The official "Gold from 007" thread

I just find very hard to understand how somebody who has relatives in Northern Ireland and lives in New York can claim to have never heard of Noraid.

I suppose because I am half Italian I also know where all of the Mafia hot spots are huh? Of course I have heard of the IRA, but never the other one. I am going to start asking people in NY if they have ever heard of Noraid. I bet I am far from alone.
I suppose because I am half Italian I also know where all of the Mafia hot spots are huh? Of course I have heard of the IRA, but never the other one. I am going to start asking people in NY if they have ever heard of Noraid. I bet I am far from alone.

On this one I have to agree with Tom... How is it possible you have heard of Noraid? group that raises aid for Northern Ireland? The name should have told you that even if you actually hadn't heard of it before (which is actually a tad surprising)
On this one I have to agree with Tom... How is it possible you have heard of Noraid? group that raises aid for Northern Ireland? The name should have told you that even if you actually hadn't heard of it before (which is actually a tad surprising)

I don't know. I never heard of them though. WHy would I lie about something like that? Are they involved (or have been involved in the past) in terrorist activities like the IRA? Since my dad and aunt passed I don't talk to my other Irish relatives here. Actually there is only one, my uncle. The family in Ireland I talk through via email, and they have asked me to visit but I have not done so yet. Neither the IRA nor Noraid ever came up.
I don't know. I never heard of them though. WHy would I lie about something like that? Are they involved (or have been involved in the past) in terrorist activities like the IRA? Since my dad and aunt passed I don't talk to my other Irish relatives here. Actually there is only one, my uncle. The family in Ireland I talk through via email, and they have asked me to visit but I have not done so yet. Neither the IRA nor Noraid ever came up.
So the answer is yes (that they have been involved in terror related activities) I never heard of them, I live on LI not NYC. Probably my uncle who grew up with my dad in a very Irish neighborhood knows them. I don't hang out in Irish bars with him and never did. I doubt my dad knew much of anything about them, he moved in different circles, as do I. The only relief organizations I give money to (and I give it monthly on a auto-donation set up to both) are Doctors Without Borders and Unicef. My interests lie elsewhere. Even though i'm Irish.
So the answer is yes (that they have been involved in terror related activities) I never heard of them, I live on LI not NYC. Probably my uncle who grew up with my dad in a very Irish neighborhood knows them. I don't hang out in Irish bars with him and never did. I doubt my dad knew much of anything about them, he moved in different circles, as do I. The only relief organizations I give money to (and I give it monthly on a auto-donation set up to both) are Doctors Without Borders and Unicef. My interests lie elsewhere. Even though i'm Irish.

It does amaze me how so many Americans are insulated from the realities of the world. Did you ever wonder how the IRA got the funds to buy Semtex and guns from Ghaddafi, I guess not but now possibly the scales have fallen from your eyes.


It does amaze me how so many Americans are insulated from the realities of the world. Did you ever wonder how the IRA got the funds to buy Semtex and guns from Ghaddafi, I guess not but now possibly the scales have fallen from your eyes.

Tom what it is with you? I never had "scales in my eyes" about the IRA. I know exactly who they are. Do you actually believe I would support any organization that kills children? WTF? For any reason? I don't support my country bombing other countries either, in case you didn't know!

I know what the IRA is, I don't support them. I did not know who noraid was, but would not support them. Not all Irish people love the IRA, anymore than all Italian people are connected to the Mafia. Another organization I do not support btw! I may be a bitch, but I am non-violent.
Tom what it is with you? I never had "scales in my eyes" about the IRA. I know exactly who they are. Do you actually believe I would support any organization that kills children? WTF? For any reason? I don't support my country bombing other countries either, in case you didn't know!

I know what the IRA is, I don't support them. I did not know who noraid was, but would not support them. Not all Irish people love the IRA, anymore than all Italian people are connected to the Mafia. Another organization I do not support btw! I may be a bitch, but I am non-violent.

It's quite simple as I said before, for all your other faults, I had never considered that you were so unaware of an organisation that was on your own doorstep. Forgive me for thinking you were more worldly wise and less parochial than you actually are, if somebody of a Irish background who lives in New York is so unaware then that doesn't say much for the west coast and flyover states.
It's quite simple as I said before, for all your other faults, I had never considered that you were so unaware of an organisation that was on your own doorstep. Forgive me for thinking you were more worldly wise and less parochial than you actually are, if somebody of a Irish background who lives in New York is so unaware then that doesn't say much for the west coast and flyover states.

Yes, what hope can there be for Americans if Darla doesn't know something! I had no idea you thought so highly of me.
It's quite simple as I said before, for all your other faults, I had never considered that you were so unaware of an organisation that was on your own doorstep. Forgive me for thinking you were more worldly wise and less parochial than you actually are, if somebody of a Irish background who lives in New York is so unaware then that doesn't say much for the west coast and flyover states.
Here now! There this thing called assimilation Tom. My ancestors immigrated to the US during the potato famine from Northern Ireland (Ulster I believe) where they had the choice of being starved to death by the Brits or killed by the Catholics. Family legend has it of the 5 brothers who originally immigrated from Ireland one was hanged for stealing a horse shortly after they arrived here.

Our families progenitor obtained a job as a laborer working on the Miami-Erie Canal and immigrated to Ohio where he was paid the standard Irish wage of a dollar a day and a bottle of whisky. When that job ended around 1850 he immigrated to Indiana and worked for the railroad (As did his male progeny until my fathers generation.) where he essentially assimiliated due to discrimination against the Irish. Which probably explains why our family isn't Catholic and doesn't have any real connections to the old country.