The Progressives And Their Value System.

And what did the bankers and financiers of NEW York City think of those New England abolitionists?

Do you know why they were furious at Lincoln?

Do you know why Wall Street hated the abolitionists?

What was the cheap labor the south was using to produce multi millions of dollars for the northern financiers?

And why did New York City and Wall street suddenly start beating war drums the loudest when the lower south states announced that they were seceding?

the fact that some stood against the righteous crusade, only makes it more righteous, dude.
the fact that some stood against the righteous crusade, only makes it more righteous, dude.

You didn't answer my questions and why oh why did I think you would try?

Do you understand that the Republican party and northern financiers were in bed with each other and that New York City and Wall Street were profiting tremendously off of slave labor in the south while the republican controlled government in the north imposed tariffs on all imports to insure their capitalist supporters of the maximum amount of profits possible?

When the lower south seceded, why did the profiteers of New York City call the loudest for war?
the fact that some stood against the righteous crusade, only makes it more righteous, dude.

Could you tell me why the cotton mills up north were closed during the war?

Care to guess?

Cotton was a multi million dollar a year business that was reaping enormous profits for the republican party's business interests in the north.

So can you figure out now why Wall Street and New York City lead the charge for war on the south which is something they wanted no part of before the lower south seceded and why they were so mad at Lincoln because the lower south was headed that way and getting closer and closer.
Take your hood off klansman

Oh so you didn't and don't have any racists in your family tree either.

You morally righteous twit.

So are you a progressive republican or a neocon?

You're a central planner (when you're not stoned out of your mind to know what it is) so you have to be one or the other.

I'm a local planner guy myself.
Oh so you didn't and don't have any racists in your family tree either.

You morally righteous twit.

So are you a progressive republican or a neocon?
I'm anti klan, ie confederate flag

You're a central planner (when you're not stoned out of your mind to know what it is) so you have to be one or the other.

I'm a local planner guy myself.
I'm a pro business super liberal democrat
Little Theeedeee's ancestors were just as big of racists as mine were.

This is something he hates to admit so instead of facing up to this, he simply transfers his racist legacy onto the south and all southerners.

His bravado about wiping out the southerners in an act of genocide only confirms him as a little piss ant coward who yearns for social acceptance in a PC circle he runs within and it at the same time makes him feel vindicated and given absolution over his own family tree that quite possibly contained slavers.

This PC attitude is not uncommon among the theedees of modern society and it only gives him a false sense of moral superiority over those who are the racists scapegoats of modern times, the southerners.

Well, I am 1/4 German, so my Kraut ancestors were obviously racist asswholes. Also, it proves that the desire to kill and commit genocide runs in my veins. At one point, however, a young German man broke the trend of his shitty ethnicity by marrying a Native American lass. During the early 60s, therefore, it was my German grandfather who called out me Irish grandmother when she dropped a racial slur in the kitchen. You see? Progress is a grand thing, and my dear grandmother learned an important thing from her rugged, logger of a husband, and never said such a thing again.

Basically, my German blood is diluting, for the better. You should do the same thing with your Southern heritage.
I'm a pro business super liberal democrat

Yes and the pro business capitalists and the wealthy merchants supported a centralized government back then to protect their financial interests on the world market and the lower class slobs like me and the middle classes and the poor supported local interests.

This is where the conflict of states rights vs. centralized planning began and how Thomas Jefferson became the champion of states rights along with the anti federalists.

This is also why Jefferson is so admired by many on the left because of his support for the common man and his interests up against the wealthy northern capitalists and their financial interests being protected by a sectional Republican party which came along in the 1850's that was another version of the original federalists.