The Question Right Wingers Won't Answer And Were Never Asked~Standards

Actually, we had stupid and pointless questions to answer, as evidenced by your responses to 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8.

Please CD, can you say to whom you are responding? One of the issues that I find so confounding on this site is the simple use of quoting whom one is responding to.
I'd say you were correct in 'this thread will die,' but that really is on you, not responses.

So you answered 2 of them............Actually, you didn't. Only 1.

"what is employment" followed by your answer" There should be no minimum wage" Brainy stuff right there.

The entire follow-up of this uneducation is "#3" ............"not worth responding to"..........<----when you can't answer questions.

Sadly, I predicted Right Wingers wouldn't be able to answer these questions and you responded with a cop out of weakness.
Just look at these Right Wing idiots panic.

I'm just not good under pressure.

In this post we will probably keep seeing attempts to derail the conversation and Right Wingers using excuses to avoid my basic political questions.

Note that these are BASIC political questions. Not complicated at all. Everyone has their right to an opinion and only 1 person now out of 25 posts has actually owned up to their opinion.

So the big question is what is keeping these people from answering?

The answer is, "THEY CAN'T GOOGLE IT" and rely on Fox News for a political brain because they have NEVER used their own.
In this post we will probably keep seeing attempts to derail the conversation and Right Wingers using excuses to avoid my basic political questions.

Note that these are BASIC political questions. Not complicated at all. Everyone has their right to an opinion and only 1 person now out of 25 posts has actually owned up to their opinion.

So the big question is what is keeping these people from answering?

The answer is, "THEY CAN'T GOOGLE IT" and rely on Fox News for a political brain because they have NEVER used their own.

you clearly watch a fuckton more of Fox News than either Cawacko or myself do.
Your stupidity is no cause for panic, I assure you, prole.


So basic.....VERY basic political questions you can't answer make me the "stupid" one?

I have to admit. I never thought any of you Right Winers would actually debate me. But I NEVER IN LIFE would have thought that so many of you would stand up proudly and say, "I can't debate that"
So basic.....VERY basic political questions you can't answer make me the "stupid" one?

I have to admit. I never thought any of you Right Winers would actually debate me. But I NEVER IN LIFE would have thought that so many of you would stand up proudly and say, "I can't debate that"

Have you signed up for the board debate yet?
Have you signed up for the board debate yet?

You know what I haven't. Mostly because I've never been debaed here. Heck, I can't even get answered here when I ask a question as you are proving with your sideshow attempt to distract from the fact that YOU CAN'T ANSWER THE QUESTIONS IN MY THREAD.
I think this thread will die because I don't think ANY Right Winger will stand up and answer this.

The one thing that Fox News teaches the Right is that we need to compete with other Countries to be successful. So let's have that debate now. Or maybe you only repeat what you are told to by your Cult media source and can't........If you are good at debating politics then answer these questions. Debate IS about answering questions.....

1) What should the lowest age limit be for employment? Depends on the occupation, although I think it should be low for certain ones such as newspaper delivery, because that's one example of a good job for kids.
2) What should the minimum wage be and/or should there be one? $20
3) Doctors (or anything that presents risk to life in America)can't just become doctors without proof of education on the subject because people can die if the doctor is a fake. Proof of education on the topic is needed. What educational limits should be placed on owning an AR-15 and/or a 100 round drum mag? People don't have a constitutional right to a specific profession. Gun ownership is not an occupation, it's a fucking right. Should citizens have to pass a certain level of education before they can write words in public view?
4) If in theory ALL AMERICANS wanted something, yet the Congress didn't pass it..........who more resembles a Dictatorship in this theory? The Americans or Congress? Neither one. At worst, one is correct and the other incorrect. The Congress is at least better educated, albeit more corrupt
5) The Bible teaches Free Will Religion. It teaches that using law to enforce Christianity is casting stones. Yet laws against gays punish them for not being Christian. But this topic in the Bible was about people who think that their sins are ok, but someone elses aren't. And people have created a "sin level meter" which makes certain sins worse than others. The only sin rating system I know of is the 10 commandments. And then we have the Constitution that promotes "Freedom of Religion." And the Bible states, "Do not judge or be judged"........... So here is the question........Should gays be allowed to get married? I think if you think they don't have the freedom to you are a non-American and a judgemental Christian. But I also think that if you are a Christian, you shouldn't be forced to marry a gay couple. But guess what, laws even prevent them from getting married at a court house. Louis C.K.~ "If they aren't touching dongs in my front yard...I really don't care." First, passing laws is not casting stones - it's establishing order and justice. Second, if Mary Magdalene had broken some law, and Roman authorities had come to arrest her, Christ would not have enterfered with Caesar's laws. Instead, he told her to sin no more, which is typically what your dreaded Christian Right is doing. Civil marriage is dead anyway, so I see no point in defending it outside of the Church.
6) What air pollution PPM standard would you put on a Corporation? The lower, the better in most cases
7) Oil Fracking. Should this be allowed? No, are you indicating that it should be?
8) Does "Obamacare" challenge the Intersate Commerce Clause if the majority of Ameircans want it? Only if it's unconstitutional. If not, then go nuts giving the people what they want.
9) Should we be FREE to sell unpasteurized milk and if so, what should be the punishment if it kills a child? My current candidate stands behind this even when my local hospitals show that less educated people use this method and sometimes kill their children. Is the "sometimes" ok when profit is at stake? Free to sell, and negligent homicide if it kills a minor. I personally think buying and consuming unpasteurized milk is moronic.
10) Should boys play with baby dolls? No, I would encourage them to play with trains, trucks, legos, etc. Having seen your earlier response, I don't look to Barbies as a means to teach good child-rearing skills. Good child-rearing also includes teaching useful skills, such as driving and building stuff. Again, kids who don't play with toy cars and legos aren't necessarily going to suck at those tasks.

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I think this thread will die because I don't think ANY Right Winger will stand up and answer this.

The one thing that Fox News teaches the Right is that we need to compete with other Countries to be successful. So let's have that debate now. Or maybe you only repeat what you are told to by your Cult media source and can't........If you are good at debating politics then answer these questions. Debate IS about answering questions.....

1) What should the lowest age limit be for employment?
2) What should the minimum wage be and/or should there be one?
3) Doctors (or anything that presents risk to life in America)can't just become doctors without proof of education on the subject because people can die if the doctor is a fake. Proof of education on the topic is needed. What educational limits should be placed on owning an AR-15 and/or a 100 round drum mag?
4) If in theory ALL AMERICANS wanted something, yet the Congress didn't pass it..........who more resembles a Dictatorship in this theory? The Americans or Congress?
5) The Bible teaches Free Will Religion. It teaches that using law to enforce Christianity is casting stones. Yet laws against gays punish them for not being Christian. But this topic in the Bible was about people who think that their sins are ok, but someone elses aren't. And people have created a "sin level meter" which makes certain sins worse than others. The only sin rating system I know of is the 10 commandments. And then we have the Constitution that promotes "Freedom of Religion." And the Bible states, "Do not judge or be judged"........... So here is the question........Should gays be allowed to get married? I think if you think they don't have the freedom to you are a non-American and a judgemental Christian. But I also think that if you are a Christian, you shouldn't be forced to marry a gay couple. But guess what, laws even prevent them from getting married at a court house. Louis C.K.~ "If they aren't touching dongs in my front yard...I really don't care."
6) What air pollution PPM standard would you put on a Corporation?
7) Oil Fracking. Should this be allowed?
8) Does "Obamacare" challenge the Intersate Commerce Clause if the majority of Ameircans want it?
9) Should we be FREE to sell unpasteurized milk and if so, what should be the punishment if it kills a child? My current candidate stands behind this even when my local hospitals show that less educated people use this method and sometimes kill their children. Is the "sometimes" ok when profit is at stake?
10) Should boys play with baby dolls?

Legion must be getting old.....he's too lazy to start ten threads and combines 10 different ideas in a single one.....
I think this thread will die because I don't think ANY Right Winger will stand up and answer this.

The one thing that Fox News teaches the Right is that we need to compete with other Countries to be successful. So let's have that debate now. Or maybe you only repeat what you are told to by your Cult media source and can't........If you are good at debating politics then answer these questions. Debate IS about answering questions.....

1) What should the lowest age limit be for employment?
There shouldn't be an age limit for employment. It should be up to the parents

2) What should the minimum wage be and/or should there be one?
Since you didn't specify, I will assume that you mean the gobblement artificially setting wages. In that case it should be $0. The free market should set wages and prices. They should not be artificially manipulated by "do gooders" with no concept of economics.

3) Doctors (or anything that presents risk to life in America)can't just become doctors without proof of education on the subject because people can die if the doctor is a fake. Proof of education on the topic is needed. What educational limits should be placed on owning an AR-15 and/or a 100 round drum mag?
Another faulty premise. People actually have become doctors without proof of education. I am assuming you are talking about licensing? In that case, licensing doesn't prevent people from dying from bad doctors. The free market will protect you from bad doctors a lot better than any guild system designed to artificially prop up wages and create barriers to entry. BTW, Michael Jackson's doctor was "licensed". Kermit Gosnell was "licensed".

4) If in theory ALL AMERICANS wanted something, yet the Congress didn't pass it..........who more resembles a Dictatorship in this theory? The Americans or Congress?
In "theory" ALL AMERICANS probably want a free 70" plasma television given to them by the federal gobblement. Does that mean they should get it? We are not a true democracy. Never have been. Never should be. The Founding Fathers knew that direct democracy can be every bit as tyrannical as a dictatorship. That is why they designed our system of government the way that they did with checks and balances to cool off some of man's least pleasant inclinations.

5) The Bible teaches Free Will Religion. It teaches that using law to enforce Christianity is casting stones. Yet laws against gays punish them for not being Christian. But this topic in the Bible was about people who think that their sins are ok, but someone elses aren't. And people have created a "sin level meter" which makes certain sins worse than others. The only sin rating system I know of is the 10 commandments. And then we have the Constitution that promotes "Freedom of Religion." And the Bible states, "Do not judge or be judged"........... So here is the question........Should gays be allowed to get married? I think if you think they don't have the freedom to you are a non-American and a judgemental Christian. But I also think that if you are a Christian, you shouldn't be forced to marry a gay couple. But guess what, laws even prevent them from getting married at a court house. Louis C.K.~ "If they aren't touching dongs in my front yard...I really don't care."
There are no "laws against gays" so there is another faulty premise. Also, the majority of the Bible is Old Testament. Christianity is New Testament. Never could figure out why people can't get that right. But back to the gays. I think they should have every right afforded to every other citizen. Getting married is not a right.

6) What air pollution PPM standard would you put on a Corporation?
Zero. The free market has done more to improve the economy than any centrally planned government EVER. The USSR had some of the worst environmental offenses in history.

7) Oil Fracking. Should this be allowed?
Of course it should. There shouldn't even be a debate. The fact that people oppose this and natural gas proves they are full of it when they say they want to "wean our dependency on foreign oil". We have enough energy supply in this country to financially cripple the Middle East. Not only would tapping these energy supplies create an economic boom, but it would deal the largest blow to Muslime Terrorism than any drone strike ever could. It would dry up their money supply.

8) Does "Obamacare" challenge the Intersate Commerce Clause if the majority of Ameircans want it?
If a law is unconstitutional, it doesn't matter if the majority of Americans want it. If the majority of Americans decided that blacks should enter back into slavery should it happen?

9) Should we be FREE to sell unpasteurized milk and if so, what should be the punishment if it kills a child? My current candidate stands behind this even when my local hospitals show that less educated people use this method and sometimes kill their children. Is the "sometimes" ok when profit is at stake?
Yes. Let people decide what is best in their own interests.

10) Should boys play with baby dolls?
Well, I played with a GI Joe, a Six Million Dollar Man action figure and this cool Evil Kneivel action figure that you put on a motorcycle then wound up this launching device and sent it flying. It was very cool.

You might have a better chance of people taking your seriously if you didn't use faulty premises in your questions and accuse everyone of being led by Fox News. I don't watch Fox News. But, here are your answers.
1) What should the lowest age limit be for employment? It depends on the work.
2) What should the minimum wage be and/or should there be one? There should be no minimum wage. Instead, employment as an institution should be abolished.
3) Doctors (or anything that presents risk to life in America)can't just become doctors without proof of education on the subject because people can die if the doctor is a fake. Proof of education on the topic is needed. What educational limits should be placed on owning an AR-15 and/or a 100 round drum mag? None.
4) If in theory ALL AMERICANS wanted something, yet the Congress didn't pass it..........who more resembles a Dictatorship in this theory? The Americans or Congress? I wouldn't call it a dictatorship, but whither that situation applies or not, the US government isn't remotely democratic.
5) The Bible teaches Free Will Religion. It teaches that using law to enforce Christianity is casting stones. Yet laws against gays punish them for not being Christian. But this topic in the Bible was about people who think that their sins are ok, but someone elses aren't. And people have created a "sin level meter" which makes certain sins worse than others. The only sin rating system I know of is the 10 commandments. And then we have the Constitution that promotes "Freedom of Religion." And the Bible states, "Do not judge or be judged"........... So here is the question........Should gays be allowed to get married? I think if you think they don't have the freedom to you are a non-American and a judgemental Christian. But I also think that if you are a Christian, you shouldn't be forced to marry a gay couple. But guess what, laws even prevent them from getting married at a court house. Louis C.K.~ "If they aren't touching dongs in my front yard...I really don't care." Through a series of counter-hegemonic measures (preferably through a socialist party), religion should be gradually marginalized, until its coercive power is replaced by a kind of Feurbachian humanism. When it comes to the gays, let them do as they wish. It would be nice is we could get to a point where they were a powerful cultural force in civil society, and I could simply write something anti-government, but that's not the case, and empowerment measure may need to take occur.
6) What air pollution PPM standard would you put on a Corporation? I'm not a scientist, so I can't say. But I will note that - with cooperation with worker councils, when and if they arise - limits should be put in place.
7) Oil Fracking. Should this be allowed? In the context of capitalism, absolute prohibition, even and especially if this creates large scale catastrophe.
8) Does "Obamacare" challenge the Intersate Commerce Clause if the majority of Ameircans want it? I don't believe I'm currently qualified to say.
9) Should we be FREE to sell unpasteurized milk and if so, what should be the punishment if it kills a child? My current candidate stands behind this even when my local hospitals show that less educated people use this method and sometimes kill their children. Is the "sometimes" ok when profit is at stake? It's not okay.
10) Should boys play with baby dolls? People should do as they like.

3) The Constitution does grant us the right to bear arms. And a test to prove competence doesn't take away that right. Unless you are of course incompetent. So will fight for the right of incompetent people to bear arms? Ignorance like this leads to gun violence. Hmmmm, have we seen any of that lately?
4) You are wrong. A dictatorship is defined as an autocratic or authoritarian form of government in which a government is ruled by either an individual: a dictator, or an authoritarian party. If the majority of Americans want something and an Authoritarian party votes against's dictatorship. :fu:
5) Wrong again. If you read the bible AT ALL you would know that this passage is about acceptance of others. It doesn't matter the form of punishment. Do not judge or be judged.
6) The lower the better? You clearly haven't seen China lately. You don't care to research it because you might learn something. But their profits are high and the people die.
9) Your only response with any brains in it.
10) I didn't say Barbie dolls, I said baby dolls. Can you read or comprehend?

We have a debate going right here, why would I have to sign up to have a debate? This entire forum is about debating politics..

Yet you haven't answered the questions of the post and call others Cowards..........:fu: