The Official Debate Championship Shit Talking Thread!

Based on the number of times Liberals have told me "Fuck you", I'd guess that Conservatives don't hold a monopoly on that trait.

Since you have told me "Fuck you" plenty of times, and you are showing yourself to be more and more liberal, I think you may be right about conservatives not holding a monopoly on the trait.
Looks like Damo wins by default. To bad. His opening statement was excellent. Looks like Asshat drops to the bottom of the list as JPP's worst debater.
Looks like Damo wins by default. To bad. His opening statement was excellent. Looks like Asshat drops to the bottom of the list as JPP's worst debater.

His lack of participation, actually raises Watermarks rankings.
Even with WM's continual meltdown, at least he made an attempt.

I also vote for Asshat to be last, with Watermark in the second to last position for now.
His lack of participation, actually raises Watermarks rankings.
Even with WM's continual meltdown, at least he made an attempt.

I also vote for Asshat to be last, with Watermark in the second to last position for now.
I'd say let's wait till the first round is over with before we have that discussion but got a good argument for Asshat being last.
it kinda sucks to waste such a cool question O_o

I agree with that, perhaps we could see it again, in a later round? Or put it in alternative debate questions?

Actually that might not be a bad idea for the 'alternative debate' to put up a list of questions, then have those that are in that debate, pm you their choice and position on a first come, first choice basis? It's a bit of an easier format, so why not?
I believe Damo should be declared Round 2 winner and move on. If we have alternative debates or not, then those not signed up for first debates, ok. That's my vote. :cof1:
I agree. I'm really dissapointed in Asshat. He should have been real clear that he didn't intend to participate instead of talking shit. I say give it to Damo though it is a waste of a great topic, that's not Damo's fault.

Besides, I'm really looking forward to tomorows debate. I sure hope Bravo and Winter are ready to battle!
I agree. I'm really dissapointed in Asshat. He should have been real clear that he didn't intend to participate instead of talking shit. I say give it to Damo though it is a waste of a great topic, that's not Damo's fault.

Besides, I'm really looking forward to tomorows debate. I sure hope Bravo and Winter are ready to battle!

Me too. I'm looking forward to getting on with this round! Rap music, OMG! Can't wait to hear the arguments. ;)
This is actually quite fun, I wish AssHat had brought his "A" game, he's quite capable of excellent debate.
This is actually quite fun, I wish AssHat had brought his "A" game, he's quite capable of excellent debate.

That's what I said to him, after he called me a twat. :rolleyes: I wish he had, he can be logical, when not all emotional.
nigel stepped up to the plate you guys. Hope none of you have a problem with that cause I kinda already went ahead and made him a warrior etc O_O