APP - The quest for knowledge.

Is the right's stand against the health care plan based upon

a) a dislike if your presidents race or colour? No
b) the fear or dislike of big government? Partially
c) the dislike or fear of socialism? Partially
d) the fear of losing the freedoms for which your nation has struggled since its inception? not exactly
e) something else.

the dislike of big government is probably the biggest concern. It's long been understood by people that can objectivly look at issues that the more government involvement there is in any issue, the costlier it becomes due to governments inability to be efficient. Government has no responsibility to be efficient, nor do they have any liability when they are not. The government does not produce, it only consumes. If the government were able to produce things, like profit, then it would stand to reason that there would be no need for people to succeed on their own. The government could just work and supply for them. Because government only consumes, it takes from us (the productive citizen) in order to feed its consumption. This taking inhibits the citizen from furthering our own economy, as well as the nations, by leaving us less money to do so. Any entitlement program created by government also has the unintended consequence (or is it purposefully?) of removing some of our own freedoms regarding whatever the subject of the program entails. Continuing encroachment of our liberties is what has people concerned. We've seen all too much of it over the last 80 years.
1. tort reform - i'm on the fence on this, and yes, partly because of my profession. the other part is, the studies or so called studies, have shown that in states with tort reform, insurance rates have still gone up and nothing has changed except....the personal injury awards

2. i assume you mean insurance, if so, yes

3. why? you get far better rates and also coverage with group bargaining....individual ins rates are crazy, group rates are somewhat rational and you can sometimes get in preexisting conditions.....not so with individual rates

On 3.~~~Allowing a deregulation of state controls would require a willingness for federal oversight, a new control as it were. This would allow for a real co-op to take place where individuals could search for a co-op (group) to join to have discounts for being a part of a larger group. It really is the best free market option.
the dislike of big government is probably the biggest concern. It's long been understood by people that can objectivly look at issues that the more government involvement there is in any issue, the costlier it becomes due to governments inability to be efficient. Government has no responsibility to be efficient, nor do they have any liability when they are not. The government does not produce, it only consumes. If the government were able to produce things, like profit, then it would stand to reason that there would be no need for people to succeed on their own. The government could just work and supply for them. Because government only consumes, it takes from us (the productive citizen) in order to feed its consumption. This taking inhibits the citizen from furthering our own economy, as well as the nations, by leaving us less money to do so. Any entitlement program created by government also has the unintended consequence (or is it purposefully?) of removing some of our own freedoms regarding whatever the subject of the program entails. Continuing encroachment of our liberties is what has people concerned. We've seen all too much of it over the last 80 years.

Thank you for that. A good answer. Exectly what I was looking for.
the dislike of big government is probably the biggest concern. It's long been understood by people that can objectivly look at issues that the more government involvement there is in any issue, the costlier it becomes due to governments inability to be efficient. Government has no responsibility to be efficient, nor do they have any liability when they are not. The government does not produce, it only consumes. If the government were able to produce things, like profit, then it would stand to reason that there would be no need for people to succeed on their own. The government could just work and supply for them. Because government only consumes, it takes from us (the productive citizen) in order to feed its consumption. This taking inhibits the citizen from furthering our own economy, as well as the nations, by leaving us less money to do so. Any entitlement program created by government also has the unintended consequence (or is it purposefully?) of removing some of our own freedoms regarding whatever the subject of the program entails. Continuing encroachment of our liberties is what has people concerned. We've seen all too much of it over the last 80 years.

Let me ask a couple of questions based on what you say here:
Would you agree that, despite the fact that mistrust and dislike of big government is almost universal, nations with such have the best healthcare systems and sometimes the healthiest populations. Is there no compromise you are willing to take? Do you really want to continue paying ten times more than you should be for your healthcare?
Next socialism. What is your definition of socialism? Is all socialism the same? What is your alternative? I have asked for people's definition of socialism here before. I dont think anyone has ever given a straight answer and the sound bites that are offered are so wide of the mark as to be not worthy of discussion.
Different mixes of capitalism/socialism exist all over the world and in many cases they have been demonstrably better at getting out of the recent financial problems than has the US.
See. a small set of insurance companies are in bed with state governments and local big businesses. This corrupt accretion of power conspires against consumers to keep a) interests consolidated and b) healthy profits in place, with a kickback mechanism to companies. We need something akin to trust busting. We need to allow interstate and perhaps even foreign health insurance competition and break the state cartels. Period. Giving the genocidal nazi feds contol is the last thing we should do. Bilderberger population reduction nwo noahide new world order masonic nihilism satanic Olam ha ba.

How do you propose regulating insurance companies? Are you saying that your state governments are corrupt? If so why doesnt someone take out a civil action against them. Why do you vote these people in?
But the whole system in America is run by corruption. Corrupt practices within insurance companies and price gouging by the medication manufacturers and suppliers. Is it fair to say that you prefer this to a government run system?
I think the Bilderberg conspiracy theory is best kept for another thread. It is likely to cloud the main issue.
How do you propose regulating insurance companies? Are you saying that your state governments are corrupt? If so why doesnt someone take out a civil action against them. Why do you vote these people in?
But the whole system in America is run by corruption. Corrupt practices within insurance companies and price gouging by the medication manufacturers and suppliers. Is it fair to say that you prefer this to a government run system?
I think the Bilderberg conspiracy theory is best kept for another thread. It is likely to cloud the main issue.

How do you?
Exactly. So please STFU.

You are entitled to say that. Does your own quest for knowledge stop at your own shores? Are you not interested in other nations, other ideas? maybe that's your problem?
You are a great one for the single line insult, aren't you? That suggests a very narrow sphere of knowledge and a very shallow character. However its yours. Be proud of that.
Big government afficionados either don't understand that price fixing, wage fixing etc. WILL CAUSE RATIONING, or they know and are cynically implementing the population control/ eugenics directives of UNESCO.

The worst charactered people rise to the top of modern statist bureaucracies. Giving them power over life and death merely extends their power over our lives, which is a bad idea considering the nihilism of their ruling ideology.

Why should we trust people who believe humans are evil and should be eliminated from earth, to save the Earth Mother Spirit?

we already have rationing

more people die for lack of medical care than are killed by murder, manslaughter AND drunk/impaired drivers
You are entitled to say that. Does your own quest for knowledge stop at your own shores? Are you not interested in other nations, other ideas? maybe that's your problem?
You are a great one for the single line insult, aren't you? That suggests a very narrow sphere of knowledge and a very shallow character. However its yours. Be proud of that.

I just don't aspire to be like failed socialist states.

I like other ideas, just not stupid ones. Im anti-stupidity.
I prefer to be unlike any failed socialist state.

Do you know of any socialist states? Do you know of other alternatives to Bushism? Would you say that Europe is socialist? How about Scandinavia? Is China Socialist? Stop hiding behind smart-arse sound bites.
Do you know of any socialist states? Do you know of other alternatives to Bushism? Would you say that Europe is socialist? How about Scandinavia? Is China Socialist? Stop hiding behind smart-arse sound bites.

Socialism is actually fascism. Communism is actually fascism.

Whether corporations take over government or government takesover corporations, the end result is the same: an oligarchy which parasitizes the common man.
Socialism is actually fascism. Communism is actually fascism.

Whether corporations take over government or government takesover corporations, the end result is the same: an oligarchy which parasitizes the common man.

so why don't you answer the question?
and what do you call it when corporations take over the people?