APP - The quest for knowledge.

Again, you need to learn to READ and COMPREHEND.

You looked at ONE post in the discussion and decided (in YOUR arrogance) to pretend you knew what we were talking about. Then in YOUR idiocy, you tried to make a point that had nothing to do with our conversation. Now in YOUR continued stupidity, you try to spin your way out of the prior two.

Low was knocking the US and talking about how bad our country was, that we were known for our racism and stupidity (obviously you are an example of why he thinks the latter), about how our poor people were so deprived of health insurance. THEN I asked him how the poor in his country compared and pointed out that our 'poor' are better off than China's middle class.

Then along comes a wandering moron who decides to pretend he is Low's savior by commenting on the quality of life in Hong Kong. Which again had nothing to do with what we are discussing.
somebody not get their Wheaties this morning?
but medical care is an added cost to your budget. And so a public option would necessarily be an additional cost to ours. i don't believe it would be no extra cost. That's just stupid. are you stupid?
Again, this is what several of you claim when people ask questions and have a different opinion, that people are stupid.

Are you stupid in that you have to ask if they are stupid? Superior intelligence doesn't have to point out the stupidity of others, it just knows and accepts that they are dealing with their inferiors, like our dealing with you, we just know and love you for who you are and what you wish to become when you grow up!
Click here

So, as the old saying goes, "Let's cut to the chase." Do we or do we not offer medical care to those who can not afford it?

I checked out the link. The news always tells us about the person with the money who had to travel to a foreign country or had to get on a waiting list. Where are the people who received treatment who otherwise wouldn't have been able to afford it? Where are the testimonies from people who are thankful all they had to do was wait three months for treatment because they sure as hell wouldn't have been able to save the $5,000 or $10,000 in that amount of time to pay a private clinic.

Canada has had a medical plan since the late 60s. That's 40 years. 40 years of people getting medical care when needed. Now there is a funding problem and people jump up and say, "Dump it!"

Of course, people have been ranting about costs for decades and during all those decades people were getting the necessary medical care.

Government medical. Private medical. A combination of both. I really don't care. The point is there is no reason/excuse for a first world country not to look after it's ill and infirm. That's what it all boils down to.

In countries like Canada people are motivated to find a solution because a solution has to be found. The program is already in existence. The government is obliged to make whatever changes are necessary to keep the program running or they'll find themselves out of a job.

Is there a solution. Of course there is. How do I know? I know because there is no reason a first world country can not look after it's ill and infirm.

Subsidized tuition for doctors and nurses in exchange for them working a certain amount of time, after graduation, for the government? Similar to what the military offers. Serve your country and get money for an education.

There has to be a solution. The ill and infirm have to be looked after. It's simply silly to say a first world country can not do that.

We come back to the same argument. Dozens of countries have been doing it for decades. They bitch and complain but they're still doing it. If they could do it for 20 or 30 or 40 years what has changed?

If it requires adjustment, make adjustments. If people don't want a government plan set up a system like unemployment or welfare. It's not rocket science to determine if a person can afford a certain medical treatment. Those who can't....the government pays. That way the government is not involved in any medical decisions. They simply check the person's income filing, number of members in the family, etc and write a check.

Being able to afford a medical procedure is no different than being able to afford a new car. Either you can or you can't. If you can't, the government covers you. Simple, efficient......but that would never pass and we all know why, don't we?

So, what are we left with? We're left with a universal plan.
See now I know you are coming from a partisan position not one of 'wanting to learn'. Race played an issue in the Democratic Primary between Obama and Hillary. You know between Democrats, the compassionate non racist folks. It is not just a 'right-wing' issue.

Partisan politics did not start in the U.S. with Barack Obama. And to think the President was going reengineer 1/6th of the U.S. economy and not have people get passionate about it?
Cawacko, how can he be partisan?
I don't know anyone for whom race is the issue.
It is because you have no friends...I have several, who don't like Obama because he is black.
You try to influence some people with the way you live, but you just can't. It is truly sad.
With the vast majority it is not about race. Yes, there are racists out there, no question. But answer this....

Had Hillary won and these same proposals been offered.... would there still be a protest?

(insert John Edwards if you feel 'sexism' would be the reason for Hillary)
Hillary it would be that she is a woman and doesn't know what she is doing and John Edwards, he is rich, it is always something, some prejudice, isn't it.

In all seriousness, it isn't race in every case, it is just with some people and to deny that it isn't isn't being real.
Again, you need to learn to READ and COMPREHEND.

You looked at ONE post in the discussion and decided (in YOUR arrogance) to pretend you knew what we were talking about. Then in YOUR idiocy, you tried to make a point that had nothing to do with our conversation. Now in YOUR continued stupidity, you try to spin your way out of the prior two.

Low was knocking the US and talking about how bad our country was, that we were known for our racism and stupidity (obviously you are an example of why he thinks the latter), about how our poor people were so deprived of health insurance. THEN I asked him how the poor in his country compared and pointed out that our 'poor' are better off than China's middle class.

Then along comes a wandering moron who decides to pretend he is Low's savior by commenting on the quality of life in Hong Kong. Which again had nothing to do with what we are discussing.
Just an FYI - Low is an expat Brit (I think) living in Hong Kong, and Tom is a Britlander living in actual Britlandia or whatever they call it nowadays.
are you talk like DNC....

you're telling me that obama doesn't want to end the high cost of h/c? this bill is nothing if there is not price controls. wtf do you think this bill is doing?
Prices are off the cart, what do you propose to control them? How many insurance companies in the USA? How many pharma companies? Who controls prices now? Don't you want it to benefit you instead of be a negative?

Do you like corporations making money off the sick, elderly and dying?
this thread is about the h/c plan....

as to the global warming nonsense, tinfoil is right on the science etc....its a scam
Says the expert, Yurt. He has how many degrees in this area? It makes me chuckle, that you can proclaim it a scam with such assurance.

Well, in a few years, you can visit my tropical location in Alaska!
Hillary it would be that she is a woman and doesn't know what she is doing and John Edwards, he is rich, it is always something, some prejudice, isn't it.

In all seriousness, it isn't race in every case, it is just with some people and to deny that it isn't isn't being real.

Bottom line is that the bulk of the opposition would have been due to the POLICY.... not due to the race, gender or wealth of the individual in the whitehouse
You are irascible? What a friggen joke. I think Tom just does this, because he still has the hots for you.
And then you woke up out of your dream state.

I think I just threw up in my mouth, I'll be right back...
Prices are off the cart, what do you propose to control them? How many insurance companies in the USA? How many pharma companies? Who controls prices now? Don't you want it to benefit you instead of be a negative?

Do you like corporations making money off the sick, elderly and dying?

The chain.... not a be all end all, but a good start...

1) tort reform... put a cap on the punitive damages
2) end defensive medicine
3) reduced malpractice premiums due to tort reform
4) reduced hospital bills due to elimination of uneccesary tests used for CYA procedures
5) reduced individual premiums due to lower hospital bills

Second chain....

1) Eat better
2) Exercise more
3) Reducing obesity levels within US
4) Reduce individual premiums due to healthier population
You disappoint me at times, it is the mother in me.

If you had read the thread and their blatant inability to comprehend what was written to them, then you would understand. Personally, I will continue to call out the idiots when they are behaving like idiots.
The chain.... not a be all end all, but a good start...

1) tort reform... put a cap on the punitive damages
2) end defensive medicine
3) reduced malpractice premiums due to tort reform
4) reduced hospital bills due to elimination of uneccesary tests used for CYA procedures
5) reduced individual premiums due to lower hospital bills

Second chain....

1) Eat better
2) Exercise more
3) Reducing obesity levels within US
4) Reduce individual premiums due to healthier population

Busting up state cartels and employer involvement is more important than eliminating "CYA" procedures.