The party of Fiscal Responsibility?

At the end of the day it's ultimately the voters fault because we don't hold politicians accountable. We don't elect (or re-elect) people to office who try to reduce spending, cut programs etc. So in this sense politicians aren't stupid, they may speak a good game but come time to vote they chose to keep the government spic it wide open and let the spending continue.

Did you vote for Clinton in 2016? No? Then you're part of the problem.
The complaint is that it's going to all the wrong people/entities.

we both know there were complaints from the House leadership that it wasn't enough.......your posturing is duly noted, may keep your Nancy Certificate of Outstanding Flummoxation.....
we both know there were complaints from the House leadership that it wasn't enough.......your posturing is duly noted, may keep your Nancy Certificate of Outstanding Flummoxation.....

Again, the problems are more complex than that (which is why you're confused). There were WAY too many billions going to bail out millionaires and billionaires, and far too little going to (a) direct payments, (b) unemployment benefits, (c) state and local govts, which are on the front lines of fighting the pandemic and (d) hospitals. The only part that's worked is the direct payments. The SBA loans have been an absolute fucking joke, because the rollout is clumsy and stupid. Just pay people. It's that simple.

But the trump administration is so insidious and corrupt that they have to abandon real oversight and make sure real estate developers get a tax loophole in and among the other benefits.

A real man of the people, your guy.
The impact that the lockdown is creating on businesses is unprecedented and so you can understand the justifications of why the money is being spent, however, in my opinion the large blanket sums being spread out to practically any organization out there regardless for the most part of their stability or financial ability to weather the crisis is troubling. There are hundreds of millions, probably billions of dollars, being sent out that probably did not need to be and ultimately all of this spending will have to be made up for through taxes and other means. I get that people are hurting and many companies may end up closing for good, but the quickest and best way for these businesses to recover is to open back up and resume business. Many of these businesses are not hurting or closing because of flawed business practices or poor products or poor services but because of government forcing them to close. These companies and businesses need to reopen, and those government powers that have been part of this process needs to be curbed so that this sort of thing has a more constitutional, balanced, and checked approach in the future.

Good post Norah. But be reminded they are being forced to stay closed. It's not like they don't want to.
The "small government" line has always been bullshit. Republicans going back to Reagan have all grew the government and increased the debt.

How is this about Republicans? I am pretty sure the Democrats hold the House right now. The spending was BI-PARTISAN n nature and caused by Government forced shut downs fed by mass hysteria.

Republicans only have a problem with big government when it's used to help the working-class and only care about debt when it's caused by a Democrat.

LIE and fucking LAME. I don't think you can post without lying or looking lame.

Now I'm sure all of the Trumpcucks here will do what they always do and bring up Obama. First of all, fuck Obama. Secondly, the Democrats aren't the ones who claim to believe in "small government."

Still stuck on those stupid meme's aren't you? #fuckoff
We could have paid down our debt and set aside funds for a "rainy day" while the economy was booming. That's what you do in good times. Now we've virtually bankrupted the country because we did not, and that rainy day is here.

So now the economy was booming? You leftist asshats have been claiming it hasn't been a boom. #fuckoff

What do you want to bet that when the next (D) is POTUS, the (R)s try to blame this all on him/her, and threaten to shut down the country every time the budget comes up for vote -- like they did with Obama??

Well, we already know that's what you dishonest, hypocritical lying hacks did when Obama was president. #fuckyou
At the end of the day it's ultimately the voters fault because we don't hold politicians accountable. We don't elect (or re-elect) people to office who try to reduce spending, cut programs etc. So in this sense politicians aren't stupid, they may speak a good game but come time to vote they chose to keep the government spic it wide open and let the spending continue.

No; this is China's and the W.H.O.s fault. Putting this on the voters is lame and stupid. :rolleyes:
Gosh, poopiehead. If the facts don't align with your preconceived notion then just lie about the facts.

From the day Obama took office to the day he left. 9.33 trillion was added to US debt.

I rounded up to make it simpler for idiots like you. Yeah, that makes a REAL difference in your lame, lie filled talking points. #dumbass

From the day Trump took office to today. 4.75 trillion added and that doesn't include any of the money appropriated by Congress since none of that has yet been spent.

Yeah, it had nothing to do with Obamacare and this viral epidemic right assclown?

By end of this year Trump will have added over 7 trillion in debt and it could be as high as 8 trillion in only 4 years.

So the deficit in 2018 was $779 billion, the deficit in 2019 was $984 billion so this year it will be $5.237 trillion? STFU you brain dead hack. You're a fucking mental case.

But rest assured you mentally ill dumb fuck, this $3.5 trillion has NOTHING to do with Trump his policies.

I have to laugh how the same leftist liars who made excuses for the $9.33 trillion Obama ran up, now whine and bitch about deficits during Trump's first three years. Most of which will be due to this epidemic started by the Chinese, co-authored by the W.H.O. and the hysterics behind a massive Government mandated business closures.
Actually, it has very little to do with the interest on Obama debt. Assume half the debt is from Obama. (It isn't but we are doing a back of the napkin calculation.) Interest on the entire debt was 262 billion in 2017. Take that times 4 and divide by 2. That leaves with about 520 billion of the 8 trillion debt added under 4 years of Trump is from Obama debt. 520 billion would be on debt from prior to Obama.

$8 trillion during Trumps first three years? STFU you lying dumbass. Good lord, you give new meaning to the word moron. :palm:

Of course we didn't count the Obama debt that was the result of interest on prior debt.

Apparently you have amnesia when it comes to debt and deficits under Democratic controlled Congress's. But that's because you are a dishonest dumb fuck.

Because of interest rates, when Obama took office the interest on the debt was 252 billion. That would give us a back of the napkin figure over 8 years of over 2 trillion of Obama debt was from interest on debt when he took office. It seems he was able to reduce interest payments because of the drop in interest rates. Now the interest payments are going up dramatically under Trump and we haven't even seen figures yet for this stimulus.

Pointless blather. :rolleyes:
Appears to be the point many are overlooking, instead of cutting taxes in a time of economic growth the Gov't should have been increasing revenue, many still believe in the Laffer curve although it has been proven bogus since the 1980's

Government revenues had been increasing you lying dumb twat. WTF is wrong with you morons on the left? The tax cuts didn't "reduce" anything except the the money those who earned it had to hand over to the Government.
Been done, during Obama's last years his discretionary spending decreased, perhaps not fast enough, but he did do it corresponding with the perceived health of the economy.

That must be why Obama's budget deficits were massive and could not keep up with SPENDING right you dumb lying twat? :rolleyes:

Spending when Obama took office = $2,982.5

Spending when Obama left office = $3,981.6

I don't see a reduction in spending there asshat.

When Trump took office, the practiced stopped, and discretionary spending increased even thought the economy continued the upward trends

Obamacare spending came in full force after Obama left office. That combined with mandatory increases in spending create the deficit problems we are seeing right now. The virus hysterical shut down and subsequent stimulus won't help. But that isn't Trump's fault.

Over four-fifths of the growth in nominal spending over the next decade is driven by Social Security, federal health programs, and interest on the debt.
Err, except Obama inherited a $1.2 T deficit, and cut it by 2/3rds by the end of his term. Remember the 2008 recession? People love to conveniently blame Obama for that.

That is bullshit. Democrats controlled the Congress in 2008 through 2010. The deficit in 2008 was 458.6 billion. By the end of Obama's first year it was 1,412.2 trillion. It was ALL the Democrats and their Obamacare bullshit along with their misappropriated trillion dollar stimulus that did nothing to create jobs. By the end of Obama's first term the deficit had increased by an record shattering 5,083.3 trillion.

Democrats are the only party that even ATTEMPTS to lower the deficit by actually using revenue. You can't simply slash spending and keep the economy humming while lowering the debt.

That is bullshit jackass; the Democratic Party has ALWAYS been the party of TAX and SPEND. They have been doing it for five decades. The ONLY party in the last fifty years that balanced the budget were the Republicans.

The Republican controlled Congress was on track to doing it again until they lost control in 2007. The deficit had once again shrunk to 160.7 billion by then. IN one short year Democrats ran it up to 458.6 billion and in 2009 1,412.7 trillion.

Rahm Emanuel: "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before."
Yeah, you don't understand "debt" and "deficit".

That's fucking hilarious. Are you 10?

dude, his annual deficit in any given year is irrelevant......add up his deficits for the eight years he was president and you come up with the ten trillion dollars he added to the national debt.......your claims about his deficits are chaff to obscure reality.......