The Official Debate Championship Shit Talking Thread!

Interesting debate between Damo and Nigel... it will be interesting to see how the judges score that one. side note... it would be nice to see some of the thought process behind the judges scoring when this whole series is done.... so if the judges are making notes... keep them as it would be interesting to discuss that afterward as well.
Interesting debate between Damo and Nigel... it will be interesting to see how the judges score that one. side note... it would be nice to see some of the thought process behind the judges scoring when this whole series is done.... so if the judges are making notes... keep them as it would be interesting to discuss that afterward as well.

Grind alluded earlier to releasing the thread we are discussing things on when all debates are over. I think that would be a good idea, though we may wish to edit some of our own comments. ;)
Interesting debate between Damo and Nigel... it will be interesting to see how the judges score that one. side note... it would be nice to see some of the thought process behind the judges scoring when this whole series is done.... so if the judges are making notes... keep them as it would be interesting to discuss that afterward as well.

It's a much better debate than the first one. I think it is a topic well-suited for a debate, there is not a 'factually correct' side, it comes down to a matter of opinion. To his credit, Nigel has made some very credible points, and I think he destroyed Damo's OP. Damo made a nice recovery, but will it be enough?
Yeah, I agree, Damo's opening post was weak and easily exploitable, but just as I was writing him off, he came back at Nigel with a good response. Still, my money's on Nigel at this point...
Not exactly. Would have been, but Ntgel stepped up. Now we await the tally.

I was surprised that no one brought up that the Native Americans and the Reservations are almost considered as to be seperate from the States they are in and that's why major crimes are investigated by the FBI, instead of the State(s) Sheriff.
With this situation, we were essentially talking about giving retribations to "another country"!!
Wow, great debate! Nigel stepped up to the plate indeed. I don't envy the judges the scoring. I score as follows. Opening statement - tie. Rebuttal - another tie. Guestions - Damo sneaked in two questions, not one but he had the harder topic to defend - another tie. Answers - again a tie. I'm anticipating another 5 to 4 score for the victor.
Wow, great debate! Nigel stepped up to the plate indeed. I don't envy the judges the scoring. I score as follows. Opening statement - tie. Rebuttal - another tie. Guestions - Damo sneaked in two questions, not one but he had the harder topic to defend - another tie. Answers - again a tie. I'm anticipating another 5 to 4 score for the victor.
True that, Nigel rocked. It was fun.
It was a great debate and in a way it's a bit unfair to Damo as there's no way Nigel would have been seeded 15th had he signed up on the original list and Damo may have wrote a completely differant opening statement with a different strategy in mind had he known his opponent would be Nigel.

Having said that, it's greatly appreciated that you stood in as an alternate and performed so well Nigel. Many thanks!!
Nigel's a good debater and obviously very smart. He's just got some fucked-up views, and shills for the Democrat Party. A rather odd combination, really.