The person closest to you that has died of COVID

My brother in-law. I don’t know if he was anti-vax as we never discussed the subject. He was not vaccinated though and had no pre-existing conditions and was in very good health when he contracted the Delta variant. Last September he started feeling symptoms on a Monday evening and by Friday Morning he was dead. His son sent a short video of his father intubated and on a ventilator on Wednesday afternoon and his respiration rate was around 100 bpm. That’s when I knew he wouldn’t make it.

WOW, I have been partying for hours over in TOP!s thread and then I see this and it hits me like a ton of bricks.

Thank you for telling your story.
My lifelong best friend died shortly before getting his second dose back in April. Gone in four days.

That’s about how long it took to kill my Brother in-law.

I contracted it a little over a year ago before the vaccinations became available. My symptoms were not severe but it took me over a month to fully recover.

I took the vaccine as soon as I was eligible. No way in hell do I want to go through that again. Received my booster a few weeks ago.
my step mother had a friend at the assisted living place who died with it but he was very ill and like;y died from pneumonia, i did not see his death cert.

Uh Celt…everyone who dies from the COVID-19 infection dies from pneumonia. COVID-19 causes pneumonia which is what kills the victim.

Even if you have a serious pre-existing condition pneumonia caused by the COVID-19 infection is ultimately what causes death. If you have a serious pre-existing condition, even a terminal one, the COVID-19 infection will hasten death due to the pneumonia it causes.
My neighbor got Covid in 12/20 It was before Covid was known, he has a persistent cough now. I got it and I kinda do too. :( Mine clears out with exercise or extra meds, but dadgummit!

There's always a tinge of it still there.
Be prepared for a long slog. When I contracted it my symptoms where rather mild. I had a low fever for five days but the symptoms continued for over a month. It sucked.
That’s about how long it took to kill my Brother in-law.

I contracted it a little over a year ago before the vaccinations became available. My symptoms were not severe but it took me over a month to fully recover.

I took the vaccine as soon as I was eligible. No way in hell do I want to go through that again. Received my booster a few weeks ago.

It killed my cousin and one of my friends. It had my mother in the hospital for 3 weeks, every day telling me she wanted to die, asking me why she can't die. Imagine how you would feel when you are powerless to do anything. One evening the Dr. called and said her lungs were filling up and they did everything they could do, you may get a call in the middle of the night. Somehow, her lungs started clearing and she survived. 3 more weeks in a rehab and she came home needing a walker.
That’s about how long it took to kill my Brother in-law.

I contracted it a little over a year ago before the vaccinations became available. My symptoms were not severe but it took me over a month to fully recover.

I took the vaccine as soon as I was eligible. No way in hell do I want to go through that again. Received my booster a few weeks ago.

I’m now on round two. Delta back in July and now omicron. The Delta infection came courtesy of a trumpet who lied about his status. This one who knows. It’s Florida after all. This one much milder than delta but still annoying and disruptive. It’s time to ban the unvaccinated from public venues and transportation. This is ridiculous.
Well tRump as a fool's so-called fake president got the ball rolling on that atrocity against humanity:

Death Toll Associated With Trump Administration Goes Beyond Covid-19, Says Lancet Report

The Lancet Commission on Public Policy and Health in the Trump Era has just come out with an assessment of Donald Trump’s impact on the health of Americans while he was U.S. President. And, spoiler alert, it wasn’t positive.

That’s assuming that you find many more deaths to be a negative health impact. According to the report, Trump’s policies or lack thereof contributed to the deaths of around 461,000 Americans in 2018. In 2019, about 22,000 deaths resulted from Trump’s dismantling of environmental protection measures alone, based on the Commission’s analyses. And of course, there was 2020, when the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic hit. Many have written about the Trump administration’s failure to mount a scientifically appropriate response to the pandemic. The Commission determined that 40% of Covid-19-related deaths in the U.S. could have been prevented had the U.S. only had the same Covid-19 death rates as those of other Group of Seven (G7) nations, namely Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and the United Kingdom."

At this point, I'm trying to be pragmatic.
A neighbor I knew for decades

She had gone to live in an assisted living home

It was very early in the pandemic

An uncle on my hubby’s side who was right wing and unvaxxed

Late last year
I’m now on round two. Delta back in July and now omicron. The Delta infection came courtesy of a trumpet who lied about his status. This one who knows. It’s Florida after all. This one much milder than delta but still annoying and disruptive. It’s time to ban the unvaccinated from public venues and transportation. This is ridiculous.

And they try to say it’s none of our business if THEY are vaxxed or not
All of my other family got vaxxed

Even the very right wing members

Even the ones who called GW a hoax

I guess reality hit once their lives were on the line
5 cousins all living in red state Ohio all not vaccinated watched fox news the only news in their area. All traveled to Fl during the peak of deltalast sept- oct because plane tickets and airbnb's were cheap.

smh very sad and unavoidable.
And they try to say it’s none of our business if THEY are vaxxed or not

It’s like saying ‘it’s none of your business that I got drunk and killed your kid’. No different. The cost to the rest of us for the selfishness and stupidity of the vaccine defiant is measured in dollars, in lives, and in the disruption that they feel is their ‘right’ to cause. When this is over they will be mocked, ridiculed and shunned. As they should be. They are beneath contempt.
And they try to say it’s none of our business if THEY are vaxxed or not

I don't need to try.
I can say it.

'It is none of your business whom is vaxxed and whom is not.
Unless they are in your physical presence and you are either old and/or have serious comorbidities plus you are not vaccinated/have not had Covid-19 yet.
In which case, you probably should not be there in the first place.'

Bye now.
Uh Celt…everyone who dies from the COVID-19 infection dies from pneumonia. COVID-19 causes pneumonia which is what kills the victim.

Even if you have a serious pre-existing condition pneumonia caused by the COVID-19 infection is ultimately what causes death. If you have a serious pre-existing condition, even a terminal one, the COVID-19 infection will hasten death due to the pneumonia it causes.

I realize pneumonia kills most but CDC disagrees with you. I'm not saying I agree with them but they call um likes they sees um.
It is none of your business whom is vaxxed and whom is not. Unless they are in your physical presence and you are either old and/or have serious comorbidities plus you are not vaccinated/have not had Covid-19 yet.

And not even then.
And not even then.

Well, it is not their 'business'.

You are right (now that I think about it).

But it is understandable that you would like to know if your were vulnerable to Covid-19 (old/weak/unvaccinated/never had Covid).

But - again - if vulnerable?
You should probably not be amongst people whom you have no idea about in the first place.
Well, it is not their 'business'. that I think about it. But it is understandable that you would like to know if your were vulnerable to COvid-19. But - again - if vulnerable? You should probably not be amongst people whom you have no idea about in the first place.

If they're severely immunocompromised they should avoid being exposed to any infectious disease. They don't get to demand that others involuntarily undergo a medical procedure.

It's a particularly ridiculous demand to make when said procedure's effectiveness in preventing transmission is nearly nonexistent.
Uh Celt…everyone who dies from the COVID-19 infection dies from pneumonia. COVID-19 causes pneumonia which is what kills the victim.

Even if you have a serious pre-existing condition pneumonia caused by the COVID-19 infection is ultimately what causes death. If you have a serious pre-existing condition, even a terminal one, the COVID-19 infection will hasten death due to the pneumonia it causes.

That is not true.