APP - The quest for knowledge.

If you had read the thread and their blatant inability to comprehend what was written to them, then you would understand. Personally, I will continue to call out the idiots when they are behaving like idiots.

You are not really in a position to judge.
Back in the '80's millionaires from the Middle East came here for organ transplants and there was an investigation because they were bumping others from the lists, due to the fact that they could pay hundreds of thousands without having to go through insurance paperwork. AHZ makes it sound like any old schmo just hopped a plane and got immediate care, when in truth is was basically the uber-rich who could do this.

Yes, of course. The same people kept Harley Street going.... and the Soho strip joints!!!!!

In summary,

The concensus american opinion is

1. Rejection of ANY path that leads to state run healthcare
2. Tort reform
3. Breakup of state by state healthcare cartels
4. Remove employer companies from the mix completely

In summary,

The concensus american opinion is

1. Rejection of ANY path that leads to state run healthcare
2. Tort reform
3. Breakup of state by state healthcare cartels
4. Remove employer companies from the mix completely

You should add that all the HMOs, Blue Cross etc be turned into non profit organisations with no shareholders.
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You should add that all the HMOs, Blue Cross etc should be turned into non profit organisations with no shareholders.

I don't believe that. They should be submitted to nationwide competition instead of the psuedocompetition of a state cartel. And the employer company should have NO ROLE in purchasing health care.
I don't believe that. They should be submitted to nationwide competition instead of the psuedocompetition of a state cartel. And the employer company should have NO ROLE in purchasing health care.

All that will happen is that the big fish will swallow up the little fish and you will just end up with 2 or 3 giant companies running a cozy cartel.
We will just have to keep busting it up. Not a big deal. It's better than the full monopoly of a government run system.

That probably is not practical. Do you really know who owns what in the US? Do you know, for example, whether Walmart owns any of its suppliers and if so how the profit on a product is divided? Do you know how you would discover true ownership, influential shareholdings, etc? I doubt very much if you or anyone does. Teams of lawyers are employed to hide inter company relationships. The world of business, you see, is not as simple as we like to think it is.
Insurance company A is 35% owned by ins company B which consists of banking and financial interests of several otherwise disconnected institutions. Some parts of such interests might be in private hands in in the form of trusts or companies where the beneficiary is not listed as a shareholder.
You ain't gonna bust nothing unless you can get sufficient numbers of similarly interested people and similarly interested lawyers and that just will not happen.
And, don't kid yourself on this, a monopoly is a real threat. Its easier to change your government than break up a business that doesn't wish to be broken up.
That probably is not practical. Do you really know who owns what in the US? Do you know, for example, whether Walmart owns any of its suppliers and if so how the profit on a product is divided? Do you know how you would discover true ownership, influential shareholdings, etc? I doubt very much if you or anyone does. Teams of lawyers are employed to hide inter company relationships. The world of business, you see, is not as simple as we like to think it is.
Insurance company A is 35% owned by ins company B which consists of banking and financial interests of several otherwise disconnected institutions. Some parts of such interests might be in private hands in in the form of trusts or companies where the beneficiary is not listed as a shareholder.
You ain't gonna bust nothing unless you can get sufficient numbers of similarly interested people and similarly interested lawyers and that just will not happen.
And, don't kid yourself on this, a monopoly is a real threat. Its easier to change your government than break up a business that doesn't wish to be broken up.

It's totally practical. You know, a negative attitude is not "rationality" per se. The hard things are worth it.