The Progressives And Their Value System.

The states ratified the constitution and the states have the right to throw away the same government they ratified through secession if that government becomes something else than which they ratified.

Now tell me you fucking street lamp fag boy, how am I defending slavery and please make the confederate - Nazi connection for me while you're at it.

And libertarians like you celebrate the individual and radical individualism and disregard the needs of society and that isn't my fault, that's your penchant for being socially acceptable to the crowd you run with.
Or do you think that the federal government ratified the constitution?

Explain to me why you support war imperialism and explain to me what the difference is between Bush's war in Iraq and Lincoln's war on the south.

You are trying to rationalize slavery through States rights just as the confederate Nazis did.

Don't blame me, I voted for Spooner.
If I ever write a sci-fi story I am going to have some characters that are still arguing the Civil War. It seems there will still be some collectivist southerner, butthurt over there loss and moral guilt trying to justify it, for hundreds of years.

State's don't have rights and no real libertarian would ever argue that they do. Rights adhere to the individual. State's have powers and the only moral justification for those powers is to enable them to protect the rights of individuals.

The founders understood the distinction between rights and powers and made that clear in the language of the 9th and 10th amendments.

To frame an argument for slavery in the language of rights is beyond obscene. You are not a libertarian, pr. You are a small state Nazi.

How about you .. you insulting little parking lot philosopher in your football shirt.

Who's the guy in the picture?
You are trying to rationalize slavery through States rights just as the confederate Nazis did.

Don't blame me, I voted for Spooner.

No .. you're trying to justify war imperialism.

I don't want to hear about ass holes at the NAACP calling the confederacy Nazi Germany because that's what you're doing right now and you're doing it so you can maintain your PC social status with your progressive circle.

If confederates are Nazis then try to prove it and stop being a good little NAACP pizz ant parrot.
These brainwashed fools don't even know who McCarthy was.

I wonder if they ever heard about Bush's war in Iraq?

They're still stuck on their NAACP white whipping boy .. the confederacy.
No .. you're trying to justify war imperialism.

I don't want to hear about ass holes at the NAACP calling the confederacy Nazi Germany because that's what you're doing right now and you're doing it so you can maintain your PC social status with your progressive circle.

If confederates are Nazis then try to prove it and stop being a good little NAACP pizz ant parrot.

No, I am doing it because it is accurate and to set you off. So far so good.

You are what Rand described as a barnyard collectivist and you argue for the power of the state over the individual. You are not the least bit libertarian.
Let me tell you what your problem is with the south which is the same problem you have with everything else you spew out here.

1. The war was fought to free the slaves is bullshit.

2. America was a white supremest country and it remained that way until world war 2 in the 20th century.
Eh, more or less.

3. And here comes your problem with the south .. the south's culture was Christian and the North's culture was secular .. done .. period .. end of story.
Uhh no, sorry do not pass Go, do not collect $200. My problem with the South is that they were traitors and that they revel in their treachery to this day. Not to mention their apparent hatred of evidence (as showcased in your posts in this and other threads), their abandonment of Western principles, their racial hatred, their shitty land, and their general shittiness as a people.
Do you know who this guy is?


That's Joe McCarthy you twit.

Do you know anything about him?

I do. Isn't he on the Issa committee investigating Benghazigate?
Southern culture was religious .. it was a Celtic Christian culture that practiced Calvinism.

The North's culture was secular progressive and puritan.

The Puritans were far more religious. Don't forget that every Southern colony was chartered to commercial interests who were exclusively Anglican (meaning barely religious). It only evolved into a religious region as Calvinism slowly arrived. That said, it's hard to top top the Puritans, whose New England region remained ultra religious until the modern era and left so many blue laws on the books that the secular progressives haven't bothered trying to repeal them.
The Puritans were far more religious. Don't forget that every Southern colony was chartered to commercial interests who were exclusively Anglican (meaning barely religious). It only evolved into a religious region as Calvinism slowly arrived. That said, it's hard to top top the Puritans, whose New England region remained ultra religious until the modern era and left so many blue laws on the books that the secular progressives haven't bothered trying to repeal them.

You're in PA, you can only buy a bottlenof booze through a state competition...the price is the price...if you want more than two six packs of have to go to a beer distributor. There is a bill in our legislature now to get rid.of that particular blue law and privatize sales. I think it's time for this to happen. Of course, my union is against it will result in the closing of the state stores....who's employees are state workers. So they will be furloughed...but we are talking like 400 people across the state...there are enough vacancies in other areas that probably only the lowest seniority people will actually lose employment. The people that are close, will probably retire.