APP - The quest for knowledge.

To think that mankind will allow itself to starve because of one endangered caterpillar or that one endgangered caterpillar could stop food production.
Either way, about as stupid as stupid can get.

yet this administration supports shit like that.

Reducing the human population is the POINT of the GREEN MOVEMENT. It always has been.
There are no grandchildren when food production is foregone in favor of some breed of rare caterpillar, or something equally stupid.

"Palin requested millions of federal dollars for everything from improving recreational halibut fishing to studying the mating habits of crabs and the DNA of harbor seals."

Now, to you and me, the mating habits of crabs may not be important but I can tell you right now I bet the crabs have a different view!
Hi, Low. Good to see you.

(/sarcasm)You know that we right-wingers are against the health-care plan because our president it black and we don't accept anything black.(/sarcasm)

Mr. Obama is trying to fix 100% of something that is only 5% broken. We all agree that parts of our healthcare reimbursement system is broken.

What bothers me is that this is all told to be healthcare. It's not.

It is how insurance pays for it. Adding in the uninsured to the mix will not change how insurance pays for it. It won't change the fact that physicians prescribe treatments based on what insurance will pay them.

The reform should come in the form of un-deifying physicians. They're only technicians, anyway, and don't know shit about how health works.

Except for maybe a few.

Will one of the more erudite members of the right wing please explain to me, a simple Brit, why you are against your president's health care plan.
In your answer please refrain from using the words:
Socialist/ism, fascist/ism, Kenya(n).
Try to make your answers sensible and without bad language and insult. D'you think you could do that?
For the moment I am not interested in the centre or left of centre view.
Hi, Low. Good to see you.

(/sarcasm)You know that we right-wingers are against the health-care plan because our president it black and we don't accept anything black.(/sarcasm)

Mr. Obama is trying to fix 100% of something that is only 5% broken. We all agree that parts of our healthcare reimbursement system is broken.

What bothers me is that this is all told to be healthcare. It's not.

It is how insurance pays for it. Adding in the uninsured to the mix will not change how insurance pays for it. It won't change the fact that physicians prescribe treatments based on what insurance will pay them.

The reform should come in the form of un-deifying physicians. They're only technicians, anyway, and don't know shit about how health works.

Except for maybe a few.

100% of it? The healthcare bill changes hardly anything. It makes insurance mandatory, puts a few common sense regulations on them, and gives poor and middle class people subsidies. It insures universal coverage but doesn't make any huge changes that would lead to cost reductions.
Big government afficionados either don't understand that price fixing, wage fixing etc. WILL CAUSE RATIONING, or they know and are cynically implementing the population control/ eugenics directives of UNESCO.

The worst charactered people rise to the top of modern statist bureaucracies. Giving them power over life and death merely extends their power over our lives, which is a bad idea considering the nihilism of their ruling ideology.

Why should we trust people who believe humans are evil and should be eliminated from earth, to save the Earth Mother Spirit?

so what is your answer to this problem? complete free market?
so what is your answer to this problem? complete free market?

basics toxic emissions standards. But classifying c02 as a POLLUTANT is insane. It's is the gas of life for all plants. Taxing people to breathe? This will be happening. A CO2 emissions tax on all american business will be an insane drag on our economy. Just saying NO to cap and trade. and undo the villainization of co2. We could just plant more plants to scrub the atmospher for co2 if it every REALLY becomes a problem. WHich it isn't now, because anthropogenic global warming is a lie. The data is doctored and fraudlent. Reasearch the fastidious postings of Tinfoil if you doubt it.
basics toxic emissions standards. But classifying c02 as a POLLUTANT is insane. It's is the gas of life for all plants. Taxing people to breathe? This will be happening. A CO2 emissions tax on all american business will be an insane drag on our economy. Just saying NO to cap and trade. and undo the villainization of co2. We could just plant more plants to scrub the atmospher for co2 if it every REALLY becomes a problem. WHich it isn't now, because anthropogenic global warming is a lie. The data is doctored and fraudlent. Reasearch the fastidious postings of Tinfoil if you doubt it.

this thread is about the h/c plan....

as to the global warming nonsense, tinfoil is right on the science etc....its a scam
this thread is about the h/c plan....

as to the global warming nonsense, tinfoil is right on the science etc....its a scam

lol. Yeah. For some reason I went onto a totally different topic. Just a high ass I guess.

But yeah. Healthcare

1. some tort reform.
2. bust up state by state cartels
3.have individuals shop directly for insurance instead of collective bargaining through their employer.
HIghly customizable plans in terms of deductibles, Covered procedures, discounts for being drug/ alcohol free etc.
Healthcare like fast food. At the mall. Like it's tennis shoes. It could be done. but the sad truth is they don't want people to be that well.
Healthcare like fast food. At the mall. Like it's tennis shoes. It could be done. but the sad truth is they don't want people to be that well.

again....what is your solution?

and h/c is not like fast food, the vast majority of h/c is not a choice, you can't get a brain tumor fixed in a mcdonald's minute and you can't get the happy meal with it....
lol. Yeah. For some reason I went onto a totally different topic. Just a high ass I guess.

But yeah. Healthcare

1. some tort reform.
2. bust up state by state cartels
3.have individuals shop directly for insurance instead of collective bargaining through their employer.
HIghly customizable plans in terms of deductibles, Covered procedures, discounts for being drug/ alcohol free etc.

1. tort reform - i'm on the fence on this, and yes, partly because of my profession. the other part is, the studies or so called studies, have shown that in states with tort reform, insurance rates have still gone up and nothing has changed except....the personal injury awards

2. i assume you mean insurance, if so, yes

3. why? you get far better rates and also coverage with group bargaining....individual ins rates are crazy, group rates are somewhat rational and you can sometimes get in preexisting conditions.....not so with individual rates
1. tort reform - i'm on the fence on this, and yes, partly because of my profession. the other part is, the studies or so called studies, have shown that in states with tort reform, insurance rates have still gone up and nothing has changed except....the personal injury awards

2. i assume you mean insurance, if so, yes

3. why? you get far better rates and also coverage with group bargaining....individual ins rates are crazy, group rates are somewhat rational and you can sometimes get in preexisting conditions.....not so with individual rates

Everything would change from a combination of breaking up state cartels and allowing individual negotiations instead of negotiations on a company by company basis. an individuals choices are limited by the deals his employer strikes to be the vendor for the company. They have some choices, but it 's a preselected shortlist which most likely has some kickback involved with getting on it.

Plus, the employer based system makes it too much of a hassle to quit. WHy should have to think about healthcare when we just want to quit? The fascists want it that way.

Scrapping the employer based system is key for me.
TE=AssHatZombie;523019]Everything would change from a combination of breaking up state cartels and allowing individual negotiations instead of negotiations on a company by company basis. an individuals choices are limited by the deals his employer strikes to be the vendor for the company. They have some choices, but it 's a preselected shortlist which most likely has some kickback involved with getting on it.

you're wrong, at least as far as CA is concerned.....individual's get crap for ins plans here, group is much better....and this is second hand info, a good friend is in the ins industry, not working for the ins co's, but selling policies to business's or individuals.....

Plus, the employer based system makes it too much of a hassle to quit. WHy should have to think about healthcare when we just want to quit? The fascists want it that way.


Scrapping the employer based system is key for me.

so your solution is to quit this "employer based" system? as if that is the only system....and as if that is national.....

dude, you haven't offered a single solution to the current problem....nothing but criticism
are you talk like DNC....

you're telling me that obama doesn't want to end the high cost of h/c? this bill is nothing if there is not price controls. wtf do you think this bill is doing?

I dunno I haven't seen any price controls. The public option would be the price control if they put it in there.
lol. Yeah. For some reason I went onto a totally different topic. Just a high ass I guess.

But yeah. Healthcare

1. some tort reform.
2. bust up state by state cartels
3.have individuals shop directly for insurance instead of collective bargaining through their employer.
HIghly customizable plans in terms of deductibles, Covered procedures, discounts for being drug/ alcohol free etc.

Healthcare prices would skyrocket.
basics toxic emissions standards. But classifying c02 as a POLLUTANT is insane. It's is the gas of life for all plants.

You are being willfully ignorant here. A base amount of CO2 is necessary for plant life, and for hundreds of millions of years that base amount has been circulating. Now we're digging up old sequestered CO2 and pumping it back into the atmosphere. This has the effect of raising global temperatures. If it were at natural levels, it wouldn't be a pollutant. If mercury were at natural levels, it wouldn't be a pollutant either.

Taxing people to breathe? This will be happening.

Absolutely hysterical rubbish. Breathing is part of the natural CO2 cycle and does not contribute any net CO2. Taxing it would be useless and would do nothing at all to reduce CO2 levels. It would basically equate to a head tax since there's nothing you can do to stop it. Other unnatural sources of CO2 can, however, be stopped.

A CO2 emissions tax on all american business will be an insane drag on our economy.

Really? Europe is doing just fine. They are actually doing better in this recession than us.

Just saying NO to cap and trade. and undo the villainization of co2. We could just plant more plants to scrub the atmospher for co2 if it every REALLY becomes a problem.

Which would cost an insane amount, far far more than simply never producing the CO2, and would take centuries to reduce CO2 to natural levels.

WHich it isn't now, because anthropogenic global warming is a lie. The data is doctored and fraudlent. Reasearch the fastidious postings of Tinfoil if you doubt it.

The hoaxer conspiracy theory is a lie that shouldn't be listened to. Their research is not doctored because it's non-existant.