APP - The quest for knowledge.

Any takeover is totalitarianism. goverment or business.

so is it fair to say that you tend towards the anarchist view?
what exactly are you so frightened of? Your mother been telling you terrible tales of other worlds, monsters and demons?
Once again you resort to the smart arse sound bite. Why not try a complete answer?
so is it fair to say that you tend towards the anarchist view?
what exactly are you so frightened of? Your mother been telling you terrible tales of other worlds, monsters and demons?
Once again you resort to the smart arse sound bite. Why not try a complete answer?

Nope. Populist view.
Nope. Populist view.

Not much point in continuing with this. You are incapable , unwilling or frightened of giving an intelligent response. You hide behind silly insults and ill-thought sound bites.
Why do you come to a discussion forum? Wouldn't you be happier somewhere else?
Perhaps you are much younger than I took you for in which case I can only try to suggest that you read a little more (real books not speech bubbles) and we'll speak again when you have matured.
Not much point in continuing with this. You are incapable , unwilling or frightened of giving an intelligent response. You hide behind silly insults and ill-thought sound bites.
Why do you come to a discussion forum? Wouldn't you be happier somewhere else?
Perhaps you are much younger than I took you for in which case I can only try to suggest that you read a little more (real books not speech bubbles) and we'll speak again when you have matured.

I'm sorry your dissatisfied with your experience here.

I've made it clear many times what I want. bust up of state by state insurance cartels. Get the employer out of the middle.

I want individuals shopping directly, instead of choosing from the cronified kickback cartel shortlist provided to them by their employer.

Why don't you grow up and add something to the discussion instead being mr. question man. How about you be an actual person?
I'm sorry your dissatisfied with your experience here.

I've made it clear many times what I want. bust up of state by state insurance cartels. Get the employer out of the middle.

I want individuals shopping directly, instead of choosing from the cronified kickback cartel shortlist provided to them by their employer.

Why don't you grow up and add something to the discussion instead being mr. question man. How about you be an actual person?

I stated at the very beginning that I was trying to understand. The thread is called 'The Quest for Knowledge'.
I have given you a taste of my own experience and suggested that I was moderately happy with that experience. I have also asked you to define your own opinion without being a smart arse.
I am unable to offer an opinion on American healthcare any more than I could discuss Nepalese stamp collecting. I am neither Nepalese nor American.
I am simply an onlooker. I watched as America was attacked and I watched as London was attacked. I watched as Spain was attacked. I watched as Americans changed from being world leaders to being a sad laughing stock by simply voting for one man, Bush. I watched as economies round the world suffered their worst downturn since the 1930s and I have watched as many of those economies have pulled themselves out.
I look over my shoulder at your country as it tries to keep up and wonder how can so many people in one country be so ignorant and unwilling to learn.
And I watch as finally you elect one of the only people who might, just might, do more than stick Elastoplast on the wound and I am now watching as idiots do their best to destroy him and sink back into the mire that was your country after Bush.
Many on the right criticise Islamists for wanting to stay in the 7th Century. Aren't you doing the same with just a few centuries different?
I stated at the very beginning that I was trying to understand. The thread is called 'The Quest for Knowledge'.
I have given you a taste of my own experience and suggested that I was moderately happy with that experience. I have also asked you to define your own opinion without being a smart arse.
I am unable to offer an opinion on American healthcare any more than I could discuss Nepalese stamp collecting. I am neither Nepalese nor American.
I am simply an onlooker. I watched as America was attacked and I watched as London was attacked. I watched as Spain was attacked. I watched as Americans changed from being world leaders to being a sad laughing stock by simply voting for one man, Bush. I watched as economies round the world suffered their worst downturn since the 1930s and I have watched as many of those economies have pulled themselves out.
I look over my shoulder at your country as it tries to keep up and wonder how can so many people in one country be so ignorant and unwilling to learn.
And I watch as finally you elect one of the only people who might, just might, do more than stick Elastoplast on the wound and I am now watching as idiots do their best to destroy him and sink back into the mire that was your country after Bush.
Many on the right criticise Islamists for wanting to stay in the 7th Century. Aren't you doing the same with just a few centuries different?

One can;t learn from people that are stupider. You've put the eugenicist population control freaks in place. You suck at the teat of oligarchical collectivism.

We say no to big brother.

Didn't you learn from Winston Smith?

I will never learn to love Big Brother.

I am concerned that my totally adequate healthcare plan will have an additional cost from the feds. I pay quite a bit for mine. I don't want it to cost more for me to pay for those who don't want to take care of themselves.

I would love for medicare to extend coverage to those who are not covered now. That number is low. But don't revamp the healthcare that is working now. Just extend it to all.

Since I seek opinions of others your suggestion hold little sense.
After approximately one and a half hours no right winger here has bothered to respond. I thought for a moment that you had but your comment is a little childish, dont you think?

Let me extend my question.

Is the right's stand against the health care plan based upon

a) a dislike if your presidents race or colour? or
b) the fear or dislike of big government? or
c) the dislike or fear of socialism?
d) the fear of losing the freedoms for which your nation has struggled since its inception?
e) something else.
f) all of the above.

Please be prepared to support you contentions. This is a genuine desire to understand a question that bothers many people.
Will one of the more erudite members of the right wing please explain to me, a simple Brit, why you are against your president's health care plan.
In your answer please refrain from using the words:
Socialist/ism, fascist/ism, Kenya(n).
Try to make your answers sensible and without bad language and insult. D'you think you could do that?
For the moment I am not interested in the centre or left of centre view.

Because it does not address the reasons behind the ever increasing costs of health care.
Since I seek opinions of others your suggestion hold little sense.
After approximately one and a half hours no right winger here has bothered to respond. I thought for a moment that you had but your comment is a little childish, dont you think?

Let me extend my question.

Is the right's stand against the health care plan based upon

a) a dislike if your presidents race or colour? or
b) the fear or dislike of big government? or
c) the dislike or fear of socialism?
d) the fear of losing the freedoms for which your nation has struggled since its inception?
e) something else.
f) all of the above.

Please be prepared to support you contentions. This is a genuine desire to understand a question that bothers many people.

Why do idiots continue to pretend that Obama's race is an issue? That is simply a strawman created to paint opponents as racists. If you want answers to educate yourself, I would suggest you not use such idiocy in your own posts.
Waste occurs at all levels of government. This has become accepted to the point where it is unremarkable. While I cannot give any specific examples, I can point to my own dealings with government run helathcare: The military.

Those without firsthand experience would say we give our armed forces the best care imaginable. But this is hardly the case. In my own BAS (Battalion Aid Station, the equivelent of your local doctors office) I have had to wait for weeks to be seen for significant problems, only to be pushed aside with Aleve and the advice to "drink more water". I cannot say for certain this is the way a government run healthcare system would turn out. But even the possibility is enough to make me against it.

As for the constitutional angle, mandating that all citizens have health insurance violates the 9th and 10th amendments of our constitution and one of founding ideals of personal freedom. Our founding fathers were all very skeptical of big government and rightly so. They naturally wanted to have as little government involvment in their personal lives as possible.

To add to your point, simply point to the fact that the Obama administration admits it has found $500 billion in waste in Medicare that it will cut to help pay for their initiative.

Which begs the question... if you KNOW there is $500 billion in waste there, why not start by fixing this problem. Because if there is that much waste in a government run program it is very hard to believe there won't be something similar in an even larger program of the same nature.
Let me ask a couple of questions based on what you say here:
Would you agree that, despite the fact that mistrust and dislike of big government is almost universal, nations with such have the best healthcare systems and sometimes the healthiest populations. Is there no compromise you are willing to take? Do you really want to continue paying ten times more than you should be for your healthcare?
Next socialism. What is your definition of socialism? Is all socialism the same? What is your alternative? I have asked for people's definition of socialism here before. I dont think anyone has ever given a straight answer and the sound bites that are offered are so wide of the mark as to be not worthy of discussion.
Different mixes of capitalism/socialism exist all over the world and in many cases they have been demonstrably better at getting out of the recent financial problems than has the US.

The best health care system in the world is right here in the US, when it comes to efficiency in getting in to see the doctor, technology, privacy and quality of care.

Costs are an issue and something that should be addressed. But pretending universal health care is better is simply nonsense. Look at the WHO report and read where it is that the US gets 'deductions' in its ranking... it is in the subjective areas like 'fairness' of payments etc...
I am concerned that my totally adequate healthcare plan will have an additional cost from the feds. I pay quite a bit for mine. I don't want it to cost more for me to pay for those who don't want to take care of themselves.

I would love for medicare to extend coverage to those who are not covered now. That number is low. But don't revamp the healthcare that is working now. Just extend it to all.

Thanks again, Liz.
Didn't Obama categorically state that his plan would cost no more than that in place now? You already pay more for your healthcare than any other first world nation. Is that something you want to continue? Can you get surgery and 2 days (three days including the op day) for US$31.25 with a dressing check and change for a little less than US$2.00 and NO insurance ever mentioned? You say that the number of people not covered is low. If one person fails to get adequate medical care do you consider than acceptable?
Your insurance scams (for that is what they are) and the scams in the cost of your medications cannot be extended to all. Those companies are allowed to refuse treatment and frequently do. Isn't the only way to extend healthcare to all to accept all or some of the presidents plan? or am I, once again, mistaken?
Thanks again, Liz.
Didn't Obama categorically state that his plan would cost no more than that in place now? You already pay more for your healthcare than any other first world nation. Is that something you want to continue? Can you get surgery and 2 days (three days including the op day) for US$31.25 with a dressing check and change for a little less than US$2.00 and NO insurance ever mentioned? You say that the number of people not covered is low. If one person fails to get adequate medical care do you consider than acceptable?
Your insurance scams (for that is what they are) and the scams in the cost of your medications cannot be extended to all. Those companies are allowed to refuse treatment and frequently do. Isn't the only way to extend healthcare to all to accept all or some of the presidents plan? or am I, once again, mistaken?

Oh yeah. Everyone covered and no extra costs! It's magic. Do you just believe everything authority figures tell you? If so, that means you're stupid.
The best health care system in the world is right here in the US, when it comes to efficiency in getting in to see the doctor, technology, privacy and quality of care.

Costs are an issue and something that should be addressed. But pretending universal health care is better is simply nonsense. Look at the WHO report and read where it is that the US gets 'deductions' in its ranking... it is in the subjective areas like 'fairness' of payments etc...

If the best healthcare system in the world exists in the US why is no one happy with it? Why does it cost you TEN times what it would cost me? Why do the poor miss out?
You are in grave danger of believing right wing propaganda. Bit like those poor souls living under totalitarian systems.
North Koreans believe the same as you do about their system.
Oh yeah. Everyone covered and no extra costs! It's magic. Do you just believe everything authority figures tell you? If so, that means you're stupid.

The reason I was absent from this forum was that I had several (to use a horrible americanism) health issues. I also had a massive heart attack the treatment for which cost me a staggering US$2750.00 plus about US$30 which included a month with a physiotherapist, and the first 3 months medications. Subsequent top ups ( for four drugs) costs me approximately US$8.75 for 3 months.
That's not magic. That's government of the people, for the people, by the people.
If you didnt have such a shakey economy and such myopic views of the world and its imagined dangers you could have the same.
You gonna refuse that?
Why do idiots continue to pretend that Obama's race is an issue? That is simply a strawman created to paint opponents as racists. If you want answers to educate yourself, I would suggest you not use such idiocy in your own posts.

IS race an issue? Why do you single that out for criticism? You are a racist nation and an ex president brought the subject into the limelight.
In the run up to the election race was played hard by people on the right. He was not American. He was black. He was Muslim. He was Kenyan. Dont criticise me for reflecting common American views.
The reason I was absent from this forum was that I had several (to use a horrible americanism) health issues. I also had a massive heart attack the treatment for which cost me a staggering US$2750.00 plus about US$30 which included a month with a physiotherapist, and the first 3 months medications. Subsequent top ups ( for four drugs) costs me approximately US$8.75 for 3 months.
That's not magic. That's government of the people, for the people, by the people.
If you didnt have such a shakey economy and such myopic views of the world and its imagined dangers you could have the same.
You gonna refuse that?

but medical care is an added cost to your budget. And so a public option would necessarily be an additional cost to ours. i don't believe it would be no extra cost. That's just stupid. are you stupid?
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If the best healthcare system in the world exists in the US why is no one happy with it? Why does it cost you TEN times what it would cost me? Why do the poor miss out?
You are in grave danger of believing right wing propaganda. Bit like those poor souls living under totalitarian systems.
North Koreans believe the same as you do about their system.

A lot of people are happy with it (outside the cost issue) which is why you see so many people out protesting its overhaul. To repeat Superfreak's post the services most receive are second to none. The issue of costs is what needs to be dealt with.
A lot of people are happy with it (outside the cost issue) which is why you see so many people out protesting its overhaul. To repeat Superfreak's post the services most receive are second to none. The issue of costs is what needs to be dealt with.

But it is those costs which ration the service and which prevent the poor from receiving adequate care. How will you address the costs? You seem to be refusing to discuss the matter with your president.
I dont suppose that you are hiding behand the cost issue for ... er.... some other ... er ... reason, are you?
You talk of 'most'. Is that acceptable to you?