The Progressives And Their Value System.

Please, go to Germany and tell the grandchildren of the Socialists and Communists executed by the Nazi regime for their beliefs that their grandfathers were Nazi's. Good luck walking out of that room alive.

Your communist cousins dug a hundred million graves all over the world trying to create perfect people and change human nature by force.

They're no different than Nazis and your wanton desire to make America more Europe-like with democratic socialism doesn't inspire me to travel there on a pilgrimage to feel the pain of current euros who's communist fore bearers suffered unjust atrocities by Nazis.
The crimes against the Native Americans are not controversial and I will not address such a stupid point.

The Union army unfortunately was very lenient on the southerners after the war, it has distorted their mindset and allowed them to shirk off responsibility for the crimes of their ancestors. Giving too much mercy to evil people is always dangerous, just look at how prevalent Japanese denial of their wartime atrocities is, because we bizarrely decided to let Hirohito off the hook rather than hanging the shithead. Jefferson Davis should've been hung, along with every Confederate official. Instead, a decade later they were back in power, terrorizing the African-Americans, and the north just looked away, choosing to hold hands and sing kumbayah with the bastards. The north does hold responsibility, for not meting out justice as it should have.

Humans have a common African ancestor. That is not the same as saying that all life came from out of africa, for most of the geological timespan "Africa" as a continent didn't really exist.

The sub-Saharan Africans weren't generally that technologically advanced. There was a lot of technological trading between the Eurasian and north African civilizations.

Most slaves were purchased from tribes who had gotten slaves by raiding other tribes and forcibly taking the victims as prisoner. I don't see how this absolves the Europeans of moral responsibility. This meme that has emerged on the internet that "black people did it to themselves" is disgusting beyond belief. If a European came to America and bought an American sex slave from some Americans who had abducted her, we would not say that that European was a nice guy and that the Americans had "done it to themselves".

Also, LOL @ rain forest being a PC term. Jungle is not in anyway politically incorrect, it's just a vague description of an area of lots of overgrowth, while rain forest is a more precise climatological term that simply refers to a forest with high rainfall. They are not necessary synonyms, something may be a jungle but not a rain forest and vice versa. Also, most of the slaves came from west Africa, which has a lot of desert regions. Africa is not, in fact, one huge jungle, there are different places on that continent with different climates. Amazing, I know.

Equinox. And, yes, either the Christians appropriated the winter solstice and spring equinox celebrations that are common throughout traditional religions worldwide, or Jesus, just by pure chance, happened to be born on the Roman winter solstice and happened to die right around the spring equinox.

The same federal government that attempted genocide on the Indians, attempted genocide on the southern people.

The exact same federal government.

What about the crimes of your ancestors?

The south is your whipping boy. Your ancestors committed far greater crimes than did the southerners.
That's great... just do me one favor...point out where I said anything degrading the wealthy or absolute equality.... other than that...great post...

Oh wait....that was your whole post... forget're an imbecile with nothing to add but RW talking points.

What stock boys make is none of your business unless you are their employer.

You're the same worn out social justice message carrier and social justice in the work place equates to Marxism.

Social justice is the anti thesis of freedom.
the over the top rhetoric from the right wing drama queens in this thread is the perfect accompaniment to my morning bloody maria and coffee. Thank you so much. All this talk about communism and socialism and guns makes me chuckle. Well played! Well played!
the over the top rhetoric from the right wing drama queens in this thread is the perfect accompaniment to my morning bloody maria and coffee. Thank you so much. All this talk about communism and socialism and guns makes me chuckle. Well played! Well played!

What does Nazism require first and foremost?

The same thing that communism requires, centralized authoritarian government.

I'm supposed to feel sorry for a bunch of euro communist thugs who were beaten up and abused by Nazi thugs?

Meanwhile Chapel the dude is giving a standing ovation for a communist who called for the final solution on the southern people.

These birds of a feather who flock together are quite a collection indeed.
And look who's cheering on the leftists on the thread.

Why it's our self proclaimed libertarian himself dear friends.

Who opposes states rights and supports political correctness because it helps greatly to suppress Christianity in America which is his hated enemy.

Every time you call him a "leftist" just proves without a doubt what an ignorant fool you are. What he's applauding is not the leftist, he's applauding the leftist mopping the fucking floor with your stupid.
Trying to explain the difference between Nazis and Communists is like trying to explain the difference between Lutherans and Protestants
The same federal government that attempted genocide on the Indians, attempted genocide on the southern people.

The exact same federal government.

What about the crimes of your ancestors?

The south is your whipping boy. Your ancestors committed far greater crimes than did the southerners.

Well, first you don't understand what genocide is. Second, the South STARTED a war with the North. Kinda hard to claim the moral high ground there.
And look who's cheering on the leftists on the thread.

Why it's our self proclaimed libertarian himself dear friends.

Who opposes states rights and supports political correctness because it helps greatly to suppress Christianity in America which is his hated enemy.

I will give you $1,000 if you can find a post where I deride states rights.
What stock boys make is none of your business unless you are their employer.

You're the same worn out social justice message carrier and social justice in the work place equates to Marxism.

Social justice is the anti thesis of freedom.

So, just another good old boy who likes the "company store"
Every time you call him a "leftist" just proves without a doubt what an ignorant fool you are. What he's applauding is not the leftist, he's applauding the leftist mopping the fucking floor with your stupid.

He's a street corner dude who is bigoted against the Christian faith.

The attack is coming from the government into the communities and on the community churches and he's on board 100%.

He's one of two self proclaimed so called libertarians and the other one is Mr. Chicken what's his face.

I'm a libertarian .. a proud confederate .. a Jeffersonian republican.

So are you on board with the communist too Howey over a final solution that should have been performed on the southern people?
I will give you $1,000 if you can find a post where I deride states rights.

You're fulla sh*t.

You just gave a standing ovation for a full blown communist over his desire to commit an extermination of the southern people and his teary eyed sympathy for euro communists who lost a street brawl to Nazis.

You're as worthless as tits on a bull for our revolution and you are on your natural side with like minds.
Well, first you don't understand what genocide is. Second, the South STARTED a war with the North. Kinda hard to claim the moral high ground there.

Another brilliant statement from the .. "libertarian"

You have to be trolling now, otherwise you couldn't possibly believe that the south started the war with the federal government.
This is a low life remark from somebody who has mounds of self esteem and tiny molecules of decency he contracted from his computer pacifier.

You ought to know, slick. You know nothing about honor, decency and love of country or it's are simply one of the brainwashed many that RW media has poisoned the minds of.
What stock boys make is none of your business unless you are their employer.

You're the same worn out social justice message carrier and social justice in the work place equates to Marxism.

Social justice is the anti thesis of freedom.

What stockboys make is my business if I am supplementing their lives with my tax dollars. The thing choose to blame the stock boy who used to have a job in a factory somewhere making decent money and now has to settle for what he can get. I choose to blame the greedy bastards who destroyed this economy for handsome short term profits and expect us to clean up the mess and subsidize the aftermath with our taxes. We are subsidizing the they can get away with paying wages that are unsustainable.

Your "social Darwinism" is really the antithesis of freedom. You want people to be slaves to their employers....but what can I expect from a "proud Confederate"?
You're fulla sh*t.

You just gave a standing ovation for a full blown communist over his desire to commit an extermination of the southern people and his teary eyed sympathy for euro communists who lost a street brawl to Nazis.

You're as worthless as tits on a bull for our revolution and you are on your natural side with like minds.

So Slick, when's this Revolution gonna start? Let's get it over with. Truth is...your tired, worn out message is increasingly falling on deaf your chances of it happening at the political level are nil. So that leaves the armed rebellion path. So....put your fucking money where your mouth is and get started. You won't, because you are a blustering fool and a coward who's played way too many Call of Duty games...