The PC War Against the CP....

for Dixie to claim that even in "real wars" that Americans acted as barbarians is really insulting to generations of GI's who fought by the rules....

but being a chickenhawk who craftily avoided serving his country, Dixie feels free to wax nostalgic about the good old days he never had the courage to participate in...but he can blather on like that in America because he IS free here..and that freedom was ensured by those generations of GIs that fought and died while Dixie hid.
Here's a bit of history the libs won't like but its a fact. There are many many books on it, find one.

The libs love comparing iraq to vietnam. Except for the casualties you can compare it and find some similarities. But the important factor comes at the end. When the Vietnam war ended. We had a military victory. For all their efforts the NVA could not beat our military. Then over the next two years our wonderful democratic congress took away all the funding and support to south Vietnam so they had literally no equipmnet or ammo to fight with. At the proper time the NVA began their assault on the south. With no ammo or equipment they could not defend against the north and collapsed. A complete demcrat victory. There were actually two wars, the first won by the US military the second lost by the US congress.

Our democratic congress sold the south Vietnamese down the tubes and they want to do it again in iraq.
I think all can say they have heard this before, the comparison thing that is.
But to be called a scumbag for an opposing view is so damn typical of the kind of attitude this fartknocker has..... what a shame, another perfectly destroyed mind..:cof1:
H2O is actually a pretty sharp kid. Give him a chance, I'm sure he has a reason behind his assertion.
I think all can say they have heard this before, the comparison thing that is.
But to be called a scumbag for an opposing view is so damn typical of the kind of attitude this fartknocker has..... what a shame, another perfectly destroyed mind..:cof1:

who is the fartknocker or whom you speak?
Here's a bit of history the libs won't like but its a fact. There are many many books on it, find one.

The libs love comparing iraq to vietnam. Except for the casualties you can compare it and find some similarities. But the important factor comes at the end. When the Vietnam war ended. We had a military victory. For all their efforts the NVA could not beat our military. Then over the next two years our wonderful democratic congress took away all the funding and support to south Vietnam so they had literally no equipmnet or ammo to fight with. At the proper time the NVA began their assault on the south. With no ammo or equipment they could not defend against the north and collapsed. A complete demcrat victory. There were actually two wars, the first won by the US military the second lost by the US congress.

Our democratic congress sold the south Vietnamese down the tubes and they want to do it again in iraq.

Actually there's no comparison with casualties in general, other than in wars soldiers and civilians die. But in Iraq, far fewer of either.
LOL, well an answer either way would be cool but they can be difficult to get around here sometimes.....

Wasssssssup Runyon? :cof1:

Been a busy, busy weekend! Lots of preps and little time. The whole house is painted inside, so it's quite nice. Still lots to put away, but I guess that will be mostly next weekend.

Yesterday I pulled together the upstairs.
H2O is actually a pretty sharp kid. Give him a chance, I'm sure he has a reason behind his assertion.

Ima waiting sir, just love to jump on the jumpers sometimes is all. You know, the ones that instantly wanna hate ya for a different opinion????
Been a busy, busy weekend! Lots of preps and little time. The whole house is painted inside, so it's quite nice. Still lots to put away, but I guess that will be mostly next weekend.

Yesterday I pulled together the upstairs.

And I can tell you are mutli tasking the boards as well!:cof1:

Glad to hear ya are making some headway...:)
for Dixie to claim that even in "real wars" that Americans acted as barbarians is really insulting to generations of GI's who fought by the rules....

but being a chickenhawk who craftily avoided serving his country, Dixie feels free to wax nostalgic about the good old days he never had the courage to participate in...but he can blather on like that in America because he IS free here..and that freedom was ensured by those generations of GIs that fought and died while Dixie hid.

War is barbaric. That's the problem Dixie was addressing. If we are not ready to fight it that way then we need to not do anything and just let them run over us.The rules of today were made after WW2 . And they only apply to our side. Which means we tie our own hands and can't properly fight the war. Its a silly concept and will eventually cause the collapse of this country.

Exactly what combat did you see mr big bad mInUteman?
The only part I would go along with MM on, is that war should be declared; but that is more the fault of Congress than the Executive.
The only part I would go along with MM on, is that war should be declared; but that is more the fault of Congress than the Executive.

True. But even a republican dominated congress has no balls. Declaring war might hurt someones feelings.
Actually, I think once the UN came into existance, the Legislators found it easier to just give the president the ability to wage war on his own, they would pass the funding.

Then if and when things go South, it's not their fault. If things go well, they authorized the spending, right? It's worked ever since Korea.
True. But even a republican dominated congress has no balls. Declaring war might hurt someones feelings.
It gives them an out and a way to blame war on the Executive only... That way the wimpiest can vote for it and say things like, "Well, I thought he would use it as a threat, not actually do it!" or some other silly wimp-assed waffle.

It is also considerably against the document that limits their power...
Actually, I think once the UN came into existance, the Legislators found it easier to just give the president the ability to wage war on his own, they would pass the funding.

Then if and when things go South, it's not their fault. If things go well, they authorized the spending, right? It's worked ever since Korea.
It has failed ever since Korea.