Truck Fump / h1b
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No. You need educating and that is not on offer from me. Goodnight.
Oh, you mean totalitarian indoctrination, no thanks.
No. You need educating and that is not on offer from me. Goodnight.
Blue Cross is a non-profit. So is Kaiser and other HMOs...You should add that all the HMOs, Blue Cross etc be turned into non profit organisations with no shareholders.
Oh, you mean totalitarian indoctrination, no thanks.
Blue Cross is a non-profit. So is Kaiser and other HMOs...
Yes, It is what you mean. You want me to think that oligarchical collectivism is cool.
Yes. yes you do. It's what you believe. Globalist Illuminati stupidity. That's you.
It really is quite staggering just how far you are from reality
Blue Cross is a non-profit. So is Kaiser and other HMOs...
I think that is what we have now!All that will happen is that the big fish will swallow up the little fish and you will just end up with 2 or 3 giant companies running a cozy cartel.
OK, fair enough I stand corrected however I believe that Humana, CIGNA, Aetna and Healthnet are publically quoted companies.
BC is a non-profit that happens to make humongous profits. Here's an article about just one state's BC. Also note that this same BC was sued for denying treatment.
"In the past Blue Cross Blue Shield has been sued and fined for denying due medical treatments to their customers and for underpaying doctors.[7]"
Blue Cross profits, exec pay spark criticism
Posted: Mar. 4, 2009
Updated: Mar. 9, 2009
Chapel Hill, N.C. — Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina, the state's largest insurer, earned $186 million last year while raising premiums on customers as the economy slid into recession.
Such large profits by a nonprofit company elicited sharp criticism from health care reform and state employee advocates.
I have BC PPO and I love it.
what we need is more not for profit HMOs, such that each state or region has multiple (at least three coverages) HMO,s...CHOICE
the current senate financial committee's version of the health care bill permits non-coverage of preexisting conditions for up to six months
since everyone would be required to have insurance, i think this waiting period is unacceptable
alternatively, if a person transitions from one insurer to another the previous insurer should cover the person until the 6 month period is over
Beware the phrase 'not for profit'. What is profit? Is it all declarable? You need to check the co accts before believing some of these people. Sounds all lovely. Believe me they know exactly what they are doing. Not all are crooked, of course.
Do not fret, dear lady. LOWIQ was the original intention all those years ago.
Now who was it who said, 'He is a modest man with plenty to be modest about.'
I found this website about Blue Cross, what do they do with all the profits?