The Question Right Wingers Won't Answer And Were Never Asked~Standards

2nd Amendment had nothing to do with hunting. When it was written if you didn't hunt you didn't eat

Well my theory is one never debated so let's start there. A musket should have no educational test. A basic revolver would be a short class on how to shoot it and store it safely along with some standard video's of bad citizens making bad decisions with their weapons. Maybe the 4 year old that shot his 2 year old sister. Maybe the Missouri float trip guy. Maybe Zimmerman.

Different guns have different powers. Anyone who would dispute that is AN IDIOT and should stop comparing guns to hammers. The more dangerous the weapon, the longer the course. Because in the future, we are going to have weapons way more powerful than today.

Right now, the people who own these are required to prove their class of firearm. There is no difference...

2nd Amendment had nothing to do with hunting. When it was written if you didn't hunt you didn't eat

You're right. The 2nd Amendment had nothing to do with hunting. It had to do with a brand new Nation that was balancing on the edge of a knife. A nation that was forged because of a tyrant 2000 miles away was leeching off of them and giving nothing in return.

A tyrant that we could do nothing about. A tyrant that got his status by way of his mother's Womb instead of being duly elected.

There is a thousand fold difference.between.then and NOW.
You're right. The 2nd Amendment had nothing to do with hunting. It had to do with a brand new Nation that was balancing on the edge of a knife. A nation that was forged because of a tyrant 2000 miles away was leeching off of them and giving nothing in return.

A tyrant that we could do nothing about. A tyrant that got his status by way of his mother's Womb instead of being duly elected.

There is a thousand fold difference.between.then and NOW.

Not much
You're right. The 2nd Amendment had nothing to do with hunting. It had to do with a brand new Nation that was balancing on the edge of a knife. A nation that was forged because of a tyrant 2000 miles away was leeching off of them and giving nothing in return.

A tyrant that we could do nothing about. A tyrant that got his status by way of his mother's Womb instead of being duly elected.

There is a thousand fold difference.between.then and NOW.

Are you to imply elected leaders cannot be tyrants?
Are you to imply elected leaders cannot be tyrants?

I will state that elected leaders can be tyrants. But only when controlled by a Corporation. And as long as the smart Americans can spread the information faster than the dumber media, we can vote them out.
You're right. The 2nd Amendment had nothing to do with hunting. It had to do with a brand new Nation that was balancing on the edge of a knife. A nation that was forged because of a tyrant 2000 miles away was leeching off of them and giving nothing in return.

A tyrant that we could do nothing about. A tyrant that got his status by way of his mother's Womb instead of being duly elected.

There is a thousand fold difference.between.then and NOW.

The 1st Amendment also had nothing to do with TV, DVD's, CD's, Radio, land lines, cell phones, or the internet; therefore it should only pertain to the kind of printing press that was available at that time.

There is a thousand fold difference.between.then and NOW.
So you answered 2 of them............Actually, you didn't. Only 1.

"what is employment" followed by your answer" There should be no minimum wage" Brainy stuff right there.

The entire follow-up of this uneducation is "#3" ............"not worth responding to"..........<----when you can't answer questions.

Sadly, I predicted Right Wingers wouldn't be able to answer these questions and you responded with a cop out of weakness.

From the beginning, you ignored your poorly worded/slanted choices and slam the responses. Do you really think the folks that even agree with your general positions fail to notice that? I don't.
Calling others liars when they aren't actually lying is a lie. Didn't you know that, sociopath?

Yes which why I don't do that.

maybe you don't understand what a sociopath is.

Its a person with a brain that does not process human emotion.

Sociopaths are NOT inherently evil.

they are people who don't feel the same deep level of emotion for other human beings,

You ever hear people say "why cant we decide this all without emotion" guess why they see that as a GOOD THING?

Humans became smart because they needed an ever increasing brain to be able to function in a REAL human way.

They were developing that Bigger brain to be able to deal with other humans an PLAN how to take care of their offspring and elderly.

Human relationships with the full range of emotion was why our brains grew into this marvel we have today.

Now get busy being a REAL human and care about your fellow man in a real way.

Tell me do you think Jesus would have whipped the money changers if they had been working with the local government at the time to make sure the poor were housed and fed?

don't get all christiany about life ONLY when it helps your party mmmkay
From the beginning, you ignored your poorly worded/slanted choices and slam the responses. Do you really think the folks that even agree with your general positions fail to notice that? I don't.

who cares what a socioipath like you thinks
3) So if someone doesn't pass a hunting safety course they are considered a second class citizen and you want to protect their rights to hunt because you want what......acceptance of failure that endangers others? All you have to do to pass a hunter safety course is pay attention and make decisions that won't cost a hunter their life basically.

4) Your claims like many others on this topic favor big government over the people because you think the people are stupid and will make the wrong decisions. How American is that?

6&7) Just like many others you show a complete lack of knowledge of pollution. It's not a Left Wing thing you bone heads. It affects all of us.........

8) Check the polls again. Some polls are stating that only 36% of Americans want to end Obamacare now but would rather wait and see how it works. But, polls are polls.

So in other words, you don't want to actually discuss the issues you brought forth? You simply wish to troll and then make senseless statements?

3) Show me where I stated any such thing. I refuted your nonsense that there should be an 'educational level' for gun ownership.

4) My claims most certainly do not favor big government. Yours did.

6 & 7) Once again you clearly do not want to be honest about what I stated. I never said it was a left wing thing, nor did I say we shouldn't fight pollution. I stated that YOUR cookie cutter approach is not a good one. I then stated why I thought it wasn't good. As for 7, we should frack. Unless you have some miracle alternative source of energy readily available today, then we are going to use oil and nat gas. if we use it, who would you rather have in charge of the environmental protection... the EPA or another foreign government?
The post isn't about Fox News idiot child.

The post is about 10 questions. If you can't answer them then move along and quit making yourself look uneducated.

It's as you said earlier...they will hunt until they find any excuse they think makes you look dumb, while they once again dodge your questions.
You know what I haven't. Mostly because I've never been debaed here. Heck, I can't even get answered here when I ask a question as you are proving with your sideshow attempt to distract from the fact that YOU CAN'T ANSWER THE QUESTIONS IN MY THREAD.

Some nerve, huh?

After cawacko dodges your questions for THREE pages, he then has the nerve to ask if you've signed up for the debates...just another pitiful dodge from a cowardly Right Winger.
Some nerve, huh?

After cawacko dodges your questions for THREE pages, he then has the nerve to ask if you've signed up for the debates...just another pitiful dodge from a cowardly Right Winger.

Yes Zap I'm a coward because I don't do what someone who is trash talking and f'ing around wants which is to answer some random questions.

This guy below obviously saw me walking down the street.

Yes Zap I'm a coward because I don't do what someone who is trash talking and f'ing around wants which is to answer some random questions.

This guy below obviously saw me walking down the street.


That's are a coward.

They are very simple, straightforward questions.

If you didn't want to answer them or felt they were beneath you, then you could have just ignored the thread...but you didn't.

You spent three pages taunting and deriding someone for having the audacity to start a civil discussion...and you helped the others heap more scorn on him.
