The Pretend to be someone else thread

YOU just said you PM'd me, you fucking idiot!

Holy shit I can't talk to this guy sober.

where did i say that.....either show it or admit you are a liar

Well, now that spurt has finally confessed to sending me such nasty, harassing, dirty emails, and posted me telling him to stop contacting me, I guess this mystery is over and we can move on.

That was some trap you set for yourself Spurt. Did you put a lightbulb over yourself?

come on snarla, don't be such a whiny ankle biter, just show us the pm's i allegedly sent you. i give you permission....and if you fake them, i will absolutely grant any admin the authority to go into my pm's and prove you are lying.

i will not be surprised if you continue lying and simply regurgitate that i pm'd you.


Sister, even I can see that he's pretending to be you in caricature form.

actually no, i stopped when she made false accusations and accused me of pm'ing her...

maybe you don't like that, but how can you stand by and allow you to lie about someone pm'ing her....she has made this claim outside of this thread

i give you full permission to view my pm's and state whether i pm'd snarla or not.
I can't view your PMs. And nobody believes you were PM'ing her. She's fishing for a reaction and she's getting it. You should get back into character. Talk about how all the righties love you.

/Mr. Advice
I can't view your PMs. And nobody believes you were PM'ing her. She's fishing for a reaction and she's getting it. You should get back into character. Talk about how all the righties love you.

/Mr. Advice

screw you damo, you know spurt is a cocksucker and he pm's me everyday

and good lord, thank you for making grind a mod, he is the best, omg, the best, omg, unreal, omg, the best
There. That was even funny. And it is hard for this Democratic Socialist to understand funny things. Because we are just naturally more serious. You just can't understand until you've lived it.
yeah, and grind's right, where is that thread neg rep feature? even i admit that grind had no neg rep authority/right for spurt's post, but grind was right about neg repping that idiot for his all his posts in this thread. come on, either the neg rep is about a post or about a whole thread.

come on damo, make up your mind
yeah, and grind's right, where is that thread neg rep feature? even i admit that grind had no neg rep authority/right for spurt's post, but grind was right about neg repping that idiot for his all his posts in this thread. come on, either the neg rep is about a post or about a whole thread.

come on damo, make up your mind

the rep system is in place mostly for everyones amusement. Accordingly, each individual can use it in whatever way they like. For me, personally, when I neg someone, I do so sometimes in the context of conversation, and not any particular post. It's the same result in the end so it doesn't really matter.
the rep system is in place mostly for everyones amusement. Accordingly, each individual can use it in whatever way they like. For me, personally, when I neg someone, I do so sometimes in the context of conversation, and not any particular post. It's the same result in the end so it doesn't really matter.

are you not the guy who complained about the rep system and did you state it was your goal to destroy it?
I personally hand out negative rep very infrequently... and even when I do, the system tells me that I have to spread rep around before giving it to that fag, yurt. :lol: Internet stalking, lying little douchebag. I'd be afraid, if I were an ambulance in xxxxxxxxxx
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I don't do the neg rep thing. But that's just me. I did neg Superfreak when he actually asked for it.
I guess we are ourselfs now on this thread.

I have never neg repped anyone and I never will.

Never did it even once on any site I have ever been on.
lol, and I thought people take it seriously at this site, here is an except from usmessageboards:

Ok, Ang..You wana fucking play? ...For every person you have neg rep me FOR you, THEY get two neg-reps, and YOU get 4 neg reps.

You don't like it? Complain to a fucking Mod and have them ban me, because that's the only way I'll stop.
