So your position is that a fetus with a heartbeat is either not alive or is not human.... you aren't a living human being until born.
So your position is that a fetus with a heartbeat is either not alive or is not human.
If you say that such a fetus is not alive, you stand in disagreement with every member of the medical community worldwide. If there is a heartbeat, there is life. That's why "checking for a pulse" is the first thing in a non-responsive patient.
If you claim that such a fetus is not human, then of what species are you claiming is its DNA?
You are a shining example of leftist undereducation.
You keep shifting AWAY from what IBD is talking about via inserting irrelevant words into the discussion. He is talking about "living humans", specifically in a manner in which he has already clearly and unambiguously defined the terms 'living' and 'human'. Here, you are attempting to insert the words 'breathing' and 'being' into the discussion even though they aren't a part of the question.Life and a living breathing human being are 2 different things.
Here, besides the words that you have already added (as noted above), you have also added in the words 'with rights'. Again, those words are NOT a part of the OP's question and are thus irrelevant. Stop being a coward and running away from the question.You are not a living breathing human being with rights until you are born,
Here, you are admitting to the existence of a living human inside of his/her mother's are at the mercy of the woman carrying you
Irrelevant, as previously noted.who DOES have rights and one of which is her right to make the decision of whether or not to have a child.
Irrelevant, as previously noted.How can a woman have any rights
You are now residing in Paradox City. If she is carrying it, then it is not "potential". It already exists, yet you're trying to claim that it doesn't. Which is it?if the potential fetus she is carrying
Irrelevant, as previously noted.supersede those rights?
You've created yet ANOTHER paradox.Once she gives birth and there are 2 individuals
Irrelevant, as previously noted.they can both have rights, not before.
How many leftists will own up to approving of the killing of a living human who has committed no crime and who has expressed no desire to die?
How many leftists will own up to approving of said killing if the justification is to make some third living human's life more convenient?
I'll give you a do-over because I unfairly required you to read several multi-syllable word which obviously confused you.You are not a living breathing human being with rights until you are born, you are at the mercy of the woman carrying you who DOES have rights and one of which is her right to make the decision of whether or not to have a child.
How can you support the killing of a living humans just for someone else's convenience? Doesn't that make you a really, shitty person? You must support the legalization of contract killings.How can a woman have any rights if the potential fetus she is carrying supersede those rights?
There are already two individuals with two heartbeats long before that, jussayn.Once she gives birth and there are 2 individuals they can both have rights, not before.
Did I ever use the word "abortion" or "murder" ... or are you intentionally misstating my question?Here OPie thinks that, by trying to put people on a Guilt Trip, by calling abortions murder, is going to somehow play on people's conscience.
Great. All we need to closeout this thread is for you to answer the question honestly and for your answer to be discussed.Next stupid thread please, because this one is done!!
Did I ever use the word "abortion" or "murder" ... or are you intentionally misstating my question?
Answer: You are intentionally misstating my question.
My question is "Do you support the killing of living humans who have committed no crime and who have not expressed any desire to die?"
Great. All we need to closeout this thread is for you to answer the question honestly and for your answer to be discussed.
I'll give you a do-over because I unfairly required you to read several multi-syllable word which obviously confused you.
Stay focused. Don't change the wording. We are talking about "living humans."
A middle-aged man, a fetus, a teenage girl in a wheelchair are all examples of living humans.
How can you support the killing of a living humans just for someone else's convenience? Doesn't that make you a really, shitty person? You must support the legalization of contract killings.
There are already two individuals with two heartbeats long before that, jussayn.
You had no idea I'd hit you with that question. Look at you, dumbfounded for an answer. Only now did you realize that you have no way out of the corner into which you backed yourself.Sir, I see your type coming!
You didn't even see it coming. Oh how you wish you could go back in time and have some sort of response prepared ... anything ... but crap, you were caught with your panties around your ankles.I know what you are going to say- BEFORE YOU EVEN SAY IT!
You try and try and try to predict what Trump supporters will think and how they will react, but you come up confused every time, but you'll swear by every poll that "concludes" whatever it is you want to hear. You'll never realize that your problem is your willingness to allow others to do your thinking for you.I know what TRUMPTARDS THINK- before they even think it.
Funny thing, I was just glancing at my notes and saw that I should be expecting a Marxist "we" any moment now ... and then I read this line of yours. Too funny!We have 50 years of experience listening to your same old never-ending typical preposterous psychobabble!
Stop gagging on BidenPresident's cum-bubble.Go fuck yourself.
I realize that you HATE humanity and love to kill living humans. On this point, which living humans do you relish killing most? Jews? Blacks? Hispanics? White males? C'mon, you can be honest, it's just us. Which ones give you an orgasmic thrill when you think about how they're going to be shredded for someone else's convenience?A [living human] cannot negate the ineliable (sic) [convenience] of women.
Again with the EVASION and the dishonesty. Every time someone wishes to discuss the killing of living humans, you abruptly change the subject to medical procedures. Why won't you be honest enough to stay on topic?Again with the nit-picking and lying.
Two thumbs up from me. Well done!
My guess would be elderly white conservative Christian males.On this point, which living humans do you [Port Tack] relish killing most? Jews? Blacks? Hispanics? White males? C'mon, you can be honest, it's just us. Which ones give you an orgasmic thrill when you think about how they're going to be shredded for someone else's convenience?
How many leftists will own up to approving of the killing of a living human who has committed no crime and who has expressed no desire to die?
How many leftists will own up to approving of said killing if the justification is to make some third living human's life more convenient?
If you understand all the symbology, you get two thumbs up from me.Two thumbs up from me. Well done!
If you understand all the symbology, you get two thumbs up from me.
Let's see,As a pre-emptive strike to your gotcha, a fetus is not a living human.
Let's see,
1. The global medical community recognizes that if there is a heartbeat, there is life. All medical professionals first check for a pulse in non-responsive patients.
2. The human DNA closes out any and all debate on whether the fetus is human.
You are definitively mistaken. Why I am the first person to explain this to you is beyond me, but at least now you know.
You are most welcome, and don't be afraid to come to me with the hard stuff.