APP - The quest for knowledge.

But it is those costs which ration the service and which prevent the poor from receiving adequate care. How will you address the costs? You seem to be refusing to discuss the matter with your president.
I dont suppose that you are hiding behand the cost issue for ... er.... some other ... er ... reason, are you?
You talk of 'most'. Is that acceptable to you?

If you are hinting at something please let me know. I'm a big boy I can handle it.

Yes it is acceptable to me. I got my ass beat by four thugs about four months ago. Spent a week and a half in hospital and had to get plastic surgery. Shit was hell of expensive but I got great work done by great doctors.
If you are hinting at something please let me know. I'm a big boy I can handle it.

Yes it is acceptable to me. I got my ass beat by four thugs about four months ago. Spent a week and a half in hospital and had to get plastic surgery. Shit was hell of expensive but I got great work done by great doctors.

and suppose, just suppose, you didnt have enough money. Then what? Same service?
IS race an issue? Why do you single that out for criticism? You are a racist nation and an ex president brought the subject into the limelight.
In the run up to the election race was played hard by people on the right. He was not American. He was black. He was Muslim. He was Kenyan. Dont criticise me for reflecting common American views.

See now I know you are coming from a partisan position not one of 'wanting to learn'. Race played an issue in the Democratic Primary between Obama and Hillary. You know between Democrats, the compassionate non racist folks. It is not just a 'right-wing' issue.

Partisan politics did not start in the U.S. with Barack Obama. And to think the President was going reengineer 1/6th of the U.S. economy and not have people get passionate about it?
See now I know you are coming from a partisan position not one of 'wanting to learn'. Race played an issue in the Democratic Primary between Obama and Hillary. You know between Democrats, the compassionate non racist folks. It is not just a 'right-wing' issue.

Partisan politics did not start in the U.S. with Barack Obama. And to think the President was going reengineer 1/6th of the U.S. economy and not have people get passionate about it?

Race played a part in the election. I dont give a shit whether it was from the right or from the 'left' as you call it. The fact is that you are a racist nation and are known for it. I didnt introduce the subject. My 'suggestion' might well have referred to race or partisan politics. You may choose.
The fact remains that under this president your nation has the chance of putting the lunacy of bush behind you. If you want to be a nation of 'naysayers' please go ahead, I couldnt give a toss. But dont ever think you are special. Not anymore you aint.
IS race an issue? Why do you single that out for criticism? You are a racist nation and an ex president brought the subject into the limelight.
In the run up to the election race was played hard by people on the right. He was not American. He was black. He was Muslim. He was Kenyan. Dont criticise me for reflecting common American views.

Is it your belief then that if John Edwards had won the Democratic Primary and then the Presidency and tried to overhaul the health care system that he would not face as much opposition as Obama currently is because he is white?
Race played a part in the election. I dont give a shit whether it was from the right or from the 'left' as you call it. The fact is that you are a racist nation and are known for it. I didnt introduce the subject. My 'suggestion' might well have referred to race or partisan politics. You may choose.
The fact remains that under this president your nation has the chance of putting the lunacy of bush behind you. If you want to be a nation of 'naysayers' please go ahead, I couldnt give a toss. But dont ever think you are special. Not anymore you aint.

LOL, yeah ok Brit. We are such a racist nation we just elected a black President. That makes a whole lot of sense.
I don't have money, I have insurance. And if I didn't have insurance I would have gotten service anyway.

If you didnt have money you would have had the same service? Then tell me, please, why so many people are refused service in your country?
Is it your belief then that if John Edwards had won the Democratic Primary and then the Presidency and tried to overhaul the health care system that he would not face as much opposition as Obama currently is because he is white?

Who is John Edwards?
If you didnt have money you would have had the same service? Then tell me, please, why so many people are refused service in your country?

I wouldn't have had the same doctors but I would have had service. I was originally at a hospital for uninsured people who were all receiving service.
LOL, yeah ok Brit. We are such a racist nation we just elected a black President. That makes a whole lot of sense.

Why do you call him a black president when one parent was white? Why not call him a white president or simply 'a president'?
And whether you believe your own propaganda or not you are internationally known for your ingrained racism.
I wouldn't have had the same doctors but I would have had service. I was originally at a hospital for uninsured people who were all receiving service.

Then I must concur. If you could have received the best service as a poor American there is certainly no reason to change the system. Dont you think the other poor Americans should be told of this?
Is this true?

The United States spends 14 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP) on health care, more than any other country, yet one in seven Americans -- a total of 45 million people, including 8.4 million children -- lack health insurance. The middle class are the largest group among the newly uninsured.

Out-of-pocket healthcare costs for workers rose 50 percent between 2000 and 2003, and half of all bankruptcies, now at record levels, are attributed to health care costs. Meanwhile, the cost of the ten most-used prescription drugs has increased nearly 9 percent in 2003, outpacing inflation.

Does that paint a picture of a successful nation at peace with itself? A nation boasting the best healthcare in the world? Or is it all a 'damn pack o' lahz'?
If you didnt have money you would have had the same service? Then tell me, please, why so many people are refused service in your country?

No I would not have had the same service.

Plus there is one issue that everyone on here seems to have overlooked. Perhaps there is not much of it left.
I am speaking of personal pride and honor and not wanting to accept handouts.
A feeling of self esteem is not to be considered at all?

I have always made my own way and always will or I will make no way at all.
No I would not have had the same service.

Plus there is one issue that everyone on here seems to have overlooked. Perhaps there is not much of it left.
I am speaking of personal pride and honor and not wanting to accept handouts.
A feeling of self esteem is not to be considered at all?

I have always made my own way and always will or I will make no way at all.

That is highly commendable. But what of those for whom making their own way is not an option. The only way one can be richer than average is by someone else being poorer than average. Don't these people count? Have we reached a situation where we pass by on the other side and are proud to brag of it? I am sure that is not the case.
I was just talking of the differences between people with my better half. We realised that most things we do in our own lives include a consideration for others (no, we are not religious and I am not trying to appear a paragon of virtue). Its just that we are now totally conscious of the mess we make of the planet and of the fact that millions of people's lives are sacrificed so that we can live better then them. There are many more things that we could do and many ways in which we could be less selfish, but we are, after all, just human.
That is highly commendable. But what of those for whom making their own way is not an option. The only way one can be richer than average is by someone else being poorer than average. Don't these people count? Have we reached a situation where we pass by on the other side and are proud to brag of it? I am sure that is not the case.
I was just talking of the differences between people with my better half. We realised that most things we do in our own lives include a consideration for others (no, we are not religious and I am not trying to appear a paragon of virtue). Its just that we are now totally conscious of the mess we make of the planet and of the fact that millions of people's lives are sacrificed so that we can live better then them. There are many more things that we could do and many ways in which we could be less selfish, but we are, after all, just human.

Why I am in favor of nationalized health care.
Not this corporate leaning mishmash that we will wind up with.
And no if you do not have money or insurance in America you do not get the same medical/health service.
but medical care is an added cost to your budget. And so a public option would necessarily be an additional cost to ours. i don't believe it would be no extra cost. That's just stupid. are you stupid?

According to Low, he has a lot of money. He can find better medical care if need be. In his situation (if we are to take him at his word) his care met his need. There are plenty of stories just as compelling as his from universal care nations that speak of the long wait times, medicine that is refused, care that is withheld~~~ and all of this paid for at exorbitant tax rates to the people receiving this mediocre care. Why shouldn't they be happy with it, it's all they have known. As a final mention Canada has said that their system has caused them to go broke...they, the government, can no longer carry the burden. Translation of course is that their system is broken or broke to be more accurate.
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Why I am in favor of nationalized health care.
Not this corporate leaning mishmash that we will wind up with.
And no if you do not have money or insurance in America you do not get the same medical/health service.

I, for one, would love to see it pass just for you, so when the time comes and the government panel of administrators decide your ancient ass is too old for the extraordinary medical procedure to clear your bowel obstruction, there will be irrefutable proof you are and always were full of $hit.
According to Low, he has a lot of money. He can find better medical care if need be. In his situation (if we are to take him at his word) his care met his need. There are plenty of stories just as compelling as his from universal care nations that speak of the long wait times, medicine that is refused, care that is withheld~~~ and all of this paid for on at exorbitant tax rates to the people receiving this mediocre care. Why shouldn't they be happy with it, it's all they have known. As a final mention Canada has said that their system has caused them to go broke...they, the government, can no longer carry the burden. Translation of course is that their system is broken or broke to be more accurate.

No, I do not have a lot of money. Far from it - although everything is comparative. Our tax rate is 16% across the board after a basic US$15,000 pa (I may be wrong on the figure). We have no capital gains tax and no VAT. We are basically a duty free economy with some notable exceptions.
Care is never witheld despite the fact that the system is open to abuse from mainlanders who try to have their babies here. They are never turned away once they reach the door even though they cost HK millions. If I wanted to have a higher standard of care I could pay for it and have done in the past. The fact is that in an emergency one is taken to ones local hospital and that suited me fine. The beds were modern, all singing, all dancing, the nurses generally were very pretty but, I must own to the fact, the food was crap.
Wait times may be long in non urgent cases but what is long? Long is maybe a couple of weeks or so. But the choice rests with the patient. I have another op scheduled for early December (my choice. I tend not to like being cut open!). If the condition worsens or causes me more concern I can call the hospital and go straight in.
Strange, isnt it, that there is very little public discussion about medical services here except, as in any society, when something goes wrong.