The only thing that stops a bad child with a gun is a good child with a gun!

Most mass killers are men, too. How many of these suicides are committed after a mass killing. Is that because they are driven to those crimes by women? Do you think some woman drove Adam Lanza to kill those children at Sandy Hook and then shoot himself?

Perhaps you should temper your tendency to make assumptions? Why would this article be "too long" for me? Are you assuming that because I am a woman? Are we supposed to lack the attention span of men because of our hormones? I have actually read War and Peace (1869) two times and several other rather long novels including Anna Karenina (1878) Mann's Joseph and His Brothers (1933-1943), Musil's The Man Without Qualities (1930) and Proust's Remembrance of Things Past (published posthumously from 1924-1927) I doubt I will find a simple article in Newsweek "too long;" too boring and banal, probably, but certainly not "too long." I can't wait until I get to the part where the statistics are. Too bad you couldn't just post them and save me the trouble of scanning for them. I would guess that any suicides that men think they commit because of women are the result of their own unhealthy obsessions, and not a result of the actions of the women they obsess over. We will always probably disagree on this because as Darla's signature shows, blaming the woman is Biblical! And absolutely none of this has anything to do with children finding guns and shooting other children with them! I guess you didn't really want to argue that issue!

Edited after reading Newsweek article:

Further after reading that article in it's entirety I still don't see where it says what you claim it says and in fact it says this:

"In wealthy countries, suicide is the leading cause of death for men in their 40s, a top-five killer of men in their 50s, and the burden of suicide has increased by double digits in both groups since 1990.

The situation is even more dramatic for white, middle-aged women, who experienced a 60 percent rise in suicide in that same period, a shift accompanied by a comparable increase in emergency-room visits for drug-related (usually prescription-drug-related) attempts to die."

The Venn diagram that is supposed to explain the motivation and possibility for suicide lists three conditions: "Thwarted Belongingness" (his father's lack of friends in retirement); "Perceived Burdensomeness" (people who have suffered an illness unemployment or other condition that makes them dependent on others); and Capability For Suicide (not being afraid to die). I would offer that the opposite might be the case here, that being afraid to die can cause people to commit suicide because it gives them control over their own death. I don't put much stock in academics or what they think about things. But while I don't agree with much here, I do agree that suicide is a multiply determined act. I don't believe that people commit suicide because their girl friend leaves them; I think people commit suicide for a strong combination of reasons that probably varies from one individual to another which is why it is so hard to effectively prevent or predict who will and who won't commit suicide. But I found nothing in this article that attributed the increasingly high rates of suicide among the most suicide prone groups those of "athletes, doctors, prostitutes, and bulimics" and those "who tamp down" the desire to scream, to women or their body parts.

In fact, there was no relationship incontrovertibly established between women's actions and the suicide of men. The author that the article profiles claims that his father killed himself because in his retirement years he had no close male friends, not because of anything his wife did to him. Perhaps you can show me where this article demonstrates or says that men kill themselves because of what women do to them. The only indication that suicide may be related to interpersonal relationships is the increased suicide rate among divorcees. But there was no statistics on whether or not more men or women were more likely to kill themselves after their divorces, although the article did stress that far more women attempted suicide and failed than men did. The article also indicated that women with children were less likely to kill themselves. Something that was evidently not true of men, because for some reason men evidently can't bond with their children in the same way that women do. Or the bond established by men doesn't prevent men from committing suicide. Again the article was fairly and uncomfortably ambiguous in nearly all particulars and made several rather problematic claims that were simply posited almost as opinions.

Mostly the article was distressing because it seemed to promise far more than it delivered. I have no better idea about what causes suicide than I did before I read it and there was nothing in the article rather than anecdotal evidence to substantiate most of the claims made by you for it and the article itself.

Maybe when you have been to as many funerals as I have you will have a different interpretation.

Some women withhold sex to punish or control men. That is a simple fact.

By the way, of all the suicide funerals I have been to, only one was a woman.
Yes. Most recently the female administrator that talked down a school shooter and the cc permit holder who stopped the Clackamas Mall, OR shooter. There was a shooting in a mall in Tacoma that was also stopped by a cc permit holder.

Tekkychick thanked your post in which you pointed out two shooters stopped by concealed carry private citizens. Apparently she approves of private gun holders after all. Or she was confused.
Maybe when you have been to as many funerals as I have you will have a different interpretation.

Some women withhold sex to punish or control men. That is a simple fact.

By the way, of all the suicide funerals I have been to, only one was a woman.

dude your personal experience is NOT the real set of facts.

that holds true in every case.

don't assume that ever.

always consult the real facts
I am not your beck and call girl! Why don't you look it up if it troubling you?

Interesting comment from someone who demands "statistics".

. If there are men who are so weak that they commit suicide over some woman there should be some statistics for this! Do you have any statistics to back up your silly claims

I am still waiting for the statistics
Your lack of reading comprehension or deductive ability is not my problem. A perfect example being that since women generally fail at suicide attempts, perhaps that is not their actual intention.

The article was clear in articulating the causes of suicide.

Or maybe you are reading something in to it that doesn't exist?

Are you seriously saying men commit suicide because women won't have sex with them?

Yes, men are more successful than women at killing themselves, although more women try. Whether women don't want to succeed or whether they choose methods that don't work as fast (maybe more likely to overdose on pills than shoot themselves in their head) - I don't know. I'm not going back to the article to see if it says.

If you know a man who is considering suicide because a woman won't have sex with him, I suggest two thing: get him some serious psychiatric care and also get him on to Craigslist.
Right Desh, It is just a coincidence.

why would you pretend your personal experience is NOT limited and the facts in total would be wrong in comparison to your personal experiences?

that is very unlike what Ive seen you post in the past
The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. The only thing at stops a bad guy with an assault rifle is a good guy with an assault rifle, who only needs the assault rifle to counter the people with that assault rifle. The only thing that stops a bad guy with a grenade is a good guy with knowledge of that grenade. The only thing that can stop American citizens from being stupid is EDUCATION.

Based on your incredibly stupid argument above; education obviously failed you.

Or maybe you are reading something in to it that doesn't exist?

Are you seriously saying men commit suicide because women won't have sex with them?

Yes, men are more successful than women at killing themselves, although more women try. Whether women don't want to succeed or whether they choose methods that don't work as fast (maybe more likely to overdose on pills than shoot themselves in their head) - I don't know. I'm not going back to the article to see if it says.

If you know a man who is considering suicide because a woman won't have sex with him, I suggest two thing: get him some serious psychiatric care and also get him on to Craigslist.

And the fact that he is in a community (I mean that in a very general sense, social, cultural, professional, veterans) where so many people commit suicide is troubling. It certainly seems to be coloring his judgement on this issue (I dont blame him completely for that....that would be a terrible thing to be exposed to all the time but the perspective is definitely skewed by it.)
Tekkychick thanked your post in which you pointed out two shooters stopped by concealed carry private citizens. Apparently she approves of private gun holders after all. Or she was confused.

Maybe she just appreciates the truth.

People who make their choices by ignoring facts to the contrary are stupid. You at least have to know the opposition to evaluate it.
Or maybe you are reading something in to it that doesn't exist?

Are you seriously saying men commit suicide because women won't have sex with them?

Yes, men are more successful than women at killing themselves, although more women try. Whether women don't want to succeed or whether they choose methods that don't work as fast (maybe more likely to overdose on pills than shoot themselves in their head) - I don't know. I'm not going back to the article to see if it says.

If you know a man who is considering suicide because a woman won't have sex with him, I suggest two thing: get him some serious psychiatric care and also get him on to Craigslist.


My first wife once jokingly told me she was going to cut me off. I told her she couldn't cut me off because she didn't know where I was getting it.

My first wife once jokingly told me she was going to cut me off. I told her she couldn't cut me off because she didn't know where I was getting it.

yeah - these days, there is no reason someone can't get sex from someone if they want it (barring extreme physical difficulties); can always pay for it, even.
I am always amazed that such threads seem to have a life of their own totally unconnected to the original subject of the thread. Who would have believed that a thread about the under-reported but increasing number of children who find guns around the house and shoot each other with them would turn out to eventually be about where people could get sex after their mates, significant others, or wives cut them off. I'm astounded at this evolution. And yet right wingers will say that there is no such thing. Incredible!
I am always amazed that such threads seem to have a life of their own totally unconnected to the original subject of the thread. Who would have believed that a thread about the under-reported but increasing number of children who find guns around the house and shoot each other with them would turn out to eventually be about where people could get sex after their mates, significant others, or wives cut them off. I'm astounded at this evolution. And yet right wingers will say that there is no such thing. Incredible!

I wouldn't recommend Cragislist for women. It's far too dangerous. Serial killers utilize it, and ending up buried in a shallow grave at Giglo beach is just the worst case scenario...there are plenty of other dangers there.

But I guess it's fine for men to sex-shop on. Just my two cents. I have nothing else to add to this thread!
Maybe when you have been to as many funerals as I have you will have a different interpretation.

Some women withhold sex to punish or control men. That is a simple fact.

By the way, of all the suicide funerals I have been to, only one was a woman.

Probably because most women don't want to know you and I can see why men would want to commit suicide, after being around you for any length of time.