The PC War Against the CP....

It has failed ever since Korea.

True, for the country. But that is not what most Congressmen seem to care about. It's wrong. If they insisted on excercising their powers, we probably would not have ended up with Vietnam, or they would have prosecuted it to the finish.

Clinton should not have been able to dither with missiles and small efforts, same with Reagan.

The whole business is way wrong, but I doubt it will change.
At times I go beyond neocon. Do they have a name for right of neocon?

Neocons are not that 'conservative.' I think that's the word you are going for. I might tend more towards neo-con, with libertarian tendencies on the domestic side, sans homeland security figured in.
Holy moly, do I see the Trinity I know reading this thread? Superb! Sorry I did'nt forward the invite to you as well, did'nt thin ya had the time anymore!
Damn, do I know how to get a thread rocking or what?

But now I have to declare myself.........:sexy:
I would love to jump in this thread however I do need to get to bed.........I will say though the biggest problem with most libs is, they do not use critical thinking.

ok here I go again................. critical thinking

Definition: the mental process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating information to reach an answer or conclusion.

Yeah I know I'm a B#$@& but i enjoy that position.