The People (: or proles)

How are people, generally?

  • The people are intelligent but mostly bad

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People are intelligent and basically good.

People are born very intelligent and with an innate sense of morality based on the logic of the stability of reciprocal and predictable relationships. The ideas which dominate within the society of man in it's current state, a product of media and economic manipulation by a class of elites, however, are designed to short circuit an individuals actual intelligence and in it's place substitute an alien mindset, a mindset based on self sabotage.
People are intelligent and basically good.

People are born very intelligent and with an innate sense of morality based on the logic of the stability of reciprocal and predictable relationships.

Men are born with a bunch of instincts that tell them how to hunt deer. Whenever this logic is applied to government, you get "conservatism".
Men are born with a bunch of instincts that tell them how to hunt deer. Whenever this logic is applied to government, you get "conservatism".

You think government should exist in and of itself for it's own sake, that's why nihilism is built into your system and the delusional narcissicism of mandatory centralized planning takes hold. It's self serving, with a pretense of service to others. Governments exist to see to the needs of specific groups of people, a government with any other agenda than that, by necessity, spends most of it's resources suppressing and maitaining it's own power to the net detriment of the entire energic web.

Heterarchy will prevail. Decentralized planning. Fully fledged objects, mr. programmer wanna be.
You think government should exist in and of itself for it's own sake, that's why nihilism is built into your system and the delusional narcissicism of mandatory centralized planning takes hold. It's self serving, with a pretense of service to others. Governments exist to see to the needs of specific groups of people, a government with any other agenda than that, by necessity, spends most of it's resources suppressing and maitaining it's own power to the net detriment of the entire energic web.

Hetararchy will prevail. Decentralized planning. Fully fledged objects, mr. programmer wanna be.

This has nothing at all to do with my post. But thanks.
I probably should not have put "bad" as that is too subjective.

Amoral would probably be a better word. Would people steal if they didn't get caught? Would people lie and cheat if there were no consequences? I know I would.
I probably should not have put "bad" as that is too subjective.

Amoral would probably be a better word. Would people steal if they didn't get caught? Would people lie and cheat if there were no consequences? I know I would.

It would certainly be worse but it wouldn't be as bad as most people think. Our morality is genetic and it takes a big fuck up for it to be removed from us completely.

Yes, there are some people like eppi with no morality, but the primary thing that keeps our soceity from falling into pieces is our natural morality that most of us have. I mean, think about it. If we didn't have natural morality, all the police in the world couldn't hold it together, and besides, no one would've thought of police or morality at all anyway. People are naturally giving, not naturally greedy, as a general, but not unviolable, rule.
When most people are confronted with a situation in personal life (not business), they will generally make what they perceive to be the "morally right" choice rather than the choice most beneficial to them.

Eg. You see someone drop a book. You pick it up and hand it back to them.

That's why I say that people are generally good. There are small number of people who are generally "evil" in the traditional sense of the word. They will cause harm to others even if they receive no benefit.

Eg. People who smash mailboxes of people they don't know. The smasher doesn't get any real tangible benefit other than temporarily fulfilling his/her desire to hurt people.

In the middle are the Self-Interested. They are not good, per say, because they make choices based on the potential benefit to them rather than benefit to everyone. But neither are they evil, because they would not choose to harm someone if it provided them no benefit for doing so.

Eg. Someone is walking down the street and drop a 20 dollar bill. You will keep it. But...
If someone is walking and drops their book, you will probably hand it back (unless it's worth a lot).
The Self-Interested are usually going to function well, often alarmingly well, in society.
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Interesting question....!

We are genetically moral?

I would say from a scientific point of view...No!...However if speaking from a theological point of view...the answer would be yes!...As the bible says all men/women are created in his likeness(Image) and all have free will...thats my best shot at this question!:D