The Official Debate Championship Shit Talking Thread!

Question answered Zap.

To the judges, thank you for such latitudes with the time. I would have hated to win by technicality. I'd much rather WIN (hint hint) based on the merits of my argument.

Also I seem to have happened upon a couple hundred dollars in my coat pocket. Any ideas on what I should spend it on?
Man I'm glad I don't have to judge this one. That was one of the better debates so far. You both new your topic, presented it well, made compelling points and defended your views very well.
Question answered Zap.

To the judges, thank you for such latitudes with the time. I would have hated to win by technicality. I'd much rather WIN (hint hint) based on the merits of my argument.

Also I seem to have happened upon a couple hundred dollars in my coat pocket. Any ideas on what I should spend it on?
Buy your lovely wife a dozen red roses and take her to a romantic restaurant for a candle light dinner.

Well that or you can blow it getting tanked at a go-go bar.
For those unaware, I was joking about bribing the judges. And thank god I won. Zap did a great job and for a moment I was legitimately worried.
Well congrats to the Captain. I must admit I was surprised that Zap put up such a good fight. Too bad he doesn't debate like that in his daily posts.
My picks for round 2 (round one was thrown the fuck off by alternates) are winter, SF, Three and myself.
Well congrats to the Captain. I must admit I was surprised that Zap put up such a good fight. Too bad he doesn't debate like that in his daily posts.

Lord knows I've tried.

But when met with responses like "Fuck You Zap, your wife spreads for all your friends", or "you're queer aren't's not an insult" then "rational" debate ends mighty swiftly.
Lord knows I've tried.

But when met with responses like "Fuck You Zap, your wife spreads for all your friends", or "you're queer aren't's not an insult" then "rational" debate ends mighty swiftly.
You've shown yourself to be an instigator in all that.

I MADE you act like an ignorant jackass.

I MADE Ice Dancer say those wonderful things about my wife, who doesn't even post here...

you claiming the moral highground in the battle of who makes the most crude insults is fucking laughable....

like my sig...see, read it :)