Personally. Biden is going to CRUSH Trump. AND ... the Senate goes Blue.

Personally. Biden is going to CRUSH Trump. AND ... the Senate goes Blue.
because trump is against the global reset.
he is against hurricanes also but they don't seem to care........
That ship set sail, he can't undo it, should be obvious by now..... He has failed, give him 100 years & it would still be a fail......
The polls are useless, there is no reason to expect that the people making them are honest, or that they know what they are doing.
That said if Trump is announced the winner then the BLM/ANTIFA paramilitary will torch America's cities wholesale.
I expect that those counting the votes will arrive at the "right" result.
you're just defeated in your very being. that's sad for you. there is no fate.
we don't negotiate with terrorists. decline in courage may be the most striking feature which an outside observer notices in the West in our days. The Western world has lost its civil courage, both as a whole and separately, in each country, each government, each political party, and, of course, in the United Nations. Such a decline in courage is particularly noticeable among the ruling groups and the intellectual elite, causing an impression of loss of courage by the entire society. Of course, there are many courageous individuals, but they have no determining influence on public life.
Party pooper..............
That could be the case.. Would not be a first for either.......
trump has been extremely lucky, winning, not being impeached in the senate etc etc etc
The bad thing about that kinda strategy is he needs to be lucky every time........
A couple months ago I was thinking it was his for the taking but he has lost control of the narrative, now events-not him are dictating the news cycle..
The fear & doubts of his supporters here serves to validate my suspicions~ they to see the real possibility that their ride to utopia could end very soon...
you're just defeated in your very being. that's sad for you. there is no fate.
and you're a traitor.
Quote Originally Posted by Jack View Post
Personally. If Biden doesn't CRUSH Trump I'm going to hold my breath until I turn Blue.
Actually we tend to be cowards now....Alexandr Solzhenitsyn 1978:
BLM/ANTIFA Paramiltary Forces 2020
Only flat earth climate change deniers believe polls are manipulated. Polls are a snapshot in time, and become more accurate the closer we get to election day. Given that so many have already voted, they are now very likely an accurate representation of actual votes rather than voter preference. There are two things that could cause the polls to be off once we've reached this point. One is a bad voter turnout model. If you assume a 2016 model and we have something more similar to a 2008 model, the polls would be off. The second is a miscalculation in party affiliation. Since there are numerous data points that indicate actual party preference, this is less likely, however certain polls just fly in the face of that data. That's the likely reason for the odd results from Rasmussen. They have never pegged the party affiliation correctly, and their turnout model is archaic.
OTOH, even trump's justices will see the wisdom of getting the fuck rid of him. Each state has the right to run elections how they see fit. I don't think this comes down to dangling chads again. Many millions are voting in person because they know that trump is trying to steal this election.There is no doubt there, if Trump can get the election into the Courts, he will win regardless of the case's legitimacy
The good news that that millions and millions of 18-24 year olds have voted. Something that didn't happen in '16. There will be no Comey moment this time around.Only flat earth climate change deniers believe polls are manipulated. Polls are a snapshot in time, and become more accurate the closer we get to election day. Given that so many have already voted, they are now very likely an accurate representation of actual votes rather than voter preference. There are two things that could cause the polls to be off once we've reached this point. One is a bad voter turnout model. If you assume a 2016 model and we have something more similar to a 2008 model, the polls would be off. The second is a miscalculation in party affiliation. Since there are numerous data points that indicate actual party preference, this is less likely, however certain polls just fly in the face of that data. That's the likely reason for the odd results from Rasmussen. They have never pegged the party affiliation correctly, and their turnout model is archaic.
it's there dormant. the new world order is cancelled, trump said so.
If trump gets canceled will that still apply..![]()
The problem for you is how wrong the polls have been in recent years, and that the people who make the polls rarely speak up when the Mind Molders lie about what polls conclude.
yep. the trumpanzees will carry on.