The only thing that stops a bad child with a gun is a good child with a gun!

USF, once again you go way over the line. You're an asshole.

Fuck you bitch.
After all the shit and denigrating comments you and your ilk have made, you have no room to stay a fucking intelligent thing about anyone else's behavior.
When you call Rune on to the carpet, about his BS; then maybe you'll have a little less hypocrisy spewing from your pie hole.
Fuck you bitch.
After all the shit and denigrating comments you and your ilk have made, you have no room to stay a fucking intelligent thing about anyone else's behavior.
When you call Rune on to the carpet, about his BS; then maybe you'll have a little less hypocrisy spewing from your pie hole.

You must be running for Board Asshole, huh? Looks like you may have won!

I'd say given the general level of puerile ignorance I have observed in your posts in the last few days that any denigrating comments leveled at you were probably richly deserved.

In your favor you at least admit that her comments about your idiotic and belligerent behavior are intelligent.
The only thing that stops a bad guy with a bomb, is a good guy with a bomb. The only thing that stops a bad kid with a gun is a good kid with a bomb. The only thing that stops misinformation is the exposure of misinformation.
You must be running for Board Asshole, huh? Looks like you may have won!

I'd say given the general level of puerile ignorance I have observed in your posts in the last few days that any denigrating comments leveled at you were probably richly deserved.

In your favor you at least admit that her comments about your idiotic and belligerent behavior are intelligent.

I love how those that are the worst offenders fall back on their crutch of "he did it first" or "were probably richly deserved". :)

The left has become a giant PeeWee Herman. :chesh:
Fuck you bitch.
After all the shit and denigrating comments you and your ilk have made, you have no room to stay a fucking intelligent thing about anyone else's behavior.
When you call Rune on to the carpet, about his BS; then maybe you'll have a little less hypocrisy spewing from your pie hole.

Hey myopic imbecile; She did give me shit in this whole thread. Can you even read, idiot man?
Hey myopic imbecile; She did give me shit in this whole thread. Can you even read, idiot man?

Yeah, I did. And Rune, you NEVER responded as vilely as USF responded.

I apologize, Rune, for going overboard in this thread when responding to your comments.