APP - The quest for knowledge.


Will one of the more erudite members of the right wing please explain to me, a simple Brit, why you are against your president's health care plan.
In your answer please refrain from using the words:
Socialist/ism, fascist/ism, Kenya(n).
Try to make your answers sensible and without bad language and insult. D'you think you could do that?
For the moment I am not interested in the centre or left of centre view.
Will one of the more erudite members of the right wing please explain to me, a simple Brit, why you are against your president's health care plan.
In your answer please refrain from using the words:
Socialist/ism, fascist/ism, Kenya(n).
Try to make your answers sensible and without bad language and insult. D'you think you could do that?
For the moment I am not interested in the centre or left of centre view.

Big government afficionados either don't understand that price fixing, wage fixing etc. WILL CAUSE RATIONING, or they know and are cynically implementing the population control/ eugenics directives of UNESCO.

The worst charactered people rise to the top of modern statist bureaucracies. Giving them power over life and death merely extends their power over our lives, which is a bad idea considering the nihilism of their ruling ideology.

Why should we trust people who believe humans are evil and should be eliminated from earth, to save the Earth Mother Spirit?
Big government afficionados either don't understand that price fixing, wage fixing etc. WILL CAUSE RATIONING, or they know and are cynically implementing the population control/ eugenics directives of UNESCO.

The worst charactered people rise to the top of modern statist bureaucracies. Giving them power over life and death merely extends their power over our lives, which is a bad idea considering the nihilism of their ruling ideology.

Why should we trust people who believe humans are evil and should be eliminated from earth, to save the Earth Mother Spirit?

Thank you.
Can you supply evidence to support your contentions?
My problem is wasteful spending of tax dollars in our medical system already. Another program would only create more. Plus the mandatory healthcare is unconstitutional and goes against everything our government and country once stood for.
Then I shan't waste my time spoonfeeding you. Go educate yourself.

Since I seek opinions of others your suggestion hold little sense.
After approximately one and a half hours no right winger here has bothered to respond. I thought for a moment that you had but your comment is a little childish, dont you think?

Let me extend my question.

Is the right's stand against the health care plan based upon

a) a dislike if your presidents race or colour? or
b) the fear or dislike of big government? or
c) the dislike or fear of socialism?
d) the fear of losing the freedoms for which your nation has struggled since its inception?
e) something else.
f) all of the above.

Please be prepared to support you contentions. This is a genuine desire to understand a question that bothers many people.
My problem is wasteful spending of tax dollars in our medical system already. Another program would only create more. Plus the mandatory healthcare is unconstitutional and goes against everything our government and country once stood for.

OK. I thank you for that response. Can you tell me more about the wasteful spending of tax dollars as it applies to the proposed health care reform? Does the constitution of the US positively state that to which you allude? When you say - quote - "everything our government and country once stood for" can you give examples of how those factors are being or will be destroyed by the healthcare reform?

No trick questions here. A dumb foreigner is trying to get his head round this.
OK. I thank you for that response. Can you tell me more about the wasteful spending of tax dollars as it applies to the proposed health care reform? Does the constitution of the US positively state that to which you allude? When you say - quote - "everything our government and country once stood for" can you give examples of how those factors are being or will be destroyed by the healthcare reform?

No trick questions here. A dumb foreigner is trying to get his head round this.

Waste occurs at all levels of government. This has become accepted to the point where it is unremarkable. While I cannot give any specific examples, I can point to my own dealings with government run helathcare: The military.

Those without firsthand experience would say we give our armed forces the best care imaginable. But this is hardly the case. In my own BAS (Battalion Aid Station, the equivelent of your local doctors office) I have had to wait for weeks to be seen for significant problems, only to be pushed aside with Aleve and the advice to "drink more water". I cannot say for certain this is the way a government run healthcare system would turn out. But even the possibility is enough to make me against it.

As for the constitutional angle, mandating that all citizens have health insurance violates the 9th and 10th amendments of our constitution and one of founding ideals of personal freedom. Our founding fathers were all very skeptical of big government and rightly so. They naturally wanted to have as little government involvment in their personal lives as possible.
Since I seek opinions of others your suggestion hold little sense.
After approximately one and a half hours no right winger here has bothered to respond. I thought for a moment that you had but your comment is a little childish, dont you think?

Let me extend my question.

Is the right's stand against the health care plan based upon

a) a dislike if your presidents race or colour? or
b) the fear or dislike of big government? or
c) the dislike or fear of socialism?
d) the fear of losing the freedoms for which your nation has struggled since its inception?
e) something else.
f) all of the above.

Please be prepared to support you contentions. This is a genuine desire to understand a question that bothers many people.

Educating yourself holds little sense? That's odd. can you elaborate?