Unite or Die
Don't say this, say that instead.
Don't say that, say this instead.
March along together comrades, one, two, three, four
You are being watched, you are being heard .. one, two, three, four.
Sarah Palin is a sub human .. one, two, three, four
DO NOT JEST or joke about a minority .. one, two, three, four.
DO NOT jest or joke about a homosexual .. one, two, three, four
These are crimes if you do comrades, these are hate speech crimes.
Change the definition of words
All non white males are victims and need special help from the government and will be placed in victim groups including women, blacks, Hispanics, gays, etc according to their gender, their race, and their "sexual orientation" .. one, two, three, four
The white male is THE VICTIMIZER! The white male IS THE DEVIL. The white male IS THE EPITOME OF EVIL .. one, two, three, four
"The white man" committed an attempted genocide on the Indians .. "the federal government's army" (which also attempted genocide on the southern people as well as attempting genocide on the Indians) freed the slaves.
And here's the real corker.
All life and everything of value and worthwhile came .... (Trumpets and fanfare!) ..... OUT OF AFRICA!
White Europeans stole all their knowledge and their technology from Africans.
White slavers infiltrated African "rain forests" (Another PC term that replaced jungles) and kidnapped Africans "Roots" style and made them slaves.
One, two, three, four
Christians stole Christmas ..( oops, I forgot) Winter Solstice from the Pagans.
Christians stole Easter (spring solstice?) from the pagans.
Government schools are not to take Christmas or Easter holiday vacations, they will take winter and spring vacations.
One, two, three, four comrades .. march along.
A false premise is an incorrect proposition that forms the basis of an argument or syllogism. Since the premise (proposition, or assumption) is not correct, the conclusion drawn may be in error. However, the logical validity of an argument is a function of its internal consistency, not the truth value of its premises.
For example, consider this syllogism, which involves an obvious false premise:
If the streets are wet, it has rained recently. (premise)
The streets are wet. (premise)
Therefore it has rained recently. (conclusion)
This argument is logically valid, but quite demonstrably wrong, because its first premise is false - one could hose down the streets, the local river could have flooded, etc. A simple logical analysis will not reveal the error in this argument, since that analysis must accept the truth of the argument's premises. For this reason, an argument based on false premises can be much more difficult to refute, or even discuss, than one featuring a normal logical error, as the truth of its premises must be established to the satisfaction of all parties.
False premise is used everyday by the junkie Limbaugh and his ilk. The problem is people like phillybunny believe the false premise to be truth or reality. Which takes us back to 1984 by Orwell. 2+2=5 if your party says so.