The Official Debate Championship Shit Talking Thread!

I agree with you about the self labeling. I try to avoid it. I'm liberal on some issues, conservative on other, down the middle on some and accutely aware of how politicians LOVE to use these labels to manipulate the public. I think most of the hard core partisans of both stripes are some of the biggest dupes around.

To the extent I ever label myself, I prefer to think of myself as a radical, islamic, pan-scandinavian, socialistic-ishy liberal lefty.

There's a ton of garden variety rightwing goons on the various message boards of the internets. Surprisingly, I don't think there's that many real lefties.....I tip the hat to BAC and Zoom for being the standard-bearers of that genre. I think BAC probably thought I was a NeoCon because I voted for Gore instead of Nader. Ha!

The left-of-center posters probably look ultra-lefty to the rightwing goon squad because 30 years of Reaganomics and Religious social conservatism makes anything that's remotely progressive look vaguely communistic.

But, the whole self-labeling thing is pretty preposterous, as you implied. When you get right down to it, there's really only left of center and right of center. aka, those who want the rich to pay no taxes, and worship either guns or Jesus - and those who think some level of New Dealish public services is merited in a civilized country.

There really ain't no middle ground between those two broad ideologies. Anyone who claims to be a fence sitter, firmly ensconced the "midddle" is kidding themselves. There's really no "third way", broadly speaking.

Unless you count Obama's pan-african nationalism, which appears to have something to do with enslaving white people, and bringing Kenyan marxism to the U.S.
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I agree with you about the self labeling. I try to avoid it. I'm liberal on some issues, conservative on other, down the middle on some and accutely aware of how politicians LOVE to use these labels to manipulate the public. I think most of the hard core partisans of both stripes are some of the biggest dupes around.
Why not be honest with yourself and admit that you're a mamby-pamby lib?