The People (: or proles)

How are people, generally?

  • The people are intelligent but mostly bad

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I would say from a scientific point of view...No!...However if speaking from a theological point of view...the answer would be yes!...As the bible says all men/women are created in his likeness(Image) and all have free will...thats my best shot at this question!:D

From a scientific point of view our morals do come from our genetics.
that's completely bullshit watermark. you just make shit up sometimes..

I read an article on it in Discover.

It makes sense, and I'm smarter than you, so it's true.

Altruistic societies throughout history have always triumphed over disorganized selfish tribes, and the disorganized selfish tribes died out. Morality is built into our genes.
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Where else would morals come from, Threedee? There's a lot of evidence for it. If we weren't naturally moral, morals simply wouldn't exist.

Morals come from socialization. Basically, people made them up and we are all brainwashed into believing them. Basically, its fascism.
This was probably meant as trolling but what's funny is it's true.

It is true if you reject a higher power, such as God (which, from the perspective of a cynic is still fascism). For an atheist and cynic like Watermark, to believe in morals is ignorant. What is fucking moral about matter? We're just clumps of cells! Brainwashing and fascism is all well and good for creating a stable society, but there's no logical reason for any of it.
Morals come from socialization. Basically, people made them up and we are all brainwashed into believing them. Basically, its fascism.

Morals stem from evolution. People found when they work together instead of focusing on stealing each others women and food that they were all more successful, hence, morality is that which strengthens bonds of cooperation and trust. Honesty, non-violence, non stealing. True morality is inherently reciprocal and requires no supernatural justification.

People invented god when they wanted to convince others to agree to behavioral codes which are designed to suppress and abuse, rather than to facilitate cooperation. "my god said Im better and you should do what I say, cuz god said."
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So morals were invented by weak, cowardly fucks who couldn't get what they wanted by force, so they had to invent a code where those that could get what they wanted could no longer get what they wanted because they had to obey the code and that meant piss weak bastards got to share in the loot.

No wonder conservatives have no morals, they completely disavow them and now I can see why.
Where else would morals come from, Threedee? There's a lot of evidence for it. If we weren't naturally moral, morals simply wouldn't exist.
They come from people being empathetic. A natural ability to place yourself in the position of another and guess at what they are feeling.
So morals were invented by weak, cowardly fucks who couldn't get what they wanted by force, so they had to invent a code where those that could get what they wanted could no longer get what they wanted because they had to obey the code and that meant piss weak bastards got to share in the loot.

No wonder conservatives have no morals, they completely disavow them and now I can see why.

Yeah, that's why people feel bad about stealing and murder. It was generally bad for any society that practiced it, at least widespread and on themselves. Glad to know conservatives don't.