I don't give a fuck what you want to call a fetus, it is not yet a human with rights.
... but you acknowledge that it is a living human, yes, because you recognize that it has a heartbeat and has human DNA, right? Just like, say, a factory worker, an old woman who is retired, a toddler on the playground, right, all living humans, yes?
Frankly, I don't know why you keep trying to wedge in the rest of the dictionary.
Living Human. Just two words. Work smarter, not harder.
They belong to the woman and until we have 2 individuals they belong to her.
Good news! One of the benefits of working smarter and not harder is that you get several things for free. One of those is the knowledge and certainty that there are two distinct individuals upon conception. Isn't that wonderful? The human DNA of the child is unique to the child, even
before there is ever any heartbeat, i.e.
at conception! Meanwhile, the human DNA of the mother is unique to her as well. Two separate individuals ... at conception. This greatly simplifies things; now you can focus on the heartbeat alone, and once that exists, you've got two living humans, not one. Prior to the heartbeat, you can only claim that you have two unique humans.
There's no need to thank me, and never be afraid to come to me with the hard stuff.