The Official Debate Championship Shit Talking Thread!

You disagree with me politically, so you call me an ignorant jackass. Thanks for proving my point. :) called me a queer and a queer lover among other things and didn't repudiate ID for the wonderful things she said about my wife, so I called you an ignorant jackass. :-

you claiming the moral highground in the battle of who makes the most crude insults is fucking laughable....

like my sig...see, read it :)

WOW...the tool who watched a 90 minute documentary on pot and copied entire sections for use in his debate and even THEN only just barely beat USF wants to lecture others.

Only in America..
WOW...the tool who watched a 90 minute documentary on pot and copied entire sections for use in his debate and even THEN only just barely beat USF wants to lecture others.

Only in America..

pity....still the liar...i've never seen the video....that is the absolute truth....

the only portion i saw was about 2 minutes to make sure it was the same video you alleged i copied....

and of course, despite me creating a whole thread for you to humiliate me in the copying this video for my debate, you have yet to show what i copied from the video....i even posted the video for you....yet you can't show anything from my debate that i copied, let alone sections....i wonder why

and read my sig...its says it lied and i laughed
pity....still the liar...i've never seen the video....that is the absolute truth....

the only portion i saw was about 2 minutes to make sure it was the same video you alleged i copied....

and of course, despite me creating a whole thread for you to humiliate me in the copying this video for my debate, you have yet to show what i copied from the video....i even posted the video for you....yet you can't show anything from my debate that i copied, let alone sections....i wonder why

and read my sig...its says it lied and i laughed

Laugh it up...

I'd certainly expect some shyster lawyer who's used lying to get his clients off to take find statements taken out of context to be humorous.

Guess the original comments were just too lengthy for you to post, is that it?

Is that why you edited out the rest of both comments?

You should see if Breitbart's is hiring...they could probably use a shifty weasel like you to feed them more out of context garbage. Give them a call when you get back from chasing another got a real shot.

No, really you do.

...because he won't admit he's Solitary. :)

And?? I understand you are obsessed with me. I have grown accustomed to that.

But when you get all worked up about someone else lying, when you have lied on here and never owned up to it, I just have to laugh.
Umm Winter is a Libertarian like myself, Threedee, Yurt, and SF. You are not a centerist.
I most certainly am a centrist. Don't mistake my blistering attacks on the far right wing nut-o-sphere as advocacy of the leftwing nuts.

The only ones who ever accuse me of being of the left are those on the far right and most libertarians are on the far right. I'd hardly consider Winter a libertarian and he has never taken an extreme position on anything, well except maybe the oxymoronic named "Fair Tax".
I most certainly am a centrist. Don't mistake my blistering attacks on the far right wing nut-o-sphere as advocacy of the leftwing nuts.

The only ones who ever accuse me of being of the left are those on the far right and most libertarians are on the far right. I'd hardly consider Winter a libertarian and he has never taken an extreme position on anything, well except maybe the oxymoronic named "Fair Tax".

My ox is quite intelligent, thank you very much!
I most certainly am a centrist. Don't mistake my blistering attacks on the far right wing nut-o-sphere as advocacy of the leftwing nuts.

The only ones who ever accuse me of being of the left are those on the far right and most libertarians are on the far right. I'd hardly consider Winter a libertarian and he has never taken an extreme position on anything, well except maybe the oxymoronic named "Fair Tax".'re a treasonous blue-dog Democrat! (just kidding).

The great american past-time of self-labeling is pretty hilarious. But the only thing that really counts is what you think, what your write, and how you vote. There's tons of hilarious message boarders who parade around with the "independent" "moderate", or "libertarian" labels. But, there's actually a quantifiable way to tell what you are. Just take a look at your "thanks" list from other posters. If one is getting the overwhelming majority of "thanks" from self-identified republicans or right-leaning conservatives, you ain't independent or moderate. You're a righty. An "indepedent" libertarian, or "moderate" , would presumably get somewhere close to 50-50 "thanks" notifications.

I myself have been guilty of self-labeling. I thought I was your garden variety lefty liberal. Until I went message-boarding and was informed by a plethora of rightwingers that I was a communist, a terrorist-sympathizer, a "statist" (whatever the f that is)......and more recently, I've been informed by Dixie that I'm a muslim!

Well, I'm off to get my skull cap and prayer rug. Rap to you later!
I most certainly am a centrist. Don't mistake my blistering attacks on the far right wing nut-o-sphere as advocacy of the leftwing nuts.

The only ones who ever accuse me of being of the left are those on the far right and most libertarians are on the far right. I'd hardly consider Winter a libertarian and he has never taken an extreme position on anything, well except maybe the oxymoronic named "Fair Tax".

Libertarians are not on the far right. They represent the fundamental principles of American government, placing them in the center.
I most certainly am a centrist. Don't mistake my blistering attacks on the far right wing nut-o-sphere as advocacy of the leftwing nuts.

The only ones who ever accuse me of being of the left are those on the far right and most libertarians are on the far right. I'd hardly consider Winter a libertarian and he has never taken an extreme position on anything, well except maybe the oxymoronic named "Fair Tax".

strange how you never give these so called blistering attacks to the left :pke:
Libertarians are not on the far right. They represent the fundamental principles of American government, placing them in the center.
No. They may think what they represent is the fundamental principles of American government but like any others on the political fringe you are just being guilty of beliving something if you tell it to your self often enough.

What Libertarians treally represent are anarchy and inefective govermnet. That's why hardly anyone votes for them and why they are, outside of internet message boards, largely politically irrelevent and inafective.
strange how you never give these so called blistering attacks to the left :pke:
How many of the far left do you see on here? Desh? Canadian Kid? Who else? Don't try to tell me Skidmark is. He's just a troll who lives in his parents basement. There may be quite a few mainstream democrats who are left of center on here but show me where the leftwing nuts on here are? Now the right wing nuts like Webway, Tinhat, Dixie, Southernman, Bravo, etc, etc, abound.'re a treasonous blue-dog Democrat! (just kidding).

The great american past-time of self-labeling is pretty hilarious. But the only thing that really counts is what you think, what your write, and how you vote. There's tons of hilarious message boarders who parade around with the "independent" "moderate", or "libertarian" labels. But, there's actually a quantifiable way to tell what you are. Just take a look at your "thanks" list from other posters. If one is getting the overwhelming majority of "thanks" from self-identified republicans or right-leaning conservatives, you ain't independent or moderate. You're a righty. An "indepedent" libertarian, or "moderate" , would presumably get somewhere close to 50-50 "thanks" notifications.

I myself have been guilty of self-labeling. I thought I was your garden variety lefty liberal. Until I went message-boarding and was informed by a plethora of rightwingers that I was a communist, a terrorist-sympathizer, a "statist" (whatever the f that is)......and more recently, I've been informed by Dixie that I'm a muslim!

Well, I'm off to get my skull cap and prayer rug. Rap to you later!
I agree with you about the self labeling. I try to avoid it. I'm liberal on some issues, conservative on other, down the middle on some and accutely aware of how politicians LOVE to use these labels to manipulate the public. I think most of the hard core partisans of both stripes are some of the biggest dupes around.
How many of the far left do you see on here? Desh? Canadian Kid? Who else? Don't try to tell me Skidmark is. He's just a troll who lives in his parents basement. There may be quite a few mainstream democrats who are left of center on here but show me where the leftwing nuts on here are? Now the right wing nuts like Webway, Tinhat, Dixie, Southernman, Bravo, etc, etc, abound.

nigel, onceler on most issues, zappa, jarod, cypress, crashk...etc...

you never give them your "blistering attacks"....

you're far lefty dude...
No. They may think what they represent is the fundamental principles of American government but like any others on the political fringe you are just being guilty of beliving something if you tell it to your self often enough.

What Libertarians treally represent are anarchy and inefective govermnet. That's why hardly anyone votes for them and why they are, outside of internet message boards, largely politically irrelevent and inafective.

Libertarians most certainly do represent the fundamental principles of American government. If you were to be able to poll Adams, Madison, Jefferson, Franklin, Washington, et. al., they would side with the libertarians, and call both parties bastions of statists and tyrants. Hamilton was probably the closest to a modern partyman of any of them.

Few Americans vote libertarian today because few Americans believe in freedom anymore. The people are proles, and as such, they are willfully ignorant, clinging to the establishment, and most interested in physical security at any price (Homeland Sec., foreign wars, welfare, handouts, subsidies, etc.). Today's generations would never have thrown off such a benign and prosperous colonial power as the British. In 1776, Americans had the highest standard of living on Earth, and we would simply say thet increased British presence after 1763 was a necessary sacrifice, and do any and all things that we were told to do. The Enlightenment is over.