You're the worst example of a so called libertarian that I've ever encountered.
Probably because you don't know what the word means.
States don't have the right to say human beings are property. No one has that right. Of course to a racist white supremacist like yourself you probably believes only white Christians should be able to own slaves.
you believe that the federal government created the states
No, individuals did. They also created states, and therefore states have FEWER 'rights' (I know you don't understand the concept of rights to begin with, so I won't even try to explain the difference between individual rights and states rights)
you believe that the federal government created and ratified the constitution.
Nope, individuals again.
Oh, you know what I believe? Did you read my diary? Or are you basing this on no evidence, like everything else you've posted on this board thus far? I'm going to guess the latter, as I have evidence to base that conclusion on.
Bush invaded brown Muslim country .. bad.
Plenty of white, Christian Iraqi's. Of course if haven't ever been there, I can see where you'd get that impression, because you are too inbred to research anything, and probably wouldn't believe it anyways since it isn't attached to a Bible verse.
Lincoln invaded white Christian country .. good.
No, I think Lincoln was one of the worst presidents this nation has ever had because of his over reaching executive power, but the FACT (a word that is like the plague to you) of the matter is the south started the war by firing on a US military installation. They then went on to lose the war. Get over it.
You call the southerners traitors and reject their right of self determination.
Because they are traitors and their claim of self determination wasn't universal, therefore cannot be substantiated.
You justify a war that resulted in millions of dollars in property damage and over 2 million people being killed, starved, denied medicine, forced marched into other states, thousands of people all over the north thrown in jails without due process, 360 thousand union soldiers killed and most of them just young boys as they were thrown into the meat grinder again and again.
Don't start a war if you don't intend to fight it as such. Also I wouldn't start a war I couldn't win, but then again I'm smarter than your average inbred southerner.
The great libertarian himself .. the dude on the street corner.
Hardly, though I am indeed a great Libertarian, and a great man in any sense of the word.