The person closest to you that has died of COVID

My neighbor got Covid in 12/20 It was before Covid was known, he has a persistent cough now. I got it and I kinda do too. :( Mine clears out with exercise or extra meds, but dadgummit!

There's always a tinge of it still there.
My neighbor got Covid in 12/20 It was before Covid was known, he has a persistent cough now. I got it and I kinda do too. :( Mine clears out with exercise or extra meds, but dadgummit!

There's always a tinge of it still there.

You might think about getting an O2 pulse oximeter to keep with your thermometer and other home medical kit stuff. Good luck finding one though.
No one close to me has died. I don't know anyone that has died. I don't know anyone that has been hospitalized. Probably 10 people told me they had COVID, but they all 'survived' at home.

Well tRump as a fool's so-called fake president got the ball rolling on that atrocity against humanity:

Death Toll Associated With Trump Administration Goes Beyond Covid-19, Says Lancet Report

The Lancet Commission on Public Policy and Health in the Trump Era has just come out with an assessment of Donald Trump’s impact on the health of Americans while he was U.S. President. And, spoiler alert, it wasn’t positive.

That’s assuming that you find many more deaths to be a negative health impact. According to the report, Trump’s policies or lack thereof contributed to the deaths of around 461,000 Americans in 2018. In 2019, about 22,000 deaths resulted from Trump’s dismantling of environmental protection measures alone, based on the Commission’s analyses. And of course, there was 2020, when the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic hit. Many have written about the Trump administration’s failure to mount a scientifically appropriate response to the pandemic. The Commission determined that 40% of Covid-19-related deaths in the U.S. could have been prevented had the U.S. only had the same Covid-19 death rates as those of other Group of Seven (G7) nations, namely Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and the United Kingdom."
My wifes sister. She was militantly anti vax Southern and Conservative.

We actually were not very close to her at all, the sisters rarely spoke, but my list is so small that this is the best I can do.

Note: I am curious how many people have lost people close to them, partly because the official numbers are clearly shit.

My brother in-law. I don’t know if he was anti-vax as we never discussed the subject. He was not vaccinated though and had no pre-existing conditions and was in very good health when he contracted the Delta variant. Last September he started feeling symptoms on a Monday evening and by Friday Morning he was dead. His son sent a short video of his father intubated and on a ventilator on Wednesday afternoon and his respiration rate was around 100 bpm. That’s when I knew he wouldn’t make it.