The Official Debate Championship Shit Talking Thread!

Sure 15ppMoot. It appears that USF may not even post, and thus lose by default. If that happens then why not take up his mantle and respond for him?
If that were to happen would you oppose having the judges score it as long as it's just for shits and giggles and not part of the official competition? i.e. you'd still keep your default win.
If that were to happen would you oppose having the judges score it as long as it's just for shits and giggles and not part of the official competition? i.e. you'd still keep your default win.
I'd just as soon make it part of the contest for when you and I debate each other. If not possible then shits and giggles, but you take the shit.
I don't get what 15ppmoot means btw can someone explain?
No one get's it. He's refering to his Strawman on the gulf oil spill that EPA has a 15 ppm limit on oil discharge using oil skimmer technology. I called his bluff on that by requesting him to show me where that's in the Code of Federal Regulations. He can't because it's not a waste treatment standard regulated or enforced by EPA. It's an international standard established by treaty. He then made a run-on with that using moot, as in moot point, for mott.
So get it 15ppmoot? (prounced: 15 ppm moot)
I'd just as soon make it part of the contest for when you and I debate each other. If not possible then shits and giggles, but you take the shit.
Sorry but that's not possible. Your on the opposite side of the bracket from I and the only way you and I can meet in the tournament is in the Finals and the topic for the Finals is all ready set.

As for your argument, you made the same fatal mistake in your argument that Skidmark did in his. If USF catches it, your the one who will be in the shit. :)
No one get's it. He's refering to his Strawman on the gulf oil spill that EPA has a 15 ppm limit on oil discharge using oil skimmer technology. I called his bluff on that by requesting him to show me where that's in the Code of Federal Regulations. He can't because it's not a waste treatment standard regulated or enforced by EPA. It's an international standard established by treaty. He then made a run-on with that using moot, as in moot point, for mott.
So get it 15ppmoot? (prounced: 15 ppm moot)

Where the rules are in the CFR are irrelevant. I've proven that your full of shit on this point Moot several times. Here is the last time, and best explained to the layman:

And my nickname for you is pronounced "fifteen parts per Moot". :pke:
No one get's it. He's refering to his Strawman on the gulf oil spill that EPA has a 15 ppm limit on oil discharge using oil skimmer technology. I called his bluff on that by requesting him to show me where that's in the Code of Federal Regulations. He can't because it's not a waste treatment standard regulated or enforced by EPA. It's an international standard established by treaty. He then made a run-on with that using moot, as in moot point, for mott.
So get it 15ppmoot? (prounced: 15 ppm moot)

wow that's unbelievably retarded.
Sorry but that's not possible. Your on the opposite side of the bracket from I and the only way you and I can meet in the tournament is in the Finals and the topic for the Finals is all ready set.

As for your argument, you made the same fatal mistake in your argument that Skidmark did in his. If USF catches it, your the one who will be in the shit. :)
Sure 15ppMoot. I'll tell you what then, if USF fails to respond, then you can take his place in a separate contest, same rules. Until then keep your mouth shut about it.
Where the rules are in the CFR are irrelevant. I've proven that your full of shit on this point Moot several times. Here is the last time, and best explained to the layman:

And my nickname for you is pronounced "fifteen parts per Moot". :pke:
Yea, yea yea, and I didn't see you post a a reference to the specic section of the Code of Federal Regulations that states that. You didn't here you didn't there becuase it doesn't exist and yo ucan't do it. It's an international treatment standard that were commited to via international treaty. So go talk to Congress.
So you think it was smart for The EPA to insist on the 15ppm standard in this case?
No, I think your dumb to keep on insisting that this is an EPA standard when it's not. I keep asking you to site that in 40 CFR for me and you haven't provided it yet. You can't. It's an interenational standard we adhere to via treaty.
Sure 15ppMoot. I'll tell you what then, if USF fails to respond, then you can take his place in a separate contest, same rules. Until then keep your mouth shut about it.
I aint going to help your opponent. This is an easy win. If he can't spot it your mistake, he deserves to lose.
No, I think your dumb to keep on insisting that this is an EPA standard when it's not. I keep asking you to site that in 40 CFR for me and you haven't provided it yet. You can't. It's an interenational standard we adhere to via treaty.
Enforced by the EPA, and only an elected official has the power to override it. The Obama fucked up.
Enforced by the EPA, and only an elected official has the power to override it. The Obama fucked up.
You need to learn more about the law. It's congress who makes the law. The President cannot over ride the law just as he cannot make the law. He can only veto a proposed law.

Besides, Obama didn't even sign this treaty into law. The first Bush did, so you don't even have your President right. Obama has no choice, as chief law enorcement officer, to enforce this law, that is all ready on the books, until such time as a new treaty has been ratified by the Senate into law.
Sure 15ppMoot. It appears that USF may not even post, and thus lose by default. If that happens then why not take up his mantle and respond for him?

Me thinks that thou doth protest to much.
My presentation has been posted and I am currently preparing to thrash your argument. :good4u: