The official Round III and Round IV Debate Championship TRASHTALKING pwning thread

Congrats 3D. Well done.
WHADDYA MEAN "WELL DONE" You Sum Bitch! If you hadn't of dropped out you could have beaten him like a red headed step child or at least given legitimacy to his victory! ;-)

My biggest mistake in organizing this tournament was participating instead of being a judge. No reflection on you Grind, you held what was left together after Annie sabotaged all our efforts.

3D...I still aint figured out how the hell you won....but congrats anyways. If for nothing else you deserve it for stepping in when called upon and sticking it out to the end....which is more then I can say for some people! Grrrrrr

I'm so frustrated that this started out so well and ended up a cluster fuck but that wasn't 3D's fault. He won fair and square by the rules so Hat's off and congrats to 3D.

I would perticularly like to thank eveyone who contributed to the initial success of the tournament. It did garner a lot of positive attention at first and it showed what things can be like when we focus on presenting information and ideas instead of name calling, ad homs and insults.

Ultimately any shortcomings of this tournament are my, the organizers, responsibility. I used poor judgement in being a participant instead of being a judge. Since I organized this, I should have been a judge and that would have maintained the continuity that this contest needed. So, in that respect, my apologies to the participants and judges (except Annie) and once again, thank you so much for participating I'm hoping that we can take what we've learned from this contest and this format and do it again next year and do it better.
i say why wait till next year, lets make it a seasonal thing and start up another one in january :)

I honestly wouldn't describe the ending of the debate contest a clusterfuck. Especially considering this was a first run involving coordinating schedules for 16 people and 15 debates, finding alternates, etc. I think 12/15 debates took place. All of them judged. And at the end of the day, we finished.

So yeah, in the middle we had a week or two go by without any action. But that's just time. It's not like debates are really that time sensitive. Annie left, we replaced her. Things got moving again.

And also on that note, I don't want annie to get all the blame on that one. I left too. I didn't think it was going to be an issue. Tried to inform people, but I also have some blame in having the gears grind to a standstill.

And yes, two people dropped out, but yurt leaving the contest didn't end up mattering.

I think part of the problem is everybody got burned out after the first round or two. Burned out from debating, burned out from reading the debates, and as a judge, I got burned out a bit too.

It's one thing to passively read debates but when you have to really scour an argument and figure which one comes out on top (especially when sometimes the arguments both are very close to each other in how good/awful they are) it can become a bit taxing and more like a chore than anything else.

I personally can say though with 100% confidence that with all of MY picks I have no regrets over of how I sided on every single debate I voted on.
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Axe to Grind.

BTW, aside from the Holy Trinity dominating and me winning, I would have to say the highlight was Asshate's "waking up hungover in the middle of a cornfield surrounded by gigalos" moment. :D

Also, Annie can suck it.
WHADDYA MEAN "WELL DONE" You Sum Bitch! If you hadn't of dropped out you could have beaten him like a red headed step child or at least given legitimacy to his victory! ;-)

My biggest mistake in organizing this tournament was participating instead of being a judge. No reflection on you Grind, you held what was left together after Annie sabotaged all our efforts.

3D...I still aint figured out how the hell you won....but congrats anyways. If for nothing else you deserve it for stepping in when called upon and sticking it out to the end....which is more then I can say for some people! Grrrrrr

I'm so frustrated that this started out so well and ended up a cluster fuck but that wasn't 3D's fault. He won fair and square by the rules so Hat's off and congrats to 3D.

I would perticularly like to thank eveyone who contributed to the initial success of the tournament. It did garner a lot of positive attention at first and it showed what things can be like when we focus on presenting information and ideas instead of name calling, ad homs and insults.

Ultimately any shortcomings of this tournament are my, the organizers, responsibility. I used poor judgement in being a participant instead of being a judge. Since I organized this, I should have been a judge and that would have maintained the continuity that this contest needed. So, in that respect, my apologies to the participants and judges (except Annie) and once again, thank you so much for participating I'm hoping that we can take what we've learned from this contest and this format and do it again next year and do it better.

LMAO! Hey, the kid stuck it out and won. So I gave him a congrats.

Seeing what things can be like "...when we focus on presenting information and ideas instead of name calling, ad homs and insults" just pisses me off.
judges forum opened.

I will leave this thread stickied for another day just in case idiots like asshat need multiple sources to tell him how to find a forum.
I'm incredibly dissapointed in some of the scoring. It's patently obvious that in certain debates the judges scored based on their views on the subject and not based upon the performance of the debators. I'm shocked on how some of the debates it was quite clear that the side defending an unpopular position did a superior job of making their points and defending their arguments but lost anyways and not by small margins either. I don't mean to offend the judges but the lack of objectivity in certain debates is rather shocking.
Yea, having read through more of the debates I am surprised on how the judges used their beliefs on an issue as a reference for scoring. The reason I disagree with that approach is it dooms the person who draws the unpopular argument. They could argue with the talent of Daniel Webster or Clarence Darrow and would ultimately loose the debate. I respectfully disagree with the judges assements based on who was right and who was wrong on an issue. It should have been judged on who articulated more clearly their assigned point of view, defened that point of view while rebuting his/her opponent.

I see at least 3 of the debates (and I haven't had a chance to go through them all) where (IMHO) the person defending the unpopular side of a debate just simply did a better job then their opponent but lost because their arguments didn't convince the judge they were right? I just can't agree with that.