APP - The quest for knowledge.

I started this thread in the genuine desire to get to the bottom of a subject that we, in the rest of the world, find almost completely unfathomable. Why, after the most disastrous eight years in your modern history do some people not wish to progress?
Unfortunately many posters put too much store by posting (not so) clever sound bite comments. That's not really surprising. excellence in conversation and debate not being something for which you, as a nation, are known.
There was a brief period in the spring and early summer, when we stopped laughing at you as the buffoons you were. This issue has tended to spread our smiles once again.
You really are a very stupid nation.

1) If your intent was to truly learn, then you need to educate yourself on a better method of doing so. Because your posts appear to be nothing more than an avenue for you to bash the US and pretend that racism is at the forefront of the health care debate.

2) You pretend that those who oppose the idiocy coming from DC are against progress. That is another moronic assumption from you and yet further evidence that you have no desire to learn, but rather want the opportunity to take your childish shots at the US.

3) Ironic that you mock the 'debating' skills of this country when you in turn are horrid at it. All you have produced thus far in your 'quest for knowledge' is the moronic soundbites you heard on TV.

4) Tell us again how wonderful it is for the average Chinese citizen. Because even the poorest among us are far better off than your middle class.
1) If your intent was to truly learn, then you need to educate yourself on a better method of doing so. Because your posts appear to be nothing more than an avenue for you to bash the US and pretend that racism is at the forefront of the health care debate.

2) You pretend that those who oppose the idiocy coming from DC are against progress. That is another moronic assumption from you and yet further evidence that you have no desire to learn, but rather want the opportunity to take your childish shots at the US.

3) Ironic that you mock the 'debating' skills of this country when you in turn are horrid at it. All you have produced thus far in your 'quest for knowledge' is the moronic soundbites you heard on TV.

4) Tell us again how wonderful it is for the average Chinese citizen. Because even the poorest among us are far better off than your middle class.

1) If your intent was to truly learn, then you need to educate yourself on a better method of doing so. Because your posts appear to be nothing more than an avenue for you to bash the US and pretend that racism is at the forefront of the health care debate.

2) You pretend that those who oppose the idiocy coming from DC are against progress. That is another moronic assumption from you and yet further evidence that you have no desire to learn, but rather want the opportunity to take your childish shots at the US.

3) Ironic that you mock the 'debating' skills of this country when you in turn are horrid at it. All you have produced thus far in your 'quest for knowledge' is the moronic soundbites you heard on TV.

4) Tell us again how wonderful it is for the average Chinese citizen. Because even the poorest among us are far better off than your middle class.

It pretty obvious to me that you have no idea about the high standard of living of people in Hong Kong.
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1) I have been to Hong Kong

2) What does Hong Kong have to do with my comments?

3) Its pretty obvious to me you are yet another idiot that fails to comprehend what he reads.

You are the one that said Chinese people had a low standard of living, so stop being so snotty about it. Anyone who has been to Hong Kong knows they have practically the highest living standards in the world. Also the coastal region of China is awash with Chinese millionaires and billionaires. You may well end working for a Chinese company in the near future so I wouldn't be quite so complacent or arrogant about them.

4) Tell us again how wonderful it is for the average Chinese citizen. Because even the poorest among us are far better off than your middle class.
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You really do like to obfuscate a simple point Apple. More need and less money is not an argument for spending more. The less money is due to nationaized health care, which is never free and never sustainable without a growing population. The problem is that the socialist's who want free (governemnt controlled tax payer supported) everything, are also the group who want population control and other mad scientist controls over human lives. I really think the problem is that you all do too many drugs and your minds are spun.

Link here

"The average Canadian family pays about 48 percent of its income in taxes each year, partly to fund the health care system. Rates vary from province to province, but Ontario, the most populous, spends roughly 40 percent of every tax dollar on health care, according to the Canadian Taxpayers Federation.

The system is going broke, says the federation, which campaigns for tax reform and private enterprise in health care.

It calculates that at present rates, Ontario will be spending 85 percent of its budget on health care by 2035. “We can’t afford a state monopoly on health care anymore,” says Tasha Kheiriddin, Ontario director of the federation. “We have to examine private alternatives as well.”

The federal government and virtually every province acknowledge there’s a crisis: a lack of physicians and nurses, state-of-the-art equipment and funding. In Ontario, more than 10,000 nurses and hospital workers are facing layoffs over the next two years unless the provincial government boosts funding, says the Ontario Hospital Association, which represents health care providers in the province."

So, as the old saying goes, "Let's cut to the chase." Do we or do we not offer medical care to those who can not afford it?

I checked out the link. The news always tells us about the person with the money who had to travel to a foreign country or had to get on a waiting list. Where are the people who received treatment who otherwise wouldn't have been able to afford it? Where are the testimonies from people who are thankful all they had to do was wait three months for treatment because they sure as hell wouldn't have been able to save the $5,000 or $10,000 in that amount of time to pay a private clinic.

Canada has had a medical plan since the late 60s. That's 40 years. 40 years of people getting medical care when needed. Now there is a funding problem and people jump up and say, "Dump it!"

Of course, people have been ranting about costs for decades and during all those decades people were getting the necessary medical care.

Government medical. Private medical. A combination of both. I really don't care. The point is there is no reason/excuse for a first world country not to look after it's ill and infirm. That's what it all boils down to.

In countries like Canada people are motivated to find a solution because a solution has to be found. The program is already in existence. The government is obliged to make whatever changes are necessary to keep the program running or they'll find themselves out of a job.

Is there a solution. Of course there is. How do I know? I know because there is no reason a first world country can not look after it's ill and infirm.

Subsidized tuition for doctors and nurses in exchange for them working a certain amount of time, after graduation, for the government? Similar to what the military offers. Serve your country and get money for an education.

There has to be a solution. The ill and infirm have to be looked after. It's simply silly to say a first world country can not do that.

We come back to the same argument. Dozens of countries have been doing it for decades. They bitch and complain but they're still doing it. If they could do it for 20 or 30 or 40 years what has changed?

If it requires adjustment, make adjustments. If people don't want a government plan set up a system like unemployment or welfare. It's not rocket science to determine if a person can afford a certain medical treatment. Those who can't....the government pays. That way the government is not involved in any medical decisions. They simply check the person's income filing, number of members in the family, etc and write a check.

Being able to afford a medical procedure is no different than being able to afford a new car. Either you can or you can't. If you can't, the government covers you. Simple, efficient......but that would never pass and we all know why, don't we?

So, what are we left with? We're left with a universal plan.
You are the one that said Chinese people had a low standard of living, so stop being so snotty about it. Anyone who has been to Hong Kong knows they have practically the highest living standards in the world. Also the coastal region of China is awash with Chinese millionaires and billionaires. You may well end working for a Chinese company in the near future so I wouldn't be quite so complacent or arrogant about them.

4) Tell us again how wonderful it is for the average Chinese citizen. Because even the poorest among us are far better off than your middle class.

You do realize that the Chinese people do not all live in Hong Kong? As I stated, the AVERAGE Chinese citizen... not the average Chinese citizen living in Hong Kong. As I stated, your reading comprehension skills suck.

Second, there is a reason Hong Kong's standards are higher than the rest of China... do you want to take a guess as to why? Or does it need to be spelled out for you?

Third, I am well aware that there are millionaires and billionaires in China. Again, I stated the AVERAGE CHINESE CITIZEN.

Perhaps the all caps will highlight that fact enough so that you may comprehend it this time.

Lastly... no I will not be working for a Chinese company.
You do realize that the Chinese people do not all live in Hong Kong? As I stated, the AVERAGE Chinese citizen... not the average Chinese citizen living in Hong Kong. As I stated, your reading comprehension skills suck.

Second, there is a reason Hong Kong's standards are higher than the rest of China... do you want to take a guess as to why? Or does it need to be spelled out for you?

Third, I am well aware that there are millionaires and billionaires in China. Again, I stated the AVERAGE CHINESE CITIZEN.

Perhaps the all caps will highlight that fact enough so that you may comprehend it this time.

Lastly... no I will not be working for a Chinese company.

Man, you are an arrogant son of a bitch and that's for sure.
Arrogant? For pointing out that you cannot comprehend what you read?

You attempted to talk about something that you clearly didn't understand, I point that out and I am 'arrogant' for doing so?


Talk about what exactly, you were talking to Low who lives in Hong Kong and I naturally pointed out that the standard of living there is very high. If you were talking about Guizhou, Shaanxi or Gansu provinces in Mainland China then tell me something that I don't know. You seem to have a bug up your arse and I can't be bothered to dislodge it so 再见
Talk about what exactly, you were talking to Low who lives in Hong Kong and I naturally pointed out that the standard of living there is very high. If you were talking about Guizhou, Shaanxi or Gansu provinces in Mainland China then tell me something that I don't know. You seem to have a bug up your arse and I can't be bothered to dislodge it so 再见

I was talking to LOW about the average standard of living in China compared to those who are considered the worst off in the US.

You then interjected your idiocy with the 'you obviously haven't been to Hong Kong' comment.

HONG KONG had NOTHING to due with my comments. A point you still fail to comprehend.

I also note that you didn't answer the point I made to you about Hong Kong's standard of living relative to the rest of China. Which further highlights the stupidity of your comment regarding the high standard of living in Hong Kong.

If you don't want someone to call you out for being a moron, then don't jump in the middle of a conversation with comments that have nothing to do with what is being discussed. You thought you were making a point... unfortunately for you it was not the point you thought that came through loud and clear.
I was talking to LOW about the average standard of living in China compared to those who are considered the worst off in the US.

You then interjected your idiocy with the 'you obviously haven't been to Hong Kong' comment.

HONG KONG had NOTHING to due with my comments. A point you still fail to comprehend.

I also note that you didn't answer the point I made to you about Hong Kong's standard of living relative to the rest of China. Which further highlights the stupidity of your comment regarding the high standard of living in Hong Kong.

If you don't want someone to call you out for being a moron, then don't jump in the middle of a conversation with comments that have nothing to do with what is being discussed. You thought you were making a point... unfortunately for you it was not the point you thought that came through loud and clear.

Have you ever been called irascible before? In this "conversation" with Low, you were being incredibly arrogant about the dirt poor Chinese compared to rich Americans. In the coastal regions of China and Hong Kong there is a population of 300+ middle class Chinese who are well on their way to overtaking the US in average income.

I have to get up early to configure some Huawei routers, they are Chinese by the way and Huawei is well on its way to becoming a major presence in the datacomms world maybe even ousting Cisco in the future.
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I was talking to LOW about the average standard of living in China compared to those who are considered the worst off in the US.

You then interjected your idiocy with the 'you obviously haven't been to Hong Kong' comment.

HONG KONG had NOTHING to due with my comments. A point you still fail to comprehend.

I also note that you didn't answer the point I made to you about Hong Kong's standard of living relative to the rest of China. Which further highlights the stupidity of your comment regarding the high standard of living in Hong Kong.

If you don't want someone to call you out for being a moron, then don't jump in the middle of a conversation with comments that have nothing to do with what is being discussed. You thought you were making a point... unfortunately for you it was not the point you thought that came through loud and clear.

you were talking to Low who lives in Hong Kong and I naturally pointed out (Please note his use of the term "naturally")

Translation: I butt in to a conversation once again that didn't involve me.
Have you ever been called irascible before? In this "conversation" with Low, you were being incredibly arrogant about the dirt poor Chinese compared to rich Americans. In the coastal regions of China and Hong Kong there is a population of 300+ middle class Chinese who are well on their way to overtaking the US in average income.

I have to get up early to configure some Huawei routers, they are Chinese by the way and Huawei is well on its way to becoming a major presence in the datacomms world maybe even ousting Cisco in the future.

You are irascible? What a friggen joke. I think Tom just does this, because he still has the hots for you.

Nope. Today Tom has the hots for Superfreak.

He's been riding him hard in hopes of putting him away wet.

SF is doing a commendable job of holding the elitist Brit at a decent distance.
Have you ever been called irascible before? In this "conversation" with Low, you were being incredibly arrogant about the dirt poor Chinese compared to rich Americans. In the coastal regions of China and Hong Kong there is a population of 300+ middle class Chinese who are well on their way to overtaking the US in average income.

I have to get up early to configure some Huawei routers, they are Chinese by the way and Huawei is well on its way to becoming a major presence in the datacomms world maybe even ousting Cisco in the future.

Again, you need to learn to READ and COMPREHEND.

You looked at ONE post in the discussion and decided (in YOUR arrogance) to pretend you knew what we were talking about. Then in YOUR idiocy, you tried to make a point that had nothing to do with our conversation. Now in YOUR continued stupidity, you try to spin your way out of the prior two.

Low was knocking the US and talking about how bad our country was, that we were known for our racism and stupidity (obviously you are an example of why he thinks the latter), about how our poor people were so deprived of health insurance. THEN I asked him how the poor in his country compared and pointed out that our 'poor' are better off than China's middle class.

Then along comes a wandering moron who decides to pretend he is Low's savior by commenting on the quality of life in Hong Kong. Which again had nothing to do with what we are discussing.