APP - The quest for knowledge.

Everything would change from a combination of breaking up state cartels and allowing individual negotiations instead of negotiations on a company by company basis. an individuals choices are limited by the deals his employer strikes to be the vendor for the company. They have some choices, but it 's a preselected shortlist which most likely has some kickback involved with getting on it.

Plus, the employer based system makes it too much of a hassle to quit. WHy should have to think about healthcare when we just want to quit? The fascists want it that way.

Scrapping the employer based system is key for me.

LOL. Yeah. Coporations pay less, individuals far far far far far far far far more. Just the way Asshat the "populist" likes it.
Profit regulation on insurance and health care industry. Corporate wise not individual DR and nurse wage controls.

The public utilities worked fine that way for many years and were desired stocks to have in your portfolios.
Hi, Low. Good to see you.

(/sarcasm)You know that we right-wingers are against the health-care plan because our president it black and we don't accept anything black.(/sarcasm)

Mr. Obama is trying to fix 100% of something that is only 5% broken. We all agree that parts of our healthcare reimbursement system is broken.

What bothers me is that this is all told to be healthcare. It's not.

It is how insurance pays for it. Adding in the uninsured to the mix will not change how insurance pays for it. It won't change the fact that physicians prescribe treatments based on what insurance will pay them.

The reform should come in the form of un-deifying physicians. They're only technicians, anyway, and don't know shit about how health works.

Except for maybe a few.

Hi Liz. Thanks for a sensible response. Question: Can you tell me of the 95% that is not broken? I read reports of people being turned away for not having insurance or for having 'incomplete' insurance. I assume that is your 5%?
Are you saying that the president is bundling other problems or other matters and labelling them 'healthcare'? If that is the commonly held belief, do people believe there is a hidden agenda?
lol. Yeah. For some reason I went onto a totally different topic. Just a high ass I guess.

But yeah. Healthcare

1. some tort reform.
2. bust up state by state cartels
3.have individuals shop directly for insurance instead of collective bargaining through their employer.
HIghly customizable plans in terms of deductibles, Covered procedures, discounts for being drug/ alcohol free etc.

Are you against those things?
We have collected a few of the right's objections to the healthcare plan.
In no particular order they are a danger of
Price fixing.
Population control
Wasteful spending of tax dollars
Unconstitutional (Amm 9 & 10)
No or minimal change necessary
'healthcare' being used to encompass other matters which may or may not be unpopular

OK. Next question. Please no interference from the left or centre left.

Why haven't all these fears been put into a single document and presented to the president as he has requested?

It's very easy to shout 'No' and carry placards, not quite so easy to express the reasons for that. But if you feel strongly, as many most certainly do, why not spend a bit of time and energy?
But once the representations have been made and discussed both sides must sit together and thrash out a system that works.
Here, for the first time in many American lives, the individual must take second place to the well-being of the majority.
If, at the end of discussions the right cannot or will not accept then the president has a choice. Back down or do it anyway and lets face it, a majority of your countrymen elected him so the latter would be the obvious.
Further discontent will then only come from those who have another agenda and I would suggest that that agenda is more concerned with the colour of his skin than the colour of his politics.
As white presidents go, Obama seems OK to me, but then I am not American. (Yes, I said WHITE. He is 50% WHITE so why do you call him BLACK?)
We have collected a few of the right's objections to the healthcare plan.
In no particular order they are a danger of
Price fixing.
Population control
Wasteful spending of tax dollars
Unconstitutional (Amm 9 & 10)
No or minimal change necessary
'healthcare' being used to encompass other matters which may or may not be unpopular

OK. Next question. Please no interference from the left or centre left.

Why haven't all these fears been put into a single document and presented to the president as he has requested?

It's very easy to shout 'No' and carry placards, not quite so easy to express the reasons for that. But if you feel strongly, as many most certainly do, why not spend a bit of time and energy?
But once the representations have been made and discussed both sides must sit together and thrash out a system that works.
Here, for the first time in many American lives, the individual must take second place to the well-being of the majority.
If, at the end of discussions the right cannot or will not accept then the president has a choice. Back down or do it anyway and lets face it, a majority of your countrymen elected him so the latter would be the obvious.
Further discontent will then only come from those who have another agenda and I would suggest that that agenda is more concerned with the colour of his skin than the colour of his politics.
As white presidents go, Obama seems OK to me, but then I am not American. (Yes, I said WHITE. He is 50% WHITE so why do you call him BLACK?)

Many republicans are probably also fascist dicks who like the state by state cartel, and who like companies controlling their employees healthcare.

Control is a big issue.
Nobody here is just shouting NO for no reason.

Why isn't it all in one handy dandy bill? The legislative process is ugly, and quite possibly the republicans don't want the reforms the people want.
Further discontent will then only come from those who have another agenda and I would suggest that that agenda is more concerned with the colour of his skin than the colour of his politics.
As white presidents go, Obama seems OK to me, but then I am not American. (Yes, I said WHITE. He is 50% WHITE so why do you call him BLACK?)

Wrong. Many will continue to have non race based reasons for opposing a government option. But thanks for trying to inject race where it isn't the issue.

LOL. You suck at thinking.
Population control is not a hidden agenda. It's explicitly stated by John Holdren science czar. He believe the state should decide who lives and dies, according to the criterias of social fitness.
you're wrong, at least as far as CA is concerned.....individual's get crap for ins plans here, group is much better....and this is second hand info, a good friend is in the ins industry, not working for the ins co's, but selling policies to business's or individuals.....


so your solution is to quit this "employer based" system? as if that is the only system....and as if that is national.....

dude, you haven't offered a single solution to the current problem....nothing but criticism
Individuals plans suck now because that's how they're set up, to be expensive so people go through their employer. The group of all individuals in the U.S. is a larger group than any set of employees of a given corporation.

There is no reason that company groups are cheaper. And again, this gives employers too much power over their employees, and STILL limits choices to both the state cartel, and who within that cartel the employer made a deal with.

Break the state by state cartel. Break employer control.

We don't need to get fast food through our employer and it's cheap. Why? REal competition. Not competition on preselected short list of fascist cronified companies.

This is a real suggestion and a real solution.

I know you're bought off fascist corporate lawyer, but consider america first.

And we need caps on punitive damages.
Medical care has evolved in a fascistic pattern. We need to undo a lot of damage and restructure a lot.

We need to get as few parties between patients and doctors as possible.

Government option is not an answer. GROUP BARGAINING is just an idiot concept to maintain corporate control, because, as I said, the group of "all individuals" is larger than any given companies group of employees.
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Medical care has evolved in a fascistic pattern. We need to undo a lot of damage and restructure a lot.

We need to get as few parties between patients and doctors as possible.

Government option is not an answer. GROUP BARGAINING is just an idiot concept to maintain corporate control, because, as I said, the group of "all individuals" is larger than any given companies group of employees.

The government option is, as far as I can see (and I'm sure you will correct me) the only one that has been spelled out. Do you honestly prefer to have your health and well being controlled by the greed of profit driven insurance companies?
Why do you think that America is the only first world nation not to have universal healthcare? Is it because you know more than the rest of the world? Isit because you have a worse system of government from the rest of the world? Or what is it?

BTW. You accuse me of introducing racism. I think you will find that it was, most recently, a certain Jimmy Carter. The subject of healthcare in America is difficult to discuss without the racist question. You must look to your own countrymen for that. Not to me. My aim is simply to find out why Americans have this enormous hang up against a president who has the potential to save your country from the disaster that was bush.
I have recently been in hospital for surgery. Let me tell you what happened.
Doctor carried out examination with a follow up ultra-sound check. A number of dates were offered to me. That day, the following week or sometime in the future decided by me. I opted for the latter and a few weeks later, on a Monday, presented myself at reception was taken to a ward and was cut open in time for lunch. One hour later I was trundled to a recovery ward and then to a general ward with six beds. I was home, in pain, certainly, for Wednesday tea. One week later I had the wound checked and dressed and two weeks after that a final check.
Total cost? Guess.
Oh, not once, not one single time, was I ever asked about insurance. Not once was I ever asked to justify my financial position. Not once was I questioned as to my rights or otherwise to receive healthcare. The fact that the nursing staff had poor English was a frustration but apart from that, no complaints.
Population control is not a hidden agenda. It's explicitly stated by John Holdren science czar. He believe the state should decide who lives and dies, according to the criterias of social fitness.

Can you tell me the date of this gentleman's pronouncement?
Wrong. Many will continue to have non race based reasons for opposing a government option. But thanks for trying to inject race where it isn't the issue.

LOL. You suck at thinking.

and clearly you suck at nothing. You dont like being questioned, do you?
The government option is, as far as I can see (and I'm sure you will correct me) the only one that has been spelled out. Do you honestly prefer to have your health and well being controlled by the greed of profit driven insurance companies?
Why do you think that America is the only first world nation not to have universal healthcare? Is it because you know more than the rest of the world? Isit because you have a worse system of government from the rest of the world? Or what is it?

BTW. You accuse me of introducing racism. I think you will find that it was, most recently, a certain Jimmy Carter. The subject of healthcare in America is difficult to discuss without the racist question. You must look to your own countrymen for that. Not to me. My aim is simply to find out why Americans have this enormous hang up against a president who has the potential to save your country from the disaster that was bush.
I have recently been in hospital for surgery. Let me tell you what happened.
Doctor carried out examination with a follow up ultra-sound check. A number of dates were offered to me. That day, the following week or sometime in the future decided by me. I opted for the latter and a few weeks later, on a Monday, presented myself at reception was taken to a ward and was cut open in time for lunch. One hour later I was trundled to a recovery ward and then to a general ward with six beds. I was home, in pain, certainly, for Wednesday tea. One week later I had the wound checked and dressed and two weeks after that a final check.
Total cost? Guess.
Oh, not once, not one single time, was I ever asked about insurance. Not once was I ever asked to justify my financial position. Not once was I questioned as to my rights or otherwise to receive healthcare. The fact that the nursing staff had poor English was a frustration but apart from that, no complaints.

See. a small set of insurance companies are in bed with state governments and local big businesses. This corrupt accretion of power conspires against consumers to keep a) interests consolidated and b) healthy profits in place, with a kickback mechanism to companies. We need something akin to trust busting. We need to allow interstate and perhaps even foreign health insurance competition and break the state cartels. Period. Giving the genocidal nazi feds contol is the last thing we should do. Bilderberger population reduction nwo noahide new world order masonic nihilism satanic Olam ha ba.