The official Round III and Round IV Debate Championship TRASHTALKING pwning thread

I'm free any day after 4:30 pm. Just let me know when is good Threedee and we'll rock this place.
Tomorrow is better. I don't think I have to work Friday (so I'll have all night), due to Columbus Day, and tonight I will be watching the Iron Man 2 that I redboxed.
Yeah, I'm working Columbus day. 10 hours of 3x pay.

If Grind makes the thread tonight and opens it I can start off with my OS.
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Okay, my computer is gay, and I thought the holiday was friday instead of monday, because someone asked me if I was getting the day off along with the crew I'm assigned to, and I thought they meant friday. Tuesday at 4:30 sounds like a good time to shoot for.
3D is just pimping you for more time to prepare. I say if he's not ready to go and Cap'n Billy is then Cap'n Billy should be the default winner!!!
3D is just pimping you for more time to prepare. I say if he's not ready to go and Cap'n Billy is then Cap'n Billy should be the default winner!!!
You just don't want to guy you practically had to blow just to participate, who then went on to win by default in most every round, end up winning the championship.

I'm touched.
The winner, of the final round, and the overall championship

The one.

The only....

I will open the judges forum later tonight. I have to finish up a scorechart there and will probably post my overall thoughts as a judge before I activate that forum.




:yay: :woot: :yay: