The PC War Against the CP....

The problem is, we have forgotten how to fight. One could argue, the pain of Vietnam broke our will to fight, or maybe it was caused by the complacent attitudes of the "Me" Generation, but indeed, we have lost the will. It's an amazing testament to the job of our veterans, that we have survived as a nation this long, without having the will to fight. Our lack of resolve would have been exploited by the enemies of a lesser nation.

The more I listen to the left, the more I am convinced it is hopeless, we are destined to fall as a nation, and it's just a matter of time. Too many people think we should fight a Politically Correct war, with the Corrupted Politically. Whether is was Socialist propaganda that brought them to this view, or being spoiled for generations, by the riches of past US military victories, or perhaps it is simply an inability to comprehend the outside world as we know it? I don't have the answer, but the problem is identified.

I don't let the current administration off the hook at all, they are the most guilty of attempting to wage a "politically correct war" on the Islamofascists. Painstakingly enduring loss of American life, to strategically pinpoint the enemy hiding amongst the civilians... In real war, this strategy has always been defeated with carpet bombing, incineration of cities, and a total disregard for collateral damage. In WWII, the Liberal Icon, FDR, killed millions of innocent civilians in Germany and Japan, before Truman ever dropped the nukes. But... we are in a Politically Correct war, we are more "enlightened" now, and have a humanitarian need to insure no innocent civilians are harmed in war. This makes us no better than "them", and so we engage in the futile efforts to wage war in a humane and PC manner.

In a real war, you wouldn't have to worry about the Corrupted Politically at Gitmo, they would all be dead. We wouldn't see pictures of Abu Grahb detainees in pyramids, they would be dead as well. We wouldn't have the CNN news crews showing us sobbing mothers who lost their child in yet another stray smart-bomb from the US, the whole town would be an inferno, and CNN would be filming it from Turkey, if we allowed them to do that much. But... we are fighting a Politically Correct war with the Corrupted Politically, and we have to infer our Constitutional rights to those detained, and we have to put our most courageous foreign battlefield soldiers on trial for murder in US courts.... it's the PC thing to do!

We allow debate in this country, over whether or not we should sit down at a table and negotiate with our enemies. After all, it's politically correct to be peace-loving, and we should all be big enough to set aside our differences and live in harmony... Yet we are using the PC mindset, to apply PC logic and virtue on people who are CP. They will take every advantage of our profound stupidity and lack of understanding, and as long as we want to wage a "politically correct" war, they will kick our asses. They are Corrupted Politically. They have no intention of negotiating in good faith with Infidels and Jews, but they will allow you to assume they might. Diplomacy is used as a tool of strength for them, it enables them to gain credibility and time to rebuild and expand. And really... what IS supposed to be negotiated? They seek to rid the world of anyone other than their own kind. I don't know of a clearer way to say it. Unless we are all willing to crawl in a hole and die, there is nothing we have to offer them in negotiation.

Do you believe, if the Islamofascist had US military capabilities, they would still be worrying about 'changing the hearts and minds' of western culture? Would they be worried about panties on the heads of American detainees... or would they more likely be worried whether the headless corpses, hung like upside-down crosses, formed good compositional balance for the videos? We are fighting people who are not politically correct, they are corrupted.

Meanwhile, we continue to debate the NSA wiretaps program, as if our nation has never, ever, made such an encroachment on our civil liberty. When our fledgling government was broke, and couldn't pay the troops, a bunch of them deserted and demanded their pay, the dispute was resolved, and the men agreed to return to their units, and were promptly ordered shot, by George Washington... not George Bush. Habeas Corpus is one of the most basic foundations of law in America, and President Lincoln suspended it during the Civil War, which was as unpopular as the war in Iraq. FDR interned Japanese-Americans, and countless other Presidents have ordered surveillance on countless individuals and enemies of the state, pursuant to their Constitutional obligation and authority to do so. But with PC run amuck, we seem to have forgotten all about history, we seem to have come to some profound enlightenment, that we can wage a Politically Correct War Against the Corrupted Politically.
Excellent post Dixie. my thoughts exactly. Looks like the US has peaked out and starting down hill from here. The libs will be thrilled until they realize they are going to lose everything along with the rest of us. But then it will be too late.
that bent shriveled little thing????

you should have put that little fish back in the pond to grow for a few more years.
you are one flame fest lover arent you?

Just in the name of fun! I always look to the reactions and for the most part they are comical. I can be serious as well but ya just gotta have some fun now and again!
Our founders would spit on the man who suggested such a ridiculous and unnecassary war. You, my friend, are an Anti-American scumbag. It's not that we've lost our "stomach" to fight. To compare the Vietnam and Iraq wars to any more reasonable war in history is ludicrous. I'd compare it more the sacking of the Phillipines - an act of imperialism.
Our founders would spit on the man who suggested such a ridiculous and unnecassary war. You, my friend, are an Anti-American scumbag. It's not that we've lost our "stomach" to fight. To compare the Vietnam and Iraq wars to any more reasonable war in history is ludicrous. I'd compare it more the sacking of the Phillipines - an act of imperialism.

Brilliant post assmark, was that your opinion? Hmmm, I guess you are entitled just like everyone else eh?......:rolleyes:
Oh yeah buttmark, hows about explaining that imperialism remark? I would love to hear how you see it that way...
Well actually, I would say Vietnam more fit that bill, than Iraq. :cof1:

LOL, well an answer either way would be cool but they can be difficult to get around here sometimes.....

Wasssssssup Runyon? :cof1:
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