The crimes against the Native Americans are not controversial and I will not address such a stupid point.
The Union army unfortunately was very lenient on the southerners after the war, it has distorted their mindset and allowed them to shirk off responsibility for the crimes of their ancestors. Giving too much mercy to evil people is always dangerous, just look at how prevalent Japanese denial of their wartime atrocities is, because we bizarrely decided to let Hirohito off the hook rather than hanging the shithead. Jefferson Davis should've been hung, along with every Confederate official. Instead, a decade later they were back in power, terrorizing the African-Americans, and the north just looked away, choosing to hold hands and sing kumbayah with the bastards. The north does hold responsibility, for not meting out justice as it should have.
Humans have a common African ancestor. That is not the same as saying that all life came from out of africa, for most of the geological timespan "Africa" as a continent didn't really exist.
The sub-Saharan Africans weren't generally that technologically advanced. There was a lot of technological trading between the Eurasian and north African civilizations.
Most slaves were purchased from tribes who had gotten slaves by raiding other tribes and forcibly taking the victims as prisoner. I don't see how this absolves the Europeans of moral responsibility. This meme that has emerged on the internet that "black people did it to themselves" is disgusting beyond belief. If a European came to America and bought an American sex slave from some Americans who had abducted her, we would not say that that European was a nice guy and that the Americans had "done it to themselves".
Also, LOL @ rain forest being a PC term. Jungle is not in anyway politically incorrect, it's just a vague description of an area of lots of overgrowth, while rain forest is a more precise climatological term that simply refers to a forest with high rainfall. They are not necessary synonyms, something may be a jungle but not a rain forest and vice versa. Also, most of the slaves came from west Africa, which has a lot of desert regions. Africa is not, in fact, one huge jungle, there are different places on that continent with different climates. Amazing, I know.
Equinox. And, yes, either the Christians appropriated the winter solstice and spring equinox celebrations that are common throughout traditional religions worldwide, or Jesus, just by pure chance, happened to be born on the Roman winter solstice and happened to die right around the spring equinox.