The Progressives And Their Value System.

The violence will come from you and it will occur in earnest when we decide to secede and we will secede as a last resort if we cannot restore our republic.

There are over a hundred million gun owners in America and those are just the ones you already know about and don't include the guns you don't know about.

You have on your side the federal military, the national guard in the states, and the militarized police and all the heavy artillery but what you don't have at your disposal for consideration is the amount of people from those ranks who will desert you and join us.

If we have exhausted all our efforts to restore our republic, then you can have your shithole socialist U.S.A. with a big, red, ribbon tied around it.

The thought of sharing the same country with a collectivist moral midget who was nurtured by a computer like yourself is enough to make anybody want to leave in the first place.

But you will not let us go in peace because you need our money in order to keep feeding your leviathan government.

Well....hop to it, slick. We don't need your money. Go....GTFO. We don't need bigoted traitors like you. Tell you can have Alaska and Texas.
Mankind has never stopped worshiping greed. That you propose it will do so by way of Democrat party politics is the stupidest thing that I have read in a long time.

Man told you to be careful who you called a coward. Sounds like good advice. Perhaps you should take it.


There are over a hundred million gun owners in America and those are just the ones you already know about and don't include the guns you don't know about.

There are not a hundred million gun owners in the country, you stupid fool.
Firing on a "foreign military" is an act of war.

I thought the southern states were a desperate nation? How could they then fall under the Constitution?

Well your probably shouldn't start a war where its certain you'll lose, but uhhh no. The south never had a right to determine people were property to begin with. Everything else stems from that.

The war wasn't fought to preserve slavery. If the south wanted to maintain slavery, all they had to do was stay in the union. King Abraham's original 13th amendment proposal guaranteed that.

The war was launched on the southern states to establish federal dominance over those states and to furnish business interests in the north with governmental subsidizing.

The confederacy fought for the right of self determination.

There are not a hundred million gun owners in the country, you stupid fool.

And even if there was 100M gun owners....there would be plenty of them who are not nuts enough to start a war over having to fill out a form....and there would be plenty of them willing to defend their Nation against traitorous being one of them.

The problem with these idiotic militia COWARDS is that they live in a bubble with like minded people. They have no fucking clue that they are the fringe. That the vast majority of the people in this country don't think like they do.
Has anyone other than me seen the irony of the guy who staunchly defends to merits of the South and the Confederacy lives in a decidedly Northern state?
The war wasn't fought to preserve slavery. If the south wanted to maintain slavery, all they had to do was stay in the union. King Abraham's original 13th amendment proposal guaranteed that.
Yeah, that's why states in the Confederacy HAD to be slave states, because they were all about choice on the matter.

The confederacy fought for the right of self determination.
Self determination of a few perhaps.
That is funny a thing like you calling me a coward. So ridiculous that laughing at you is all that is needed.:rofl2:
cuz everyone knows, they don't let people have really scary looking avatars like yours unless they are really tough and brave badasses in REAL life, right?
cuz everyone knows, they don't let people have really scary looking avatars like yours unless they are really tough and brave badasses in REAL life, right?

Avatars are free ,anybody can chose any one of them. What I am in real life shouldnt concern you . What I did for a living FOR OVER 20 YEARS would if I told you. Not going to do that because it is none of your business and I rarely SHARE any personal info with a Dumbass like you.
Your defending such silliness reveals you are a Dimwit to boot. D and D suits you quite well.
Now eat your taco's and refried beans,hide in Mexico and shut the hell up...
Avatars are free ,anybody can chose any one of them. What I am in real life shouldnt concern you . What I did for a living FOR OVER 20 YEARS would if I told you. Not going to do that because it is none of your business and I rarely SHARE any personal info with a Dumbass like you.
Your defending such silliness reveals you are a Dimwit to boot. D and D suits you quite well.
Now eat your taco's and refried beans,hide in Mexico and shut the hell up...

Ooooo....scary. you know what Skippy? No matter how tough people think they are? It only takes one bullet to take their asses out.

So.....when's the rebellion?
Avatars are free ,anybody can chose any one of them. What I am in real life shouldnt concern you . What I did for a living FOR OVER 20 YEARS would if I told you. Not going to do that because it is none of your business and I rarely SHARE any personal info with a Dumbass like you.
Your defending such silliness reveals you are a Dimwit to boot. D and D suits you quite well.
Now eat your taco's and refried beans,hide in Mexico and shut the hell up...

why would knowing anything about you "concern me"? Are you planning on coming all the way to Mexico to show me how tough you are? You sound like yet another internet tough guy... who is way too sold on himself. You need to learn to let what people say to you on the internet slide off your back without riling you up so much. It's the internet. You could be some teenager in a basement. I could be a 80 year old lady in St. Paul... it's words on a screen. Getting all strutting around like and up in everyone's grill just makes you look like a little boy who hasn't learned to control his emotions. My advice to you: grow the fuck up and quick.

and you're right...avatars are free. I choose to use one that shows me standing on the top of Cheops, the great pyramid... something only a tiny little sliver of people in the whole world have ever done... and you choose a cartoon. yeah... that's about right.
Some fat ass internet tough guy troll threatening ppl?

Yeah, you're a coward.

Point out the threat dumbass. None was made . You jerkweeds have a damn vivid imagination and not enough common sense and logic to fill a thimble.
You calling me a coward...:rofl2:
why would knowing anything about you "concern me"? Are you planning on coming all the way to Mexico to show me how tough you are? You sound like yet another internet tough guy... who is way too sold on himself. You need to learn to let what people say to you on the internet slide off your back without riling you up so much. It's the internet. You could be some teenager in a basement. I could be a 80 year old lady in St. Paul... it's words on a screen. Getting all strutting around like and up in everyone's grill just makes you look like a little boy who hasn't learned to control his emotions. My advice to you: grow the fuck up and quick.

and you're right...avatars are free. I choose to use one that shows me standing on the top of Cheops, the great pyramid... something only a tiny little sliver of people in the whole world have ever done... and you choose a cartoon. yeah... that's about right.

Did I mention ever trying to meet you? NO
Did I mention ever travelling to Mexico? NO
Did I mention that your opinion concerned me enough to look you up? NO

Get over yourself dumbass, you aren't that important to anybody but yourself.
I wouldnt bother to walk across the street to meet a shithead like you.

I'd say the jackass calling a person a coward that they do not know at all was the one trying to project being an internet tough guy, not me.
I just realized you're USF's sock puppet. Goodbye, troll.

Who the hell is USF?

Administration here has my permission to check out if I am a troll or another member's sock. As I am neither.

That you are seeing ghosts amuses me but your fear and imagination do not make it so.
Did I mention ever trying to meet you? NO
Did I mention ever travelling to Mexico? NO
Did I mention that your opinion concerned me enough to look you up? NO

Get over yourself dumbass, you aren't that important to anybody but yourself.
I wouldnt bother to walk across the street to meet a shithead like you.

I'd say the jackass calling a person a coward that they do not know at all was the one trying to project being an internet tough guy, not me.

why then, pray tell, should what you did for twenty years, somehow "concern" me? That is what you said. And your avatar is a cartoon. lol