## The Official Madmen Thread ##

I have a weird feeling about it. I can't escape a nagging sense of disappointment w/ the season overall, but there were so many moments that were beyond compelling. I guess that's what makes it a great show.

When Don went into his whole truth thing w/ Hershey's, I actually covered my eyes and peeked through my fingers. Haven't had too many TV moments like that. The reactions from everyone else in the room were just perfect.

And hey - how about that Harry Hamlin comeback?








Pretty good interview with matthew weiner:

It's hard for me to explain this, but Don's ads this year are spectacular. That omission is actually kind of an expression of creative genius. It is where things are going. It is the way advertising will be in 1975. You just have to talk the clients into it. The idea of how do you draw someone's attention in when you live literal photography and you can scream at them with the product bigger and more accurately than ever, is something they're struggling with. I don't want people to think Don is off his game. The clients are a little behind. That's the way they should see it. What they should really think about is that he ruined a public offering, he fired their most important client, he impulsively forced them into a partnership merger and then went to war against their partner. That's why he has the leave of absence. I don't think there should be any doubt that he is at the height of his abilities. The great thing about Don, and part of the contrast with Ted, is Don is not a fad-ist. Don is still operating from his own relationship with the product, which is more timeless. Despite trends in humor, photography and everything else that's going on in what the advertising agency's self-proclaimed creative revolution, Don's advertising, I think, is still great advertising, and probably better than a lot of the advertising that is getting sold. His understanding of television is the reason they got Sunkist, you know?

I have a weird feeling about it. I can't escape a nagging sense of disappointment w/ the season overall, but there were so many moments that were beyond compelling. I guess that's what makes it a great show.

When Don went into his whole truth thing w/ Hershey's, I actually covered my eyes and peeked through my fingers. Haven't had too many TV moments like that. The reactions from everyone else in the room were just perfect.

And hey - how about that Harry Hamlin comeback?

Where have you been Onceler, trying to kick the habit again? Maybe someday there will be a med we can get for that.
Really nobody wants to talk about the Mad Men season finale? Grind, Onceler, Rana? I can't believe it. I want to watch it again though, but wow.

I haven't watched it, we are having a summer like never before in the 30+ years I have lived here, so recording all my programs for a rainy day, lol.
Good News: I've just started watching Season One on Netflix, so I can be cool. Here's some takeaways.

1) Don firing Pete is epic insecure douchebaggery. I have a feeling I'm really not going to like him, even if he is smooth and whatnot. Also, I now understand Grind's current name. Actor who plays Pete was in In Time, BTW.

2) Don & Megan's neighbour has a creepy son. He behaves like a young JFK, which is ironic.
Also, I am saddened to admit that the bottles of wine and liquor that I stock in my house are cheaper than the stuff they all drink around the office, even without adjusting for inflation. :(