mistakes he made WM could have beat me.

Though on the whole I think his opening statement was better then mine his comment "I believe that we should set birth as an arbitrary and conservative point for the beginning of human life." cost him dearly.

It didn't really matter that it's arbitrary. There are plenty of arbitrary points we set. Just because the age of consent is arbitrary doesn't meant there should be no age of consent. I should've just seen what you were going to do and preemptively rebutted you, since I wasn't going to be able to rebut your rebuttal, but I was running up on the word limit.

And you only won with the imposter judges set up by capitalists. I won the socialist debate, which is what truly matters.
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Of course I knew that putting it at birth made arguing a lot harder. Nothing developmentally important happens at birth. It's pretty much impossible to logically argue it from a standpoint of anything other than an arbitrary point. I don't really find arbitrariness where arbitrariness is necessary that horrifying, but I should've tried to see things from the viewpoint of an ignorant prole.
It didn't really matter that it's arbitrary. There are plenty of arbitrary points we set. Just because the age of consent is arbitrary doesn't meant there should be no age of consent. I should've just seen what you were going to do and preemptively rebutted you, since I wasn't going to be able to rebut your rebuttal, but I was running up on the word limit.

And you only won with the imposter judges set up by capitalists. I won the socialist debate, which is what truly matters.
yea, yea...and all conservatives must die. :pke: