The party of Fiscal Responsibility?

I don't lie

$8 trillion during Trumps first three years? STFU you lying dumbass. Good lord, you give new meaning to the word moron. :palm:

Are numbers hard for you, poopiehead?
This is what I said - the 8 trillion debt added under 4 years of Trump

4 is not the same thing as 3. We are projecting a deficit this year of $3.7 trillion at the minimum and that is estimating we only spend $1 trillion on Corona Virus response. That would put Trump's debt over 4 years at minimum of $7 trillion and we know that the government will spend more than $1 trillion on it's pandemic response. More likely $2 billion or more.

Apparently you have amnesia when it comes to debt and deficits under Democratic controlled Congress's. But that's because you are a dishonest dumb fuck.

Gosh, Poopiehead ....

I used the numbers from the historical tables provide with the 2020 Trump budget. Are you saying Trump is a dishonest dumb fuck?
Table 3.1 Net interest
Or perhaps being the poopiehead you are you don't understand that interest is what you pay to borrow money. It isn't the principal you borrowed.

Pointless blather. :rolleyes:
Yes, Poopiehead. I always agree when you take the time to talk to yourself.

Now why don't you post some pictures that relate to your inability to compose complete and coherent thoughts. It always seems to be the fallback you rely on when you are left sputtering and unable to think.
let's put this on a level which even you can understand.....this is Obama's contribution to the national debt.....

Good thing the Count can count. Too bad you aren't capable of doing it.

According to US Budget documents -
Debt at end of fiscal year of last Bush budget (2009) - 11,875,851
Debt at end of fiscal year of last Obama budget (2017)- 20,205,704

According to US debt to Penny
Jan 20, 2009 - 10,626,877,048,913.08
Jan 20, 2017 - 19,947,304,555,212.49

I don't get to 10 using actual numbers. I don't get to double using actual numbers.
Perhaps you are using different math than what is traditionally taught in schools. Please provide your written solution that shows your claim.
The impact that the lockdown is creating on businesses is unprecedented and so you can understand the justifications of why the money is being spent, however, in my opinion the large blanket sums being spread out to practically any organization out there regardless for the most part of their stability or financial ability to weather the crisis is troubling. There are hundreds of millions, probably billions of dollars, being sent out that probably did not need to be and ultimately all of this spending will have to be made up for through taxes and other means. I get that people are hurting and many companies may end up closing for good, but the quickest and best way for these businesses to recover is to open back up and resume business. Many of these businesses are not hurting or closing because of flawed business practices or poor products or poor services but because of government forcing them to close. These companies and businesses need to reopen, and those government powers that have been part of this process needs to be curbed so that this sort of thing has a more constitutional, balanced, and checked approach in the future.

these shutdown politicians are in bed with walmart and amazon. they hate small businesses and small business owners and employees.
Let us know when Obama's 10 trillion is more money that George Bush's 10 trillion?

Wait, but George Bush inherited a "O" deficit!

You can't post without lying can you? Bush oversaw deficits of 2,005 Billion. Bush came into office with Republicans in charge of the purse strings and during the Clinton recession.

Bush had to get the country through 9-11. Bush oversaw two wars as a result of 9-11 and Desert Storm. Have we ever fought any wars with a surplus? Has anyone?

By 2007 Republicans had managed the war caused deficits down to $160 billion. After Democrats took back the House and the Senate, the deficits ballooned to $458.6 billion in 2008 and then to $1.412 trillion in 2009.

Stop being a lying partisan hack goon. You look stupid.
You are the party of balanced budgets, you are the party demanding the end to government spending, you are the party of small government, you are the party calling democrats, socialist, for government spending. You are the party which is FOS

#fuckoff #lyingloon
You mean the money that Obama spent in recovering from the economic disaster that was Bush 43? That money?

What policies did Bush implement that caused the mortgage meltdown? Can you name just one that was causational?

RUMP inhereted a great economy and still managed to explode the deficit. That said, he did get a nice tax cut for himself along the way.......)

Lie and so fucking lame. Trump inherited malaise. That is the defining characteristic of the deficit laden Obama years.

The explosion of the deficit has not been caused by anything Trump or the American economy has created; it is thanks to the epidemic and hysteric driven media who think this is Trump's Katrina moment.

But, for lying leftist loons like yourself, China isn't to blame, after all they caused it, and the W.H.O. isn't to blame, they covered for the Chinese; no, in whiny triggered leftist loon land, it's about trump.

Are numbers hard for you, poopiehead?
This is what I said - the 8 trillion debt added under 4 years of Trump

That would be impossible you brain dead hack. What is $665.4, plus $779.1 plus $984.2 billion? No, you mental midget, it is not 8 trillion. :palm:

Trump hasn't been in office for four years you willful idiot. :palm:

4 is not the same thing as 3. We are projecting a deficit this year of $3.7 trillion at the minimum and that is estimating we only spend $1 trillion on Corona Virus response. That would put Trump's debt over 4 years at minimum of $7 trillion and we know that the government will spend more than $1 trillion on it's pandemic response. More likely $2 billion or more.

The $3.7 trillion in debt being poled up is not about Trump or his policies you lying twat. The spending has been Bi-Partisan to prop up an economy being devastated, NOT by any policies or things done by the private sector, but as a DIRECT result of the Government forcing businesses to shut down.

Being in insufferable, lying dumb hack on steroids with a stunted IQ, I wouldn't expect you to comprehend the OBVIOUS.

Gosh, Poopiehead ....

Grow up for fucks sake. Better yet, get educated.

I used the numbers from the historical tables provide with the 2020 Trump budget. Are you saying Trump is a dishonest dumb fuck?

WTF does that have to do with my comments or your stupid lying?

I said: Apparently you have amnesia when it comes to debt and deficits under Democratic controlled Congress's. But that's because you are a dishonest dumb fuck. Jackass.

Or perhaps being the poopiehead you are you don't understand that interest is what you pay to borrow money. It isn't the principal you borrowed.

You really are a pathetic jackass aren't you? #fuckoff

Now why don't you post some pictures that relate to your inability to compose complete and coherent thoughts. It always seems to be the fallback you rely on when you are left sputtering and unable to think.

#fuckoff #retard
You can't post without lying can you? Bush oversaw deficits of 2,005 Billion. Bush came into office with Republicans in charge of the purse strings and during the Clinton recession.

Bush had to get the country through 9-11. Bush oversaw two wars as a result of 9-11 and Desert Storm. Have we ever fought any wars with a surplus? Has anyone?

By 2007 Republicans had managed the war caused deficits down to $160 billion. After Democrats took back the House and the Senate, the deficits ballooned to $458.6 billion in 2008 and then to $1.412 trillion in 2009.

Stop being a lying partisan hack goon. You look stupid.

You never know where "anything but the truth" gets his figures from, they are usually cherrypicked and framed to support whatever his is trying to say, but even with the questionable narrative he offers above, what he is missing is that Obama also had to pay for two wars, Bush didn't fight either with payment in advance, plus an unpaid drug prescription program, and a recession of historical proportions

On the other hand, Trump enjoyed an advancing economy, yet still managed to increase descretionary spending outside of entitlements and add trillion dollar deficts prior to the corenavirus

Post still stands, those that were screaming "porkulus" plus deficts/debts a decade ago are quiet today, as I've said before, conservative "principles" are defined by who occupies 1600 Pennsylvania Ave
You never know where "anything but the truth" gets his figures from, they are usually cherrypicked and framed to support whatever his is trying to say, but even with the questionable narrative he offers above, what he is missing is that Obama also had to pay for two wars, Bush didn't fight either with payment in advance, plus an unpaid drug prescription program, and a recession of historical proportions

On the other hand, Trump enjoyed an advancing economy, yet still managed to increase descretionary spending outside of entitlements and add trillion dollar deficts prior to the corenavirus

Post still stands, those that were screaming "porkulus" plus deficts/debts a decade ago are quiet today, as I've said before, conservative "principles" are defined by who occupies 1600 Pennsylvania Ave

In many ways you're not wrong but look in the mirror. Don't try and pretend liberals don't operate from the same playbook.
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Good thing the Count can count. Too bad you aren't capable of doing it.

According to US Budget documents -
Debt at end of fiscal year of last Bush budget (2009) - 11,875,851
Debt at end of fiscal year of last Obama budget (2017)- 20,205,704

According to US debt to Penny
Jan 20, 2009 - 10,626,877,048,913.08
Jan 20, 2017 - 19,947,304,555,212.49

I don't get to 10 using actual numbers. I don't get to double using actual numbers.
Perhaps you are using different math than what is traditionally taught in schools. Please provide your written solution that shows your claim.

except you gave fake numbers and no link......

I use real numbers and give a link.....
You can't post without lying can you? Bush oversaw deficits of 2,005 Billion. Bush came into office with Republicans in charge of the purse strings and during the Clinton recession.

Bush had to get the country through 9-11. Bush oversaw two wars as a result of 9-11 and Desert Storm. Have we ever fought any wars with a surplus? Has anyone?

By 2007 Republicans had managed the war caused deficits down to $160 billion. After Democrats took back the House and the Senate, the deficits ballooned to $458.6 billion in 2008 and then to $1.412 trillion in 2009.

Stop being a lying partisan hack goon. You look stupid.

The Clinton recession my ass! You are an igmo huh?