The People (: or proles)

How are people, generally?

  • The people are intelligent but mostly bad

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I bet you can't back up any of what you said about Moses (of course Manson was/is crazy) with textual evidence.

I'm confident of it's obvious truth to those with a basic understanding of the facts involved. I don't feel like doing your busy work assignment. You can attempt to disprove my premise as stated, however.
I'm confident of it's obvious truth to those with a basic understanding of the facts involved. I don't feel like doing your busy work assignment. You can attempt to disprove my premise as stated, however.
Silly, you would be the one to provide evidence as yours was the positive assertion. One cannot "prove" a negative. Yours is a silly assertion with no basis in any reality.
I'm confident of it's obvious truth to those with a basic understanding of the facts involved. I don't feel like doing your busy work assignment. You can attempt to disprove my premise as stated, however.

The burden of proof is on you for saying it-- I can't research it, because it doesn't exist.

You telling me to look it up because you don't have time to do my "busy work" is like if I wrote a dissertation and then told the University that I don't need any sources, they should just believe me.
The burden of proof is on you for saying it-- I can't research it, because it doesn't exist.

You telling me to look it up because you don't have time to do my "busy work" is like if I wrote a dissertation and then told the University that I don't need any sources, they should just believe me.

I assign the burden of proof back to you disprove my assertions. Charles Manson and Moses are both researchable. Don't be a puss-in-boots, Antonio banderas from ShrekII.
I assign the burden of proof back to you disprove my assertions. Charles Manson and Moses are both researchable. Don't be a puss-in-boots, Antonio banderas from ShrekII.

But I am not the one who made the assertion-- you can assign whatever you want, but it is your responsibility when making an argument to convince me, not the other way around.

I say it doesn't exist, therefore my research is accomplished by not posting anything, quite simply because a non-existent connection will not have any possible research or textual evidence to back it up.

You, on the other hand, must know of some evidence I do not if you think that there is a connection, so you should have no problem giving a few quotes.
Can any one tell me why fascists always hate each other more than anyone else?

My guess is competition for power, and also that they are hypernationalists, and therefore jealous of their own country's prestige. Just ask yourself why you hate Mussolini and Hitler, and you might have a good test for it.
My guess is competition for power, and also that they are hypernationalists, and therefore jealous of their own country's prestige. Just ask yourself why you hate Mussolini and Hitler, and you might have a good test for it.

But recently there is a trend of internationalist fascism, it's called globalization and is the complete control of national policy by international corporations and in the end an even more totalitarian destruction of the individual. Just as companies corrupt national governments they also are the puppetmaster behind the global governance structure now forming.
But recently there is a trend of internationalist fascism, it's called globalization and is the complete control of national policy by international corporations and in the end an even more totalitarian destruction of the individual. Just as companies corrupt national governments they also are the puppetmaster behind the global governance structure now forming.

Globalisation is not a goddamn conspiracy, it is just a reality--something that can be changed and is very likely bad for the global population, but not something that has some sort of sinister force behind it (other than Protestantism, of course).

That last part is for AHZ-- because, although he hates Catholics, he has failed to realise that capitalism and its evils are largely a result of Protestantism.
Globalisation is not a goddamn conspiracy, it is just a reality--something that can be changed and is very likely bad for the global population, but not something that has some sort of sinister force behind it (other than Protestantism, of course).

That last part is for AHZ-- because, although he hates Catholics, he has failed to realise that capitalism and its evils are largely a result of Protestantism.

It has a sinister force behind it. It's a bunch of assholes. Im not comfortable with catholic theocracy and oppression either, toering.
It has a sinister force behind it. It's a bunch of assholes. Im not comfortable with catholic theocracy and oppression either, toering.

Catholic theocracy? I wasn't aware you lived in the Vatican. As for oppression, that ended largely with the Reformation and Counter-Reformation.

You have yet to provide evidence that Moses and Charles Manson have a lot in common, by the way.
Catholic theocracy? I wasn't aware you lived in the Vatican. As for oppression, that ended largely with the Reformation and Counter-Reformation.
I was talking about the reformation. It was a good thing, though Im not really a protestant. That movement has been hijacked by evil as well recently.
You have yet to provide evidence that Moses and Charles Manson have a lot in common, by the way.

as I said before.
They were both crazy people roaming around in the desert with a bunch of followers listening to their psychotic racist apocalyptic rants and making it the ideological core of their worldview. Helter skelter = olam ha ba

You tell me what part is wrong.
I was talking about the reformation. It was a good thing, though Im not really a protestant. That movement has been hijacked by evil as well recently.

as I said before.

You tell me what part is wrong.

Stop with your goddamn Mickey Mouse games-- the burden of proof is on you, everyone knows it is, and the fact that you are unable to prove your ridiculousness is just another sign that you have no idea what you are talking about.

I prove my opinion by not showing any evidence at all, because there is no evidence that they are similar. Showing differences is not my job because they are readily apparent, and since you have decided that they are similar that puts the goddamn burden of proof on you.
But recently there is a trend of internationalist fascism, it's called globalization and is the complete control of national policy by international corporations and in the end an even more totalitarian destruction of the individual. Just as companies corrupt national governments they also are the puppetmaster behind the global governance structure now forming.

Any statist ideology that lacks nationalism is by definition, not fascism. In the last century, there was international communism. Today, in the post-Cold War world, there is international socialism, which was born in the post war (WWII) era, which believes in one world government, and doesn't think the creation of the UN was anywhere near far enough a move.
Stop with your goddamn Mickey Mouse games-- the burden of proof is on you, everyone knows it is, and the fact that you are unable to prove your ridiculousness is just another sign that you have no idea what you are talking about.

I prove my opinion by not showing any evidence at all, because there is no evidence that they are similar. Showing differences is not my job because they are readily apparent, and since you have decided that they are similar that puts the goddamn burden of proof on you.

No. It's up to you to say where my general statement is wrong. You need to say which of my parallels is wrong. I've named a couple already. You can't dispute them. So STFU.
No. It's up to you to say where my general statement is wrong. You need to say which of my parallels is wrong. I've named a couple already. You can't dispute them. So STFU.

No, you haven't. Living in the desert and having a beard is not a similarity-- the burden of proof is on you to find quotes from Manson and Moses that are similar, because I say they don't exist. How can I provide evidence of something that doesn't exist?
Any statist ideology that lacks nationalism is by definition, not fascism. In the last century, there was international communism. Today, in the post-Cold War world, there is international socialism, which was born in the post war (WWII) era, which believes in one world government, and doesn't think the creation of the UN was anywhere near far enough a move.

Fascism is the combination of state policy and corpate interests. It has traditionally been nationalistic, but now it's taken on an internationalist flavor, so it's internationalist fascism. You cannot destroy the reality of something by attempting to destroy terms used to describe it. It's very newspeak of you, however. Big Brother fucks you up the ass and you like it.
Fascism is the combination of state policy and corpate interests. It has traditionally been nationalistic, but now it's taken on an internationalist flavor, so it's internationalist fascism. You cannot destroy the reality of something by attempting to destroy terms used to describe it. It's very newspeak of you, however. Big Brother fucks you up the ass and you like it.

Globalisation has nothing to do with fascism and you know it-- your definition of fascism is fucked up, not Threedee's explanation.

Also, you are one of those idiots that reads "corporation" when reading about Fascism and never realises that corporation can mean more than one thing.
Fascism is the combination of state policy and corpate interests. It has traditionally been nationalistic, but now it's taken on an internationalist flavor, so it's internationalist fascism. You cannot destroy the reality of something by attempting to destroy terms used to describe it. It's very newspeak of you, however. Big Brother fucks you up the ass and you like it.

If a statist philosophy exists that is not nationalistic, it is NOT fascism. There are plenty of other statist philosophies out there. Why mis-label them?